Oldest Kept PM?

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=24246


14-10-2005 21:44:38

I hardly ever trash my pms. I don't get enough of them and I'm too lazy to delete the ones I have. This is the oldest one I found...

[quote10601e39b4]From Godrockdj
To bballp6699
Posted Tue Mar 22, 2005 112 am
Subject Re trade... Quote message
Ok, great! Smile Yes I will be checking but not now, I'm heading home. I'll look in the morning. If I see it before you do I will send your Paypal payment. What is your email address linked to Paypal in case that happens? Thanks again![/quote10601e39b4]

Oldest saved Sent PM.

[quote10601e39b4]From bballp6699
To MasterShake1422
Posted Thu Jun 09, 2005 540 pm
Subject Hey
You cousin owes me two sites...

psps4free http//www.psps4free.com/default.aspx?r=0_o2
flatscreens4free http//www.flatscreens4free.com/default.aspx?r=0_o[/quote10601e39b4]


14-10-2005 21:47:04

here's my oldest one... i'm pretty sure i had some before that, but w/e..
From Mr Sofa Sets
To EatChex89
Posted Thu Feb 24, 2005 718 am
Subject C0nga line requests Quote message
Did you see all the ppl asking for the link to your conga lines


Make sure you send it to them. I just put a link to the site up in a high traffic area so we'll see what we get.[/quote7f0caea2ed]


14-10-2005 21:49:04

I finally cleaned mine out a few weeks ago after not deleting a single one since i jined, i had around 600ish b4 i erased all


14-10-2005 21:49:54

I get lots of PMs and i usually dont delete them unless they are utter trash.... Heres the first PM i ever recieved....

From clearestchannel40
Posted Thu Apr 21, 2005 429 pm
Subject psps4free.com
i will do it there is a payment up front i am a +20 and you are new. forum rules.

paypal email==johnnathan@gmail.comjohnnathan@gmail.com=johnnathan@gmail.comjohnnathan@gmail.com/email

then give me the ref link

roll It goes without saying that after i paid he never went green..... he paid me back a few months later though....


14-10-2005 21:50:42

[quote814230f71c="JOSHBOX"]I finally cleaned mine out a few weeks ago after not deleting a single one since i jined, i had around 600ish b4 i erased all[/quote814230f71c]

Yeah, I have 400. Most people I trade with, I contact via aim. I'm too impatient to wait for PMs.


14-10-2005 21:55:21

I hate talking on AIM and its nice to have PMs saved should any
trade take a turn for the worse....
this, http//forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=16688&highlight=junior668866 didnt help to improve my opinion of AIM either...


14-10-2005 21:56:10

Why do you press return half way through a line? I've always wondered that about you...


14-10-2005 22:00:28

i do
because i
think it
makes my posts
to read


14-10-2005 22:00:45

Here's the oldest one in the database. I don't know why I can't access it in my PMs area (just on the admin side)

From Admin
To Neversky
Sent Date 11 Sep 2004
Subject Re Hacks?
Such as?


I guess he'd suggested that I install some hacks. Now look at us - this board has more addon than original code.

Here's the second oldest, and my favorite
From BlingKing
To Neversky
Sent Date 11 Sep 2004
Subject WANT SOME MONEY!?!?!?!?!?!?!
If you get me at 8 referrals for my free tv i'll paypal you like 10 bucks. Surprised
http//www.FreeFlatScreens.com/default.aspx?referer=x is my link. If not then I must know your secret and you'll be 10 bucks short of what you could've had.

you can aim me at KingOfBling99

Make the right choice.
What comes around goes around Wink


14-10-2005 22:14:17

Here is my oldest.

From Evil_Prof_Frink
To Fugger
Posted Thu Sep 16, 2004 205 pm
Subject ello Quote message
thats an avatar? you tricky son of a bitch! i thought you were abusing admin powers to have fun with your rank (not that i would ever do that)

Death solves all problems - no man, no problem

Everyone imposes his own system as far as his army can reach.


14-10-2005 22:21:31

my oldest
From Tony White
To mr_black
Posted Thu Apr 28, 2005 937 am
Subject Freeipod Quote message
I'll pay you $20 for freeipods. PM me back and I'll get you my link right away.

CAN do Gratis-360xBox;
Will NOT do any OC sites;
Will NOT do any gusto sites;
Can't do phreepsps; DVDs.4freezone; anygift4free; minicool; getiPod4free; odd, auto, or pdatech; freepalmpilots; thefreeproject; flashiPods4free

Received freeipods, freeipodshuffle, freeflatscreen, freehandbag, DVDs.the4freezone[/quotece66bf4506] lisigh the good ol days when freeipods refs were 17-20$
2nd oldest
From theysayjump
To mr_black
Posted Thu Apr 28, 2005 943 am
Subject trade? Quote message
can you do notebooks4free?. let me know if your interested.






14-10-2005 23:12:53

i've erased my received pm's a few months ago (by a mistake)

but here's my oldest saved sent one...

From xXHasek99
To generic00001
Posted Mon Jun 13, 2005 1211 am
Subject Re trading?
hi, i've signed up under email==xxhasek99@hotmail.comxxhasek99@hotmail.com=xxhasek99@hotmail.comxxhasek99@hotmail.com/email, LMK if you see me and i can green for you for 30bucks, ok?



15-10-2005 04:22:13

My oldest

From pcmsurf
To jadem
Posted Mon Oct 18, 2004 747 pm
Subject hey Quote message
so you were processing on like 10/5 then on 10/6 turned to stv

and now you have it?

also did you track it or anything ?

i turned stv on 10/6 also and hope to get mine asap


That was from when I was waiting for a month to get my 4th gen, black/white screen iPod. )


15-10-2005 06:18:11

[quoteb773fb44d3]From mcpaulyb
To phoebe7
Posted Thu Nov 11, 2004 1143 am
Subject Get referrals - conga Quote message
Get referrals - Join this conga while there is no line!! You will be next in line!!


Tell as many people to join as you can b/c thats more referrals for us!!![/quoteb773fb44d3]

That's the first PM I ever got here I think. It was the day I joined. LOL. Needless to say, I joined that conga and didn't get a single referral from it.


15-10-2005 13:43:02

wow u guys have some old 1nes....