How long must you wait?

Live forum:


04-10-2005 08:23:55

Ok, another question on trading policy. If you are in a trade with someone, and that person is the one that must go first, how long must you wait for that green? Best way I can describe it is with an analogy..

John (+2 TR) trades with Shirley (+87 TR). Shirley agrees to do John's freepsps as soon as John greens on her freeflatscreens. John signs up on her freeflatscreens, but doesn't go green. How long must Shirley wait for that green? Shirley can't just keep holding freepsps for John forever. Nor can she just stay 7/8 on freeflatscreens. She'd like to trade her freepsps green with someone else who will actually help her complete freeflatscreens. She's also afraid that John might green a month later, then complain that she's a scammer. What does Shirley do?


04-10-2005 08:25:46

Hi, Shirley. Whos John?

I say finish the site, if he actually ever goes green just try to be nice, maybe do a site in return


04-10-2005 08:30:03

[quotead8f13cd71="goofygarber"]Hi, Shirley. Whos John?

I say finish the site, if he actually ever goes green just try to be nice, maybe do a site in return[/quotead8f13cd71]

BLAST! I should've known the little http//[" alt=""/imgad8f13cd71] next to my name would fool no one!

Actually it is completely hypothetical. I'm mainly looking for the "right" amount of time to wait before considering it a failed trade. Should this be set in stone and enforced as FIPG law?


04-10-2005 08:51:32

After 15 days, its all up in the air becuase technically they can report no credit to gratis (if it is gratis)

With trainn though, if theres no credit after a week then they haven't done an offer.


04-10-2005 10:49:08

This has happened to me a couple of times, and is really frustrating.

Just check and see if they did the offer, what offer they did, etc etc.


04-10-2005 12:02:49

Another question What if John greens (in return for $$) but doesn't contact Shirley? Is it Shirley's responsibility to hunt John down to give him his end? That would seem to play into John's role...
And if she can't contact him, what does she do? He did his end, but isn't coming to collect on it.


04-10-2005 13:09:57

I say after 15days, contact them and see what is up. Tell them to submit for credit. If they are MIA for a week or more after that, send them a PM saying you consider the trade cancelled. Then if they do go green, it is up to you to pay or trade.


04-10-2005 13:24:06

i call trades off after 30days


04-10-2005 15:21:10

[quote38813b881f="Stroid"]i call trades off after 30days[/quote38813b881f]

yeah I hate this

I am waiting on my last ref to green and it is going on 4 weeks right now.. 3 weeks of it have been only waiting for him



04-10-2005 15:29:39

yeah I think 30 days is an appropriate amount of time because lets face it shit happens...


04-10-2005 17:39:26

I think that's far too long. I think one week of no contact is long enough, as long as you attempt to PM them during that time.


04-10-2005 17:59:22

30days with contact and valid efforts to get credit