what a shitty morning
26-09-2005 09:12:58
ok so i wake up at 430 to do my morning workout and my car works fine. i come home and my car works fine. i go to class at 7 and my car works fine. i come out of class... and the shit wont start. so then i realize that i dont have my cell so i go inside and use a payphone to call aaa roadside assistance and guess what? its expired! so i finally got a hold of my dad and his isnt expired so we jumped my car and took it to battery plus and they dont have my battery in stock (optima yellowtop 900cca beast). so now i am stuck with this loaner battery and cant listen to my system. i also missed my 1040am accounting class. what a shitty morning... hopefully a 100 on my micro exam will cheer me up.
26-09-2005 09:41:57
Sorry to hear about the day, but I can't recall the last time an exam cheered me up.
26-09-2005 10:15:52
i've got you beat
strep throat
102.4 temp (earlier) and 101.8 (now)
26-09-2005 10:17:09
thats a high temp tonydanza! shock
dont even get me started on my day though.....especially not my weekend.
26-09-2005 10:25:39
do we really need to bitch about car problems when there are kids starving to death in other parts of the world. Cant get water, communities are controlled by violent warlords who push young kids to fight at an early age,... Seriously you live a good life and focus on all the positives in your life and please dont bitch about temporary inconviences. I know your problems may seem significant and troublesome but just put yourself in the shoes( if they even have shoes) of those who are more unfortunate than you.
26-09-2005 10:29:08
Wow. You guys know Debbie Downer, that character on SNL?
[quoteee39e6d4d9="tonydanza92"]i've got you beat
strep throat
102.4 temp (earlier) and 101.8 (now)[/quoteee39e6d4d9]
Get a lime and peel all of it. Cut it in tiny pieces and sprinkle salt on it. Chew and swallow. I had to do that three times a day when I had strep. It killed the backteria fast and went away quickly. Drink tea with lime as well.
I got you guys all beat
I didn't win the lottery last night.
26-09-2005 11:26:51
I had a great day.
26-09-2005 11:31:43
My day sucks so far.... I wanna go skate and go to the mall but im so damn tired i can barely move.... I need to start buying jolt drinks or something....
26-09-2005 11:32:34
I had a great weekend.
[quote18288dc097="JUNIOR6886"]My day sucks so far.... I wanna go skate and go to the mall but im so damn tired i can barely move.... I need to start buying jolt drinks or something....[/quote18288dc097]
just get a presecription to adderal.
more energy then you can shake your stick at.
[quote2e330b289f="hehehhehe"]I had a great weekend.[/quote2e330b289f]
Same here. Great month so far... )
26-09-2005 11:39:32
can anyone spare some good fortune? cry
26-09-2005 11:42:48
[quoted68b522b26="theysayjump"]can anyone spare some good fortune? cry[/quoted68b522b26]
i know right. probably because of all this negative karma i have roll
26-09-2005 11:45:36
huh? wink
26-09-2005 11:47:25
wow. i was at negative 4 earlier now i am here )
26-09-2005 11:47:30
if anyone could use Karma its me. wink
26-09-2005 11:55:02
[quote387b2b6cae="tracemhunter"]wow. i was at negative 4 earlier now i am here )[/quote387b2b6cae]
I just gave you one too, hopefully all the positive karma will at least make you feel a bit better.
26-09-2005 12:02:04
it does ).
[quote3d0b4d6d76="good2speed"]do we really need to bitch about car problems when there are kids starving to death in other parts of the world. Cant get water, communities are controlled by violent warlords who push young kids to fight at an early age,... Seriously you live a good life and focus on all the positives in your life and please dont bitch about temporary inconviences. I know your problems may seem significant and troublesome but just put yourself in the shoes( if they even have shoes) of those who are more unfortunate than you.[/quote3d0b4d6d76]
oh shut up
26-09-2005 13:23:56
[quoteb0113725f9="good2speed"]do we really need to bitch about car problems when there are kids starving to death in other parts of the world. Cant get water, communities are controlled by violent warlords who push young kids to fight at an early age,... Seriously you live a good life and focus on all the positives in your life and please dont bitch about temporary inconviences. I know your problems may seem significant and troublesome but just put yourself in the shoes( if they even have shoes) of those who are more unfortunate than you.[/quoteb0113725f9]
Wow...look who grew a conscience, Mr. Hood Life himself. Way to expand your horizons Ghandi.

