27-09-2005 11:14:38
Today is a sad day. ( I will be discussing with my boyfriend about getting rid of our cat. We adopted Phoebe (the reason for my screenname) 2 summers ago. She's had a peeing problem ever since. We've tested her before for a UTI, but I think it's more of a behavioral problem since she is not showing any symptoms. Anyways, it's hard because I'm so attached to her! But we're renting an apt. and we can't keep having to clean up cat pee (it stinks!) and risk our security deposit. She's peed on our bed, laundry, blankets, pillow. Especially a lot these past few days. I hope she finds a good home if we put her up for adoption. lisighli
liliUPDATElili As for now, we are keeping her and not allowing her in the bedroom or leaving any blankets, clothes, etc. on the floor or chairs. I am almost positive this is a behavioral issue and am going to try my best to give her tons of attention. Me and my bf started school again so I think she misses us because she doesn't pee on anything while we aren't home!
( sorry bout that phoebe.
Got any pics?
27-09-2005 11:22:58
Yeah, here she is!

http//[" alt=""/img16db17dd1f]
[img="16db17dd1f]http//[" alt=""/img16db17dd1f]
[img="16db17dd1f]http//[" alt=""/img16db17dd1f]
27-09-2005 11:24:40
sorry to hear that (
one of my mother-in-laws casts pisses all over the house (mainly when he doesnt get enough attention or pissed off), but he doesnt do it on beds or clothes or anything like that.
she ended up buying these feremone things from That Fish Place that are like the air freshners that you plug into the wall, and it releases feremones into the air and is supposed to make cats more relaxed and cut down on them pissing where they arent supposed to.
they didnt work worth shit but maybe you could try those before having to get rid of her?

http//[" alt=""/img48c23f6640]
Aw she's a good looking cat too (
27-09-2005 11:28:46
Awwww..... That cat is adorable. I am so sorry you have to put her up for adoption. Where do you live?
27-09-2005 11:31:45
Thanks for the advice TSJ, I've looked into those things. There's one called Feliway, but I'm not sure if those even work.
I live in Milwaukee. I'll probably bring her to the big humane society downtown where they won't put her to sleep. She is a great cat otherwise, she even knows how to play fetch.
27-09-2005 11:37:31
Oh, I would adopt her if she was in GA. Im so sorry....
27-09-2005 12:01:21
Have you thought about crating her like a dog while you are away? My dog has accidents a couple times a week and I just bought a steam cleaner to keep my carpets in good shape.
27-09-2005 15:03:11 that cat loves to piss eh P
27-09-2005 20:02:00
just put er in a diaper and then you can just change her diaper every once in a while and still keep her.
27-09-2005 20:46:07
only time ive ever heard of cats peeing or pooping where they shouldnt, is due to them being ignored or mistreated, so thats odd.
stinky cat stinky cat its not your fault
27-09-2005 21:59:22
Just shoot it like fitty times and boom, problem gone.
28-09-2005 00:23:04
That is horable (. We had to take my grandma's cat to a nonlethal humane society for being bad, and my mom was really upset when she did. I know if my cat had to be taken in I would be very upset (.
28-09-2005 08:28:46
I'm sorry to hear that. I've never had to get rid of a pet, they've all gotten rid of themselfs (run away, run into a car, run into heating duct work) but lets be honest now... If you are having to get rid of your cat, don't put it in a suitcase.

http//[" alt=""/imgb22c9b03fe]
28-09-2005 08:30:19
LOL!!!! That was the day I was packing to go visit my family in Missouri. She loves to sit in my suitcase or on my duffle bag.