ghondi = n00b

Live forum:


01-10-2005 09:41:40

GothicGhondi Hey
JuG Ownzor want to setup a trade?
GothicGhondi Actually, I don't need anything done, as I never seem to finish any of them, but I can do all of them.
Depending on which one, I accept money via paypal.
JuG Ownzor sweet
JuG Ownzor i need
JuG Ownzor
JuG Ownzor
JuG Ownzor can you do them?
GothicGhondi Yes, what do you offer each
JuG Ownzor i am offering 17$
JuG Ownzor for i am offering 20$
JuG Ownzor they both have 1$ offers
GothicGhondi Ok.
JuG Ownzor that that good?
GothicGhondi Yes, I want to get paid before I sign up for you though.
GothicGhondi Is that ok?
JuG Ownzor it dont work that way
JuG Ownzor lower TR goes frist
JuG Ownzor whats your TR
JuG Ownzor 0?
GothicGhondi yes
JuG Ownzor i am 42
JuG Ownzor so you have to go frist
GothicGhondi sorry then
JuG Ownzor lol you have to go frist no matter what site
JuG Ownzor lol
JuG Ownzor no matter what person
JuG Ownzor you know that site?
GothicGhondi which site?
JuG Ownzor site riteli
GothicGhondi fipg?
JuG Ownzor no one will go frist b/c you have 0 tr you can just run away with there money
JuG Ownzor the rules are lower TR goes frist
GothicGhondi And thats stupid, but hey, their loss, not mine.
JuG Ownzor are you kidding?
GothicGhondi I have my own rules to go by....
JuG Ownzor you really think someone will pay you before signing up and you hafve 0 TR?
JuG Ownzor your own rules are the same rules of scamers
JuG Ownzor i could just make account and get money and run that is why there are TR rules
JuG Ownzor do you understand why there is that rule?
GothicGhondi Thats not the ony site I use. And that may be, although I do not scam. Either way, your loss, not mine.
GothicGhondi Yes, I do.
GothicGhondi I still don't care about their rules. I have my own to avoid getting ripped off.
JuG Ownzor you are really dumb
JuG Ownzor no joke
JuG Ownzor you wont get ripped off
JuG Ownzor the only person here that can rip someone off is you
GothicGhondi I'm actually not as dumb as you may think. I am currently working on my masters in commputer technology.
JuG Ownzor well you are dumb, b/c you cant understand why people with lower TR goes frist
GothicGhondi You can think what you want about me, I personally do not care one little bit.
JuG Ownzor why b/c your life sucks
JuG Ownzor whatever n00b
JuG Ownzor no one will trade with you
GothicGhondi I don't realy care
JuG Ownzor you run the profile of a scammer
GothicGhondi Your the one who messaged me.
JuG Ownzor bye
JuG Ownzor n00b
GothicGhondi Bye n00b
GothicGhondi I am not the n00b here ma'am
[b5ab97a0892]He warned me 20%[/b5ab97a0892]
JuG Ownzor dont warn me again
JuG Ownzor and nice come back
GothicGhondi I can warn you as much as I want to.
JuG Ownzor okay
JuG Ownzor bye
[b5ab97a0892]lihe blocked meli[/b5ab97a0892]

ghondi is a big n00b watch out for him too he wants money frist.


01-10-2005 09:43:11

Big noob, or scammer?


01-10-2005 09:43:58

[quotef332f39b85="bballp6699"]Big noob, or scammer?[/quotef332f39b85]

Yeah i was thinking he is a really dumb scammer, or just really dumb.


01-10-2005 09:50:35

Probably a scammer... probably not worth half the conversation that you had with him.


01-10-2005 10:01:20

slease please bring back the snake. With that superman avatar I might mistake you for mpbollywoodking.


01-10-2005 10:16:52

[quotedc68c43152="KeithA"]slease please bring back the snake. With that superman avatar I might mistake you for mpbollywoodking.[/quotedc68c43152]



01-10-2005 14:55:08

Um... maybe you shouldn't randomly IM people then?


01-10-2005 14:55:54



01-10-2005 17:23:43

Everyone = noob


02-10-2005 09:14:46

Lol, Funny convo. noobzor.


02-10-2005 11:34:35

i just had some noob attempt to get me to inflate TR with him...I dont get these people!


02-10-2005 11:38:42

[quote2521377678="slease"][quote2521377678="KeithA"]slease please bring back the snake. With that superman avatar I might mistake you for mpbollywoodking.[/quote2521377678]


Much obliged sir. I like it.


02-10-2005 11:51:39

NOOBS http//[" alt=""/img31943cf583]


02-10-2005 12:08:22

[quote261aa9a9cb="GigaGamer"]Lol, Funny convo. noobzor.[/quote261aa9a9cb]

nice attempt at trying to fit in. You are a noob yourself.


02-10-2005 12:13:14

[quote0353218628="freedesktoppc"][quote0353218628="GigaGamer"]Lol, Funny convo. noobzor.[/quote0353218628]

nice attempt at trying to fit in. You are a noob yourself.[/quote0353218628]



02-10-2005 12:17:06

[quote1f1d25e7b4="Averagejoe1039"][quote1f1d25e7b4="freedesktoppc"][quote1f1d25e7b4="GigaGamer"]Lol, Funny convo. noobzor.[/quote1f1d25e7b4]

nice attempt at trying to fit in. You are a noob yourself.[/quote1f1d25e7b4]


we got to be kinder to the n00bs (not he one i talked to) if we had no n00bs we could never complete a site.


02-10-2005 12:18:05

Yeah n00bs rock, even though they can be really naive...


02-10-2005 12:20:24

[quote3a306ae63a="Averagejoe1039"]Yeah n00bs rock, even though they can be really naive...[/quote3a306ae63a]

Just remember we were all n00bs.


02-10-2005 12:23:06

Yeah I remember when I was a n00b, and boy was I a bad one. I was just going around signing up for sites. Did not even know about fig, but those were my noob days and now fig is home.