on line or in line

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=22485


20-09-2005 21:43:30

i have noticed different people in different areas of the country say different things about standing in "queue". do you say you are waiting on line or waiting in line? i personally say waiting in line because i am standing in the same line as other people. i am just confusing myself but i am interested in hearing your responses.


20-09-2005 21:44:49

[quote522568a88a="tracemhunter"]i have noticed different people in different areas of the country say different things about standing in "queue". do you say you are waiting on line or waiting in line? i personally say waiting in line because i am standing in the same line as other people. i am just confusing myself but i am interested in hearing your responses.[/quote522568a88a]



20-09-2005 21:45:09

I didn't know that anyone said standing "on line".


20-09-2005 21:45:32

i didnt either. but i hear people from new york say it all the time (george carlin, kevin james)


20-09-2005 21:47:11

in line


20-09-2005 21:47:56

in line, i've never heard "on line"


20-09-2005 21:49:12

nobody ever says on line


20-09-2005 21:49:22

guess i must be hearing things. i need some input from someone in the new england area. bill maher said it the other night on "real time" as well. and no i do not mean like the internet.


20-09-2005 22:01:57

out of those two id say in line, but i usually say in the queue.

i have noticed people say "on accident" though, which seems kind dumb to me.


20-09-2005 22:12:05

i would say "standing on line".. thats how pretty much everyone I know would say it too.


20-09-2005 22:55:48

[quote0187a1345b="liquidskin"]i would say "standing on line".. thats how pretty much everyone I know would say it too.[/quote0187a1345b]



21-09-2005 07:56:26

I made a point to say neither a few months ago. I now say 'in queue'. Can a Mod plz add that option?

Oh wait... nm...


21-09-2005 11:41:46

But then is it "in queue" or "on queue?" P

I know what you're talking about OP, you're not crazy. But the people who say "on line" are. In fact, I think I know what Kevin James stand up you're talking about and it took me a minute to figure out he wasn't talking about standing on the internet lol


21-09-2005 12:11:46

yeah def standing in line im going to have to ask my roommate from new york what he says


21-09-2005 12:20:05

Im from Ny and I'll say them both. Dont really put much thought in to it. Kind of like potato.


Q Are you waiting in this line?
A Yes I am waiting in line to get my damn dmv ticket

Q What have you been doing for the last hour?
A I was on line at the DMV and the shit really pissed me off.

BTW you all have way too much free time on your hand if your really concerned.


21-09-2005 12:24:19

[quotef42c0292f1="kevxross"]But then is it "in queue" or "on queue?" P[/quotef42c0292f1]

That would be in the queue, because I'm actually in the queue. If i were on it, people would be pissed at me and tell them to get off them.


21-09-2005 12:30:47

Ok basically if your writing an English paper you would write that you waited in line as it is gramatically correct. If it is in conversation then either way is acceptable as long as the message is understood. Just a matter of semantics


21-09-2005 12:34:35

on line is only used for the internet, in line is wat you are. unless you were walking on a line on the street or something. than it would be on the line


21-09-2005 12:37:29

[quote5fdb28895f="mrwzk"]on line is only used for the internet, in line is wat you are. unless you were walking on a line on the street or something. than it would be on the line[/quote5fdb28895f]

in line is wat you are. WTF.


Maybe where you are. I sure as hell hope what you are is not in line.


21-09-2005 12:43:21

ok so im not crazy )


21-09-2005 13:41:46

No, you're not. I always say "in line" but I noticed that they usually tell people to wait "on line" in stores and the like.


21-09-2005 13:45:14

On line HAHAHAHA.. that makes no sense along with J4320


21-09-2005 13:48:16

[quoteaad87bf22a="liquidskin"]i would say "standing on line".. thats how pretty much everyone I know would say it too.[/quoteaad87bf22a]

By saying on line would mean that the line was there for whatever your waiting for, if you are in line that means you are apart of the line that is why i would say in line.


21-09-2005 14:19:14

its the same god damn thing. One is gramatically correct the other is used more in conversation


21-09-2005 14:32:44

'on line' is to internet as 'in line' is to waiting in a line.