FreebieAuthority Congas are un-freakin-believable

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08-09-2005 18:44:59

damn i am in love with them now.

They released the conga at 9 pm after some advertisements.. and about 8 people all completed (got ALL of thier refs) in literally 1 minute. I was included.. I signed up and completed my offer and next thing i know after checking my status i have all my refs.. freaking awesome. Thier system is amazing


08-09-2005 18:49:15

I tried that with the OC 360 site when it came out..the site lagged like incredible fuck and i never got a good spot; same with about 50 more people


08-09-2005 18:51:12

yea i also tried that and didnt have much luck.. but they didnt have thier new clicksystem which tracks it down to every click that makes sure no ref is wasted.. this was after the xbox 360 conga


08-09-2005 19:04:41

Perhaps it's just me...but I don't get it..if it tracks every click..then wouldn't that be wrong? Users can click and not complete an offer.


08-09-2005 19:09:17

im not completely sure how it works.. but it definetely does work. Basically they start thier conga off at the certain time and loads and loads of people refresh and sign up under the top person in line. As soon as it receives 5 clicks (and its not just clicks.. as soon as it clicks then it goes down to the form and you have to put in your referral link in the form and then click 'lets conga!'). I guess its just an automated process.. obviously if people click it anyways they are going to sign up, especially in the beginning since they want a good place in line.


08-09-2005 19:44:51

just signed up on the iPod nano conga. 83 people waiting to get in. dammit. hope i get one.


08-09-2005 19:45:27

good luck nig nac. too bad im already finished muahahaha.


08-09-2005 20:08:03

Is it 900PM CST?


08-09-2005 20:10:11

est.. as in 2 hours ago


08-09-2005 20:14:59



08-09-2005 20:18:31

Do they post when the next congas will be @ ?


08-09-2005 20:21:33




08-09-2005 20:22:40

[quote3932a35f40="Ryanish"]Do they post when the next congas will be @ ?[/quote3932a35f40]

yea they always do if a 'confirmed' legit site releases one.. such as freepay. older ones they don't since they dont get much traffic.. but for ones like freepay it gets a huge ammount of traffic and they time for big sites like this


08-09-2005 20:25:13

That's cool.


08-09-2005 20:46:58

I've never trusted congas... They sound good but the numbers that are necessary to actually make them work are staggering. If it worked for you, good for you. You must have been at the top.


08-09-2005 20:50:20

yea i was 3rd.. so far 18 people have gotten to the 'graduated' stage and its been open for less than 3 hours. of course the huge rush has pretty much died down now


09-09-2005 00:31:23

I'm in the conga on congablast, hopefully i'll get my greens soon, people are already signing up under me.


09-09-2005 00:38:59

I hate that site. They fucked me out of my spot on an Xbox 360 site. I signed up for the first person in line right when it came out. They said that I signed up early, before they officially opened the conga. If I could get to the page how could it now be opened yet? So I should've been at the top of the conga (in the top 8), but they said since I signed up early they couldn't actually tell when I did the offer and so didn't know where to place me. So now i'm near the bottom.


09-09-2005 00:41:49

[quote1cafb2d9a9="bruman"]yea i was 3rd.. so far 18 people have gotten to the 'graduated' stage and its been open for less than 3 hours. of course the huge rush has pretty much died down now[/quote1cafb2d9a9]

lol, pretty obvious... only about the top 20 or less gets the full completed refs...
the rest are just useless.. takes a looooonnnnnnnnggggg time...
and do I smell advertising for a conga site... roll
if you can't get into the top 5... you are better off getting paypal from someone.... wink


09-09-2005 01:35:11

[quote080aacb1bc="tracemhunter"]good luck nig nac. too bad im already finished muahahaha.[/quote080aacb1bc]

im done too, well after 2 yellows turn green



09-09-2005 05:24:50

Im not gonna join a conga till the PS3 site from freepay starts running
Im wondering how people are able to find out about new sites so fast
(because in every conga site ive seen the first person to post about a new site gets the 2nd spot in a conga so it would be nice to know how people go bout hunting for new sites D )