OfferCentric is sneaky :)

Live forum:


03-10-2005 16:45:19

Ok, so heres what i've got to say - you don't have to agree, you can say that you though of this a million years ago but its a new though for me.
OC Offers of doom... they don't pay a ton to oc. Thats it. Because they aren't autoship offers, they only take a onetime payment of ~$50. I'm guessing they don't pay much more than regular offers to OC, they are just [b1470a87c8e]more difficult for the end user/reffered user[/b1470a87c8e] to complete, therefore discouraging them. If someone gets 4 out of 5 refferals but finally gives up because they don't want to pay $60 for the last refferal, then OC makes pure profit off all those other 4 offers; they don't make their big money off the OOD's.



03-10-2005 16:47:36



03-10-2005 16:47:54



03-10-2005 16:48:25

No, I believe they do get more for those Offer of Doom offers. But there a lot of other reasons you could say OC is sneaky.


03-10-2005 16:49:09

No, they don't. Think about it - you pay $25 for the bingo offer, so there is no possible way that they could get more than $25 for it =\
Same with the hosting offers, they could get max $30 for each


03-10-2005 16:50:40

If Bingo didn't pay that much then why is it on many sites that offer low ref requirements because they have casino offers?


03-10-2005 16:51:33

Other sites like itemsforyu and nano ipod4free have $20 bingo offers and they pay out $250 for 3 referrals. So they must be making $50+ per ref at least.


03-10-2005 16:52:37

nah bingo offer pays them well, they want people to get addicted and waste all their money there. bingo cafe which is the offer they have up right? pays around 50$ probabaly depending on users they bring to them and if they have a one time fee paid or if it is based on how much peolpe bet.


03-10-2005 17:04:40

Oh yeah, they definitely pay out $90+ ... with some casino offers they are receiving as high as $250 a person, easy.


03-10-2005 17:10:59

Yeah, I would say their average OOD offer pays $100.


03-10-2005 17:20:43

" Check with us for CPA up to $150 or £100. "

So if you're sending the kind of volume OC is probably able to send, you can negotiate payments of up to $150 (or, frankly, even higher sometimes). It's not rocket science ;)


03-10-2005 17:32:11

its the other offers which dont pay much at all, the free trials make no money off u canceling right away if people wouldve kept the trials they signed up for sites would of kept paying OC a lot of money for sign ups. but when everyone cancels the sites dont want to pay as much for them since they arent quality sign ups anymore which is y OC now has to make up hte loss with these high paying offers

its kinda ironic the greedy people brought this upon themselves by signing up for offers they knew they were going to cancel right away or very soon didnt even bother to sign up for a product. and these are the people who are now complaining how OC is trying to screw them by putting this hard offers up

the tables have turned OC is now screwing the people who screwed them out of good deals with advertisers.


03-10-2005 17:46:28

I stand corrected - I suppose gambling is addictive, makes suprisingly alot of sense


03-10-2005 18:22:13

yea offers of doom pay upwards towards $100.. definetely a lot more than normal offers.. and the bingo offer does give OC $150


03-10-2005 19:18:14

yeah offers of doom mgiht be 1 time 50$ fee but what the companies are paying for is a customer base. Not only you will sign up but your friends will see your serviceand might want it as well.