27-10-2005 14:43:59
Was just wondering as ive seen a good few sites that look the same now and was wondering wether its a script they use or they design it themsleves ;)
27-10-2005 15:16:37
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE use search. Its the little button on the top of the screen that looks like this

http//[" alt=""/img8c3ac9b77d].
This has been covered many many times.
27-10-2005 17:57:09
what is your avatar it looks like a 10x10 image stretched in paint
27-10-2005 18:05:02
[quote12461043ff="dudeextrem2000"]what is your avatar it looks like a 10x10 image stretched in paint[/quote12461043ff]
It's the platter of a turntable and the turn switch ona technics 1210 turntable and my name ;)
27-10-2005 18:48:44
[quotec22546e85d="Meads"][quotec22546e85d="dudeextrem2000"]what is your avatar it looks like a 10x10 image stretched in paint[/quotec22546e85d]
It's the platter of a turntable and the turn switch ona technics 1210 turntable and my name ;)[/quotec22546e85d]
ohh ok
27-10-2005 19:01:17
I'd have been willing to bet it was a zipper ;)
27-10-2005 19:30:09
actually ya it does look like that...
28-10-2005 04:30:21
looks like a pantry tray...
28-10-2005 08:43:26
#1 lol.
#2 Not really. The more successful sites tend to develop their own system. Some of the smaller sites use things like Project RAFS. I'm sure there are others out there, but Project RAFS is the only one I can think of off the top of my head.
28-10-2005 23:23:20
I've seen project rafs, eers (Extremely Easy Referral Script), epedemik's thing... but your right, once you get big a premade script just won't cut it.