Poker Chart

Live forum:


21-10-2005 17:11:01

Does anyone know where I can get a poker chart? I thought I saw one on another forum, but lost where it was. Basically, it tells you how you shold bet based on what you have. Any ideas?


21-10-2005 17:17:57

Umm...unlike BlackJack, there are an infinite number of external factors that should impact what hands you play, and how you play them. If a chart exists, I'm sure its wrong...well, maybe not [bcbd6d5e152]wrong[/bcbd6d5e152], but certainly not right.


21-10-2005 17:32:21

Lol, okay. That tells you how much I know about casino games. lol


21-10-2005 18:58:38

Do yourself a favor and NEVER EVER EVER do a poker site if your
not 100000000000000% sure what you're doing
Blackjack is almost [bd46ea85910]guaranteed[/bd46ea85910] to make you a profit if you
find a good strategy card and stick to it....


21-10-2005 19:17:30

You bolded a word that you mispelled ;)


21-10-2005 19:36:33


Here you go


21-10-2005 20:32:51


Here you go[/quotee7fc9b32a4]

Blackjack Switch sucks )


21-10-2005 20:44:42

Thanks Scarface. Now, just another quick question Is video poker like a slot machine, meaning, is it just luck? I am playing at Bingo Cabin and they have Video Poker and want to know if there is any stradgey to it.