Casino Credit help.........
09-10-2005 19:55:09
I just completed 1 casino offer for evenmore4free. And I just deposit 50 dollar.
The evenmore4free has not give me a credit yet and I played the Casino black jack game.
And the result.................. I lost all my money
Do you guys think the evenmore4free site will still give me credit for that eventhough I dont have anymore balance there?..
Thank you
That depends on the wager requirements, which is listed in the offer description.
09-10-2005 19:57:46
I just completed 1 casino offer for evenmore4free. And I just deposit 50 dollar.
The evenmore4free has not give me a credit yet and I played the Casino black jack game.
And the result.................. I lost all my money
Do you guys think the evenmore4free site will still give me credit for that eventhough I dont have anymore balance there?..
Thank you[/quotee2179f13e7]
it would help if you stated which offer you did.... roll
Evenmorefor free will still give you credt even with no money in your account. As long as you meet the wagering requirement
09-10-2005 19:59:08
I deposited 50 dollar which is the minimum requirement...
I did the starluck casino offer...
09-10-2005 20:00:55
Did you wager the required amount, and if so, submit for credit?
09-10-2005 20:05:11
I think I just made a serious mistake cry
I didnt know that we need to meet 500 dollar minimum wager requirement also.........
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
09-10-2005 20:32:24
yes you do have to wager 500$ for evenmore4free to give you the green
and you have to wager 800$ to witdraw whatever you win...
everyone runs into bad luck doing casino offers eventually
hell i [b187fffd6c5]almost [/b187fffd6c5]lost 165$ doing a casino offer for evenmore4free
you just had the pleasure of having it happen to you first....
there is still hope for you to get your credit AND not lose money
the free gameboy micro evenmore4free will send you is 100$ msrp
If you deposit 50$ more into the casino and meet the wagering requirements, you can get your green and sell the gameboy micro for
100$ although i dont know how willing you are to risk ANOTHER 50$
09-10-2005 20:33:56
[quote57431658b0="JUNIOR6886"]there is still hope for you to get your credit AND not lose money
the free gameboy micro evenmore4free will send you is 100$ msrp
If you deposit 50$ more into the casino and meet the wagering requirements, you can get your green and sell the gameboy micro for
100$ although i dont know how willing you are to risk ANOTHER 50$[/quote57431658b0]wrong
starluck is not one of the casinos for the promo gift.
09-10-2005 21:18:52
Yeah..... (
The one which offer gameboy is the 300-500$ first time deposit casino........
Huaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh cry cry cry cry cry cry cry
09-10-2005 21:31:07
Are you sure you didn't reach $500 wager? You must have played some shitty hands =P
If you've a ePassporte virtual visa, you can deposit any amount of money ($50 minimum doesn't apply), so put in like $10 and play $1 hands of blackjack until you've reached the $500 requirement so you at least get the green, and if possible play a little longer until you've got some money in the account, then play up to the cashout and make yourself a nice little preasent )
09-10-2005 22:00:16
[quote3f357250b0="goofygarber"][b3f357250b0]play $1 hands[/b3f357250b0][/quote3f357250b0]
If you seriously lost $100 (your $50 + the $50 starluck matched you) before even wagering $500 you were either placing high bets or had some seriously shitty luck. Do what goofygarber suggested, get a blackjack guide card, and only bet $1/hand. You should be able to pull off the WR even with only a $10 deposit. And if not, deposit more until you do...
09-10-2005 22:03:07
I put in about $50 once a week at my poison, blackjack.
I play $1-$2 hands until I make a $25 profit, no more, no less and I cash out, and do it again thenext week.
By playing $1-$2 hands, you have a lot more options to double/split etc.
Also, its a lot more fun, less pressure )
09-10-2005 22:45:34
evenmore4free hasnt credited any or many people since 9/26
expect tons of credits tonight
09-10-2005 23:35:59
I think I did it wrong.
I followed what my friend suggest. $1 if you lose, bet double. $2.
If you lose be another double. and BUMP!
Looks like the dealer always get a very very good card.
10-10-2005 00:09:37
Progressive betting is bad, especially when you're only starting with $50. Better to just play $1 hands and follow a guide.