http//imagecache2.allposters.com/images/EPH/9103.jpg[" alt=""/imgb0113725f9]
[quotefeef0137c3="FreeOffersNow"][quotefeef0137c3="good2speed"]do we really need to bitch about car problems when there are kids starving to death in other parts of the world. Cant get water, communities are controlled by violent warlords who push young kids to fight at an early age,... Seriously you live a good life and focus on all the positives in your life and please dont bitch about temporary inconviences. I know your problems may seem significant and troublesome but just put yourself in the shoes( if they even have shoes) of those who are more unfortunate than you.[/quotefeef0137c3]
Wow...look who grew a conscience, Mr. Hood Life himself. Way to expand your horizons Ghandi.

http//imagecache2.allposters.com/images/EPH/9103.jpg[" alt=""/imgfeef0137c3][/quotefeef0137c3]
I don't know anyone on a personal level here, but this seriously made me laugh out loud.
26-09-2005 13:28:55
i got dqed on nb4free for there system error
26-09-2005 13:33:47
Hmm my morning was pretty good, I had to be at a job interview at 900 and left at 730 to give myself ample time. I ended up being right on time because of the returning evacuee traffic(I hope thats over soon). Then I didn't have to work the rest of the day so I went back to sleep some and now I'm going to go over to the driving range and hit some balls.
So I'll share some of my good fortune if you all wish me luck on getting a call back from my interview.
Oh and good2speed, shut up.
26-09-2005 13:50:49
[quotedec0f255c9="Veek"][quotedec0f255c9="tonydanza92"]i've got you beat
strep throat
102.4 temp (earlier) and 101.8 (now)[/quotedec0f255c9]
Get a lime and peel all of it. Cut it in tiny pieces and sprinkle salt on it. Chew and swallow. I had to do that three times a day when I had strep. It killed the backteria fast and went away quickly. Drink tea with lime as well.[/quotedec0f255c9]
does pepsi lime work?
26-09-2005 13:50:56
[quote9f0a0f0e01="jlaw"][quote9f0a0f0e01="good2speed"]do we really need to bitch about car problems when there are kids starving to death in other parts of the world. Cant get water, communities are controlled by violent warlords who push young kids to fight at an early age,... Seriously you live a good life and focus on all the positives in your life and please dont bitch about temporary inconviences. I know your problems may seem significant and troublesome but just put yourself in the shoes( if they even have shoes) of those who are more unfortunate than you.[/quote9f0a0f0e01]
oh shut up[/quote9f0a0f0e01]
ya right Im gonna shut up to your bitch ass. Lol. What are you having a bad day as well. What happened doctor didnt give you a lollipop. Too ugly to get a gf? No one likes you at school? Please tell me your insignificant problems.
Oh and good pic FON. When did I not have a conscience? Thanks for your exaggeration but the reality is that there are people much worse off then the brats who cry in this thread. Wonder what they'd do if they had to grow up in a poor country.
[b9f0a0f0e01]Now all Im saying is that whenever you think your having "problems" in your life to just take a look at other people in the world who are much worse off than you. You may then realize your problems are trivial and that your life is good overall and you dont have to live in chaos on a daily basis. Your food is served on a plate and is easily accessible. [/b9f0a0f0e01]
But go on and continue and complain about these minor nuisances that really have no significant impact on your well being. Please continue the bitch thread. Wish I could get some Somali or Albanian kids in here to let you know about real struggles.
BTW notice how I didn't mention Indians bc they are doing well and are on the rise. Like it or not. I wouldn't insult other cultures that are doing much worse than India is, as India is more stable than some other countries. But nice job trying to correlate. And FON, Indians do drink. In fact they drink crazily. They love that beer and that whiskey.
Oh and good2speed, shut up.[/quote9f0a0f0e01]
Oh you want some too huh. Well I hope they decline your job and you stay jobless. Then you may actually have some reason to complain. Gotta suck not having a job. Well I guess I have no complints. My life is good.
26-09-2005 13:54:59
shut up bono, angelina jolie, or whatever your name is.
