My Returning stuff to walmart Saga....
13-09-2005 18:37:18
Well as most of you know Ive been trying to get rid of the gameboy advance sp I got from allthis4free for a while now. I finally decided to try my luck and make the long trip to walmart to try and do an exchange.
Lots of FIPG members keep saying how loose walmart is with their return policy so i thought "Unless i really feel like selling this 80$msrp item for half its worth on ebay i might as well try this"
I get to walmart and walk right past the security guard who for some reason is organizing shopping carts insted of keeping an eye on the customers entering and leaving the store..... shock He didnt ask to put a sticker on my gba sp and just let me go straight to customer service
(I didnt know at the time that the sticker indicates that the customer brought the item to the store and didnt steal it.) So i bring my gba without the sticker to customer service and Say to the cashier
"Hi id like to exchange this gba. I got it as a present but i dont have any use for it" (Of course not having the sticker thing on the item she assumes i stole it from the store.) She says (in a god awful african accent) "Without a recipt we dont allow returns for electronics" Im felling pretty nervous because i didnt want my 8 mile trip to be a waste. I ask her "Can i speak to te manager?" She says yes and calls for a manager.
Insted of speaking to me personally the manager calls the cashier and the cashier says that i want to return the gba. (notice how she didnt say [ba10370de81]exchange[/ba10370de81] ,the stupid bitch says return as if theres no difference)
the cashier hangs up the phone and tells me "the manager says no"
I was feling pretty determined to get the exchange so I ask her
"I want to speak to him personally, I told you i wanted to exchange not return the gba" The manager comes out and says "whats the problem"
I tell him "i got this gba as a birthday gift and id like to exchange it for something else; since i already have a psp i have no use for a gba"
He says "If you just wanna exchange for something else i have no problem with it" I thought i was out of the woods but then the cashier starts whispering shit to the manager and all of a sudden he says "i'll be right back" He comes out along with some huge bald guy shock
the bald guy says "With no recipt we can accept returns or exchanges of any kind no matter what" I told him "But the gba is brand new, its never been opened"
The manager calls an electronics worker and askes him to inspect the gba
the electronics guy looks it for like a full minute and finally says "Yup its never been opened" The big bald guy says "I still cant accept any returns or exchanges on electronic items without a recipt" At this point i thought it was all over
I walk away saying "I guess i'll try to ebay it or something"
The manager and the bald guy follow me and stop me saying
"The casheir said you have some other games with you when you walked into the store" (im drawing a total blank as to why they thing im stealing
because as soon as i walked into the store i went straight to customer service to talk to the cashier) "You also came into the store with the gameboy without a sticker" I get pissed but I stil speak in a clam voice and say "Search me if you want all i brought with me was this gba i wanted to exchange. The only reason i didnt have a sticker when i broguht the gameboy advance was because the security guard was too busy playing with shopping carts to pay attention to me" "When i went to the security guard for a sticker he said i should ask him directly for a sticker and not assume he will jsut put one on my items"
The manager and bald guy respond "A search wont be neccessary"
They said they already talked to the security guard and will Allow me to do an exchange for anything in the store. shock shock shock shock shock
Why the fuck did they go and accuse me of stealing and shit when they knew i didnt do anything wrong all along? At this point I didnt care
I just went and picked up a 1gb flash drive and some compressed air and that stupid cashier at customer service did the exchange.
I guess the walmart trick works... but its not nearly as easy as everyone says lol
13-09-2005 18:39:59
13-09-2005 18:42:22
and is your internet connection failing ?
13-09-2005 18:45:31
13-09-2005 18:46:25
...then he got beat for attempting to steal a GBA.
/me invisions the PO-PO kicking in Juniors bedroom door as he sits there typing up the post.
as he is being dragged away he manages to push submit with one of his toes, never to be heard from again.
13-09-2005 18:52:09
[quotec6373ac6f8="wood"]/me invisions the PO-PO kicking in Juniors bedroom door as he sits there typing up the post.
as he is being dragged away he manages to push submit with one of his toes, never to be heard from again.[/quotec6373ac6f8]
I'm going to set my Tivo to record the next few episodes of COPS ... just in case.
13-09-2005 18:57:52
What!?! Too lazy to type the rest of the story huh? I will forgive you when you tell me the end of your saga. I don't really want this brand new, un-opened PS2 Slim....
13-09-2005 19:05:45
Dude can't just stop! That was intense I must know what happened!!
13-09-2005 19:06:35
just wait till christmas they take anything back than w/o receipts. maybe u could even give it to someone as a gift and save money that way.
13-09-2005 19:09:12
why didnt you just post the whole thing?
13-09-2005 19:09:37
[quote4240ebed85="mrwzk"]just wait till christmas they take anything back than w/o receipts. maybe u could even give it to someone as a gift and save money that way.[/quote4240ebed85]
my guess is that if you wait till xmas, that game boy SP would be $20
13-09-2005 19:11:59
i bought 4 for $5. they make good coasters.
13-09-2005 19:12:51
I posted the resto of the story. I was typing on my laptop and my sister says shes done with the family desktop so i decided to type the rest of the story there D
13-09-2005 19:13:33
well... where is it?!?
13-09-2005 19:15:47
look at the orignal post its been edited with the rest of the story added to it.
13-09-2005 19:16:15
oh. dur...
you should have killed the manager to see if when he dies he shits his pants like that episode of south park when they build the wal-mart and the manager hangs himself/shits himself afterwords.
13-09-2005 19:19:12
that was a great story. what idiots, saying you stole stuff, haha i'd freak out if they acused me of that P
this thread should have ended with "i'm posting this from the county lockup. if anyone can post my $500 bail i'l get you a couple greens in the morning"
oh well, congrats on scamming the big boys. glad to see we are winning the fight ;)
13-09-2005 19:21:54
I Just find it really ood tht they confirmed with the security guard that I didnt steal anything BEFORE walking up and accusing me.....
Theres no reason to be nervous when accused of theft especially when you didnt steal anything. Another odd thing is that the cashier opened the GBA SP box beofre doing the exchange shock shock
13-09-2005 19:40:09
The Wal-Mart near me said they might take my free gift for a store credit if I bring it in and let them look at it first....
13-09-2005 19:53:36
You walked past the security guard with an item, didn't ask for a sticker, and were surprised that they suspected it was stolen?
...have you ever been to Walmart before? or to any store, for that matter.
13-09-2005 19:56:00
if you did have problems you could have just walked out and if the security guard had any problems you could have pushed him down. he probably would have broken a hip or something. they are all old there.
13-09-2005 20:06:29
Awesome story, great bedtime story too. Anyway why did they ask? Because some people may have found something to steal on the way in, and some may freak out and say okay I did it.
13-09-2005 20:20:31
[quotec91a601503="CollidgeGraduit"]You walked past the security guard with an item, didn't ask for a sticker, and were surprised that they suspected it was stolen?
...have you ever been to Walmart before? or to any store, for that matter.[/quotec91a601503]
Actually today was my first time in walmart.....
At best buy when I was trying the psp swap trick the security guard put a sticker on my psp without me having to ask for one....
13-09-2005 20:50:47
Does apple take ipodnanos for a swap with the 60gig ipod? I want to trade my ipodnano(when it comes) + 160$ for a ipod 60gig ). 4gigs just isnt enough space!
13-09-2005 20:55:00
Pretty soon the nanos will offer 1 TB in them
14-09-2005 08:15:42
Just another reason to never shop at Walmart, (like i needed another reason, fucking bastards.)