Google SMS

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14-10-2005 15:07:42

Just thought i would put this out there cause its a sweet feature that google now has http// i have google saved in my phonebook and when i need something i google it from my phone. Try it out its pretty sweet. Google Owns!!!


14-10-2005 15:09:03

Google High Speed internet for only $5.95 coming soon...I wouldn't doubt it


14-10-2005 15:17:52

for example put in your dads name and city and state it will send you back your address and number...i think of it as a cheaper way to use 411 and its really can even ask it questions like the price of things


14-10-2005 15:22:09

Thats really cool. I didn't know they had an SMS but thats really helpful. I really like the price lookup feature b/c sometimes I'm at BestBuy or something and I want to see what its going for on the net.


14-10-2005 23:27:41

You can use it to find stuff too. The other day I was in a city I didn't know well at all and I was hungry, so I sent a message to google saying "City, State, pizza." 10 seconds later it sent me the address and phone number of 5 different joints )