17-10-2005 11:30:11
While it's not as cool as if FON's bet would have been with real money...
I found this pretty satisfying. I'm a blackjack man, but I decided to put a $1 on 0 and see how it went...

http//[" alt=""/img09afb0506e]
A couple hours after I made this post, after losing the original $40 in blackjack, I had $101 and decided to put another $1 on 0.
Here's how it turned out...
[img="09afb0506e]http//[" alt=""/img09afb0506e]
Keep in mind that both times this happened, it was the first or second bet. I rarely ever play roulette.
17-10-2005 11:37:34
Is it real money? If so, cool! Good for you.
If not, people need to quit posting pointless fake money wins.
17-10-2005 11:47:28
You think I would be betting $1 with fake money?
17-10-2005 15:08:52
Are those your lottery number for the week? Yoink!
17-10-2005 16:13:05
never tried these sites an probably never will.... to risky if you ask me
17-10-2005 17:04:01
[quoted2a5afc465="bballp6699"]Got it again...[/quoted2a5afc465]
u lucky little..
17-10-2005 18:03:51
Too bad you only bet $1 (is what the casino wants you to think).