26-09-2005 14:01:21
[quote2fe40e2e82="tracemhunter"]shut up bono, angelina jolie, or whatever your name is.[/quote2fe40e2e82]
Not asking you to change the world. Just asking you to lighten up and realize your problems are insignificant. In fact Im using it myself. helps keep me balanced. Things didnt go my way, oh well. I stil have a house to return too, have a car, have a well paying job, live in security,..... Ive realized my prob may be temproary and its no biggie. I dont need to call my friends or worse come on a msg board and tell everyone my insignificant problems.
26-09-2005 14:01:21
26-09-2005 14:34:35
And good2speed how much time have you volunteered to help these children in need? Ruled by violent warlords. Do you have any Chinese made items in you're house? Because if you do you are a hypocrite.
26-09-2005 14:40:06
And good2speed how much time have you volunteered to help these children in need? Ruled by violent warlords. Do you have any Chinese made items in you're house? Because if you do you are a hypocrite.[/quote8abd1cc334]
I guess you didnt pay attention to what I said. Im not asking anyone to go out and feed hungry children or change the lives of others. If you care about the well being of those unfortunate or not is irrelevant. Let me highlight once again what I said.
[b8abd1cc334]Not asking you to change the world. Just asking you to lighten up and realize your problems are insignificant. In fact Im using it myself. helps keep me balanced. Things didnt go my way, oh well. I stil have a house to return too, have a car, have a well paying job, live in security,..... Ive realized my prob may be temproary and its no biggie.[/color8abd1cc334][/size8abd1cc334][/b8abd1cc334] I dont need to call my friends or worse come on a msg board and tell everyone my insignificant problems.[/quote8abd1cc334]
But I guess it was a nice attempt at bringing an argument to this thead.
26-09-2005 14:43:57
My problems are NOT insignificant. Infact they are the epitome of significant. I have many problems in my life, and so does a lot of people. I dont go oh well I just lost my Car, but some kid in China is working on my shoes for 25c a hour. OH WELL.
26-09-2005 14:56:04
[quote2beb7bf151="Allen626"]My problems are NOT insignificant. Infact they are the epitome of significant. I have many problems in my life, and so does a lot of people. I dont go oh well I just lost my Car, but some kid in China is working on my shoes for 25c a hour. OH WELL.[/quote2beb7bf151]
Perfectly said.
26-09-2005 15:03:39
Looks like Good2Speed is having a bad day himself.
26-09-2005 15:21:36
[quote27a2dac0a5="Allen626"]My problems are NOT insignificant. Infact they are the epitome of significant. I have many problems in my life, and so does a lot of people. I dont go oh well I just lost my Car, but some kid in China is working on my shoes for 25c a hour. OH WELL.[/quote27a2dac0a5]
Well since you finally understood what I was saying and not that you should go out and help the world. LOl. Like how you didnt even decide to bring your miscalculated error into the discussion.
Well since you cant accept a loss and continue to argue. Lets put it this way. You will over consume yourself with your problems and will tend to not live life happilyand not be content. Now if you lose your car Im not saying go out and have a party but at least be subjective about it. Ared you going to be upset bc everyone else around you has a car probably a much nicer one or are you going to accept reality and take a bus or get a bike or do whatever you have to do to cope with reality without bitching. Thats the prob with America got all these commercials and the bonafide American dream that you can do it too. So everyone wants more and more and cant do without the best. Thats just materialistic. Whats so bad about the bus or riding a bike anyways. If youd break down bc you lost a car then you may have issues. Now maybe if you decided to argue about the loss of human life someone that was close to you I might not have had a chance to retort. But thank you for brining materiaL OBJECTS INTO THIS DISCUSSION. Would you cry if you lost your ipod too?
[quote27a2dac0a5="Collateral"]Looks like Good2Speed is having a bad day himself.[/quote27a2dac0a5]
nope not at all. Im flying today and my comp is picking up the bill. In fact Ill be staying in a hotel, will rent a car, and will eat for free for the next 4 days. going pretty well.
26-09-2005 15:42:48
[quoteadead5dd35="JUNIOR6886"]My day sucks so far.... I wanna go skate and go to the mall but im so damn tired i can barely move.... I need to start buying jolt drinks or something....[/quoteadead5dd35]
A little later in the afternoon i was feeling a lot better and after watching a skateboard movie i was so pumped to go skate and then it starts raining JUST as i was putting my skateboarding shoes on....

http//forums.animesuki.com/images/smilies/sad.gif[" alt=""/imgadead5dd35]