should i bother completeling

Live forum:


22-09-2005 18:32:47

I have 5/9 for the $250 payout... is this guy still crediting offers? I figure i might as well pay $30 a ref for the last 4 and take $250 out... most of the other refs came from a conga. But if he isn't crediting offers at ALL, it wont be worth it...



22-09-2005 18:33:48

Your more then halfway there so I'd do it


22-09-2005 18:37:59

i gave up after having 6 refs for it, but i did tabletsforzip for someone a couple of weeks ago and ive had to do another offer cos they wont credit me for the 1st one.

i think they are doing it on purpose so that they get twice the amount of money from people having to do 2 offers to get credit, its bullshit, and a rip-off.


22-09-2005 19:12:26

Yeah, I had 3 greens when they changed the $250 to 9 referrals. I'm not even gonna try to finish that junk anymore.


22-09-2005 19:19:12

im trying to get refs from the freebieauthority ipod nano conga lines


22-09-2005 19:21:01

ive never abandoned a site i was working on not even OC
but ive heard so many bad things about freepalms that you might be better off cutting your losses and walking away. Hell, like you said you got a great deal of signups from a conga anyways.....


22-09-2005 20:17:19

i say forget about it... the owner's an ass...