Working PSP Firmware 2.0 to 1.50 Downgrader!!!

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27-09-2005 14:27:42

If you don't know what this means, then you probably don't care.



27-09-2005 14:30:05

YAY! That is good news! KARMA to you!


27-09-2005 14:33:55

This is VERY old news, there is a lot of info and other videos and such on this but there is no need for that. PSP 2.0 has been cracked so everyone will soon be able to run homebrew on 2.0.


27-09-2005 14:37:40

good new either way you can downgrade or keep 2.0 ill prolle just wait for the 2.0 crack and get homebrew on that


27-09-2005 14:38:30

yea, i am still on 1.5. i am an admin in a huge network of this stuff.



27-09-2005 14:40:52

vector you will need to tell me how to do this whole homebrew shit when 2.0 gets cracked


27-09-2005 14:44:21

Yea, but keep in mind, one of my friends uploaded and deleted and uploaded files so much on his memory stick that it doesnt work anymore. You have to do it exccessively but just DONT try every game you download, start up a collection and go slow.

but yea, once it is released ill give you info


27-09-2005 15:36:03

Woah Vector, I didnt know you were admin in black-cats games. That site is great. Why is it always crashing?


27-09-2005 16:06:40

<3 my 1.5 psp and all of my [id4ecc5ac01]legimate[/id4ecc5ac01] games... But this is teriffic news for tons of people... and it also means that some real 2.0 hackage has to be right around the corner.


27-09-2005 18:12:30

Holy damn, Vector. I go to Black-cats all the time.


27-09-2005 18:57:42

Anyone see any reports of problems with the downgrader? I really don't want to toast my PSP...


27-09-2005 19:08:32

I have a 1.5 so I dont have to use it, but its a good thing for many of you.


28-09-2005 00:12:59

PSP is such a waste of time, it is so much that it is not even worth PIRATING. When a system sux so bad that it is not even worth pirating it is horable. For the 250$ you spent on it you could have got a uber 20gig mp4 player ). As soon as some good games come out it may be worth it, but not right now. Damn sony making subpar shitty products that get overhyped. Cant wait till the ps3 comes out so I can watch people cry.


28-09-2005 01:13:21

Do you see what site you're on. I'm sure most of us didn't pay $250 for it. lol


28-09-2005 08:26:40

[quotea5aa2dfdd5="drummer_kew_03"]Do you see what site you're on. I'm sure most of us didn't pay $250 for it. lol[/quotea5aa2dfdd5]

Haha! That's so true!

I paid $200 /


28-09-2005 11:22:02

You could have got it and sold it on ebay, so it is like buying it for 250$. Sorta kinda in a iffy way that is.