wtf part 3

Live forum:


04-10-2005 14:35:03

princeplaysbball dfs
princeplaysbball asdf
princeplaysbball sadf
princeplaysbball asdf
princeplaysbball asdf
princeplaysbball asdf
princeplaysbball sadf
princeplaysbball asdf
princeplaysbball asdf
princeplaysbball asdf
princeplaysbball asf
princeplaysbball yo
princeplaysbball yo
princeplaysbball yo
princeplaysbball man wasz up archon?
me what do u want
princeplaysbball TO FUCKING KILL U BITCH
princeplaysbball fucker
princeplaysbball faggot
princeplaysbball bitch
princeplaysbball fucker
princeplaysbball signed off at 23400 PM.


04-10-2005 14:38:10

Wow these kids need this all from FIPG? Just change your AIM preferances or block them after the first sylable that comes out of their mouth


04-10-2005 14:40:54

i dont know, i suspect it's the same person, it's quite amusing though, that's why I don't block them.


04-10-2005 14:58:53

I think someone is in love


04-10-2005 17:00:07

[quoted4ad70cfa4="JuG"]I think someone is in love[/quoted4ad70cfa4]

It's me...

marry me Archon.