New feature: Speed!

Live forum:


06-09-2005 23:05:16

I've added a whole crapload of optimizations to the forum to decrease load times. The index loads faster (but still slow because of the birthday and 'users visited today' mods), viewforums is a little faster, and viewtopic is about 60% faster (6-8s previously, 2-3s now).


06-09-2005 23:07:57

wow....thats sweet!

hey, would it be possible to impliment a feature where you could be able to search for threads created by a certain user, as opposed to just posts that certain user made?

or is that already on here and ive just not noticed it?


06-09-2005 23:11:35

phpBB's search system is pretty complicated. I could probably add that, but it would be an ugly hack.

The better way to do this is
Search for posts by author (eg. admin)
Display results as topics
Sort by author ascending

This will still return every post I've made, but it will sort it so that all of the TOPICs i've made are in one bunch, arranged in reverse chronological order )


06-09-2005 23:13:08

ahh sweet.....ill give it a try.

thanks D


06-09-2005 23:21:26

also, i dunno if its just me or not, but when i go into a forum, even if all the topics are "read", when i leave its saying there is a topic in there that i havent read. so i go back in and there are no new posts.

i have to go back into the forums and hit "mark all topics as read", then it shows as no new posts have been made.

not that big of a deal, but kinda tedious.

anyone else having this problem?


06-09-2005 23:51:05

i can def see the speed increase. Awesome job admin!!


07-09-2005 00:25:19

[quote943fb5d053="JOSHBOX"]i can def see the speed increase. Awesome job admin!![/quote943fb5d053]

Me too, threads load way faster o o o


07-09-2005 00:32:56

Just moved the CSS definitions out of the header template and into their own file which should also decrease load time (the file will be cached).


07-09-2005 09:02:50

[quote2912bf1f24="theysayjump"]also, i dunno if its just me or not, but when i go into a forum, even if all the topics are "read", when i leave its saying there is a topic in there that i havent read. so i go back in and there are no new posts.

i have to go back into the forums and hit "mark all topics as read", then it shows as no new posts have been made.

not that big of a deal, but kinda tedious.

anyone else having this problem?[/quote2912bf1f24]

Yes, I noticed it last night.


07-09-2005 09:08:42

haha.. gotta love admin's board hacking ways.