Lets try this again.. Where do YOU stand?
The other poll was too narrow and people were complaining.. so heres another attempt at it..
18-10-2005 13:21:09
Classic Liberal
Conservative that is More Gov't and More Social control (forgot what they are called)
Straight Middle or issue by issue
should be the choices.
I'm not making 3 polls.. You'll just have to choose one that stands.. and if you can't find yourself between these choices or have a different view of conservatism and liberalism, choose "No Politcial Party (conservative/liberal/centrist) [explain]"
18-10-2005 13:38:53
You make lots of polls... you should use the poll icon =)
Try that one for an accurate assessment of where people stand.
18-10-2005 13:47:40
yea we have already discussed this.
18-10-2005 13:48:13
damn i said democrat when im really a centrist i didnt see that option
Conservative that is More Gov't and More Social control (forgot what they are called)
Those are known as neo-conservative lunatics.
[quotec0ff03cab5]Conservative that is More Gov't and More Social control (forgot what they are called)[/quotec0ff03cab5]
I believe thats called "Authoritarian"
Try that one for an accurate assessment of where people stand.[/quotec0ff03cab5]
According to that site.. I'm a Social Conservative (a conservative nonetheless).
18-10-2005 14:21:40
The intardnet told me I was centrist so that's what I chose.
Someone just ate my brain (at least it was nutritious) evil
18-10-2005 14:34:07
What about a liberal Republican?
vote republican and then specify..
18-10-2005 14:41:37
What the hell is a liberal republican... a liberal that votes for republican candidates just for fun?
18-10-2005 14:42:19
I did vote Republican. I am a Republican in that I don't want a large central government and I believe in a market economy. What I don't argee with is all the religious garbage (pro-life, prayer in school, etc.). So at my core I'm a Republican but I'm more towards the middle than your usual one...
18-10-2005 14:50:33
[quotef6a329c27c="slease"]What the hell is a liberal republican... a liberal that votes for republican candidates just for fun?[/quotef6a329c27c]
There are conservative Democrats too.
Theres liniency and conservatism at both fronts.. its just what you feel you lean more towards the left, the right, or whether you feel perfectly balanced.
I consider myself to be a libertarian socialist.
20-10-2005 08:14:40
Im a conservative catholic. but im no where near as over the top or over-zelous as some of the people like that lady on trading spouses in my
sig or that singing douche in Big-Boys....
btw big-boys are changing their name to Break.com i think its a good change....... 8) [/size7b7f416426]
20-10-2005 09:11:54
I try not to classify myself by any party. What is next? Races?
What is Jon Stewart? I'm whatever he is.
I don't consider myself as belonging to a party of any kind.
Libertarian socialism is a form of anarchy. ;)
Ultimately, I believe in the abolition of the concentration of power in too few peoples hands.
As we all know, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
20-10-2005 10:54:47
You are a
Social Moderate
(50% permissive)
and an...
Economic Liberal
(30% permissive)
You are best described as a
You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness. loc (0, -75)
modscore (18, 30)
raw (2230)
I'd say I'm more democrat than that, but it got it down right.