Aim s/n hacked

Live forum:


24-09-2005 08:56:29

I think my aim screen name JMBGHZ got hacked. It kicked me off and now i cant log back in with my password. Idk what happend. I go to the settings and hit the connection and it connects fine. I think my aim got hacked so watch out for someone on the screen name JMBGHZ acting like me.

Thanks, also if anyone is having problems with aim tell me. Also i did the forget password and it did not e-mail to my e-mail is anyone can see what e-mail is to JMBGHZ that would help me out thank you!


24-09-2005 08:58:21

how would we be able to tell what email you registered with? |


24-09-2005 08:59:52

ive been using the same screenname for 7 years. i have no idea what email i registered with.


24-09-2005 09:05:19

I H4CK3D U!11!!1!!1!1!!1!!11!


24-09-2005 09:06:06

There is a way in aim to tell what e-mail is to a screen name... I forget how to get to it but they do have that.


24-09-2005 09:17:09

yes but you have to search the email first to find what names are registered to it


24-09-2005 14:39:41

AIM has been really buggy lately. I wasn't able to sign on for about an hour on Friday. Try a bit later.


24-09-2005 14:57:35

nope still dont work ( I think it may be a server problem but idk...


24-09-2005 17:24:07

i thought u were JuG ownerz...


24-09-2005 17:29:18

that happened to one my sn's also


24-09-2005 17:54:16

[quote4e89a57c31="Daggoth"]i thought u were JuG ownerz...[/quote4e89a57c31]

I am but my old one is JmbGHZ


24-09-2005 18:08:13

has happened to me a few times.


24-09-2005 18:51:47

yeah it sucks i lost all my aim screen names.


24-09-2005 21:23:59

i wonder who could have hacked JuG's account... http//[" alt=""/img4ddf7d3ab3]


24-09-2005 21:31:44

http//[" alt=""/img7e892c2bc2]

that is suspicious... mr. musik!


24-09-2005 21:38:26

Well i am not sure its was hacked but the screen name password was changed anyway it was 9 char long, and it was not a easy thing to guess. Someone could of bruted it tho ( Who ever did it IF they did never signed onto it and yes that does make it seem suspicious.