Gunfire, disaster spreading in New Orleans, Nearby cities

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01-09-2005 13:05:02

Go to for full coverage, videos, and information. The situation is deteriorating rapidly. Food and water are trickling down to the area, but it is going too slowly. Workers trying to move critical patients are getting /sniped/ at... Tens of thousands are literally stranded. A lot of information and discussion on as well. Regardless of your views on how/why this happened, please keep the area in your thoughts and prayers.


01-09-2005 13:10:52

This is such a disaster its unbelievable.

I feel for the people down there.

Maybe those people who voted for Dubya will finally realize what an asshole he really is.


01-09-2005 13:14:24

Jake, i really dont like dubya that much. But regardless of what his actions were the hurricane would have done the same amount of damage, property wise. It still would have taken 1000's of jobs, homes, and schools no matter what bush did. I know it helps if you find someone or something as a skapegoat but regardless.... the hurricane still would have hit. Dubya certainly could have done more, do doubt about that... But in the end, 100 mph winds and 35 ft waves cant be stopped by the president.....


01-09-2005 13:22:40

dude that really sux we should take a FIG wide collection and donate it


01-09-2005 13:26:11

[quote61e227b738="Celica"]Jake, i really dont like dubya that much. But regardless of what his actions were the hurricane would have done the same amount of damage, property wise. It still would have taken 1000's of jobs, homes, and schools no matter what bush did. I know it helps if you find someone or something as a skapegoat but regardless.... the hurricane still would have hit. Dubya certainly could have done more, do doubt about that... But in the end, 100 mph winds and 35 ft waves cant be stopped by the president.....[/quote61e227b738]

True enough but if he hadn't gone to war, then the money that was supposed to be there to strengthen the levees would have prevented the current disaster. There was a program in place which was to strengthen the levees because city officials knew that this was inevitable if the levees weren't fixed and made stronger. But the money went to war instead.

This has been spoken about by government officials in Louisiana and quoted endlessly.

I am sure the magnitude of this disaster would not have been as large if that money had been earmarked for levee construction instead of going to dubyas war profiteer buddies.


01-09-2005 13:29:52

[quotecb5c17437c="Jake"][quotecb5c17437c="Celica"]Jake, i really dont like dubya that much. But regardless of what his actions were the hurricane would have done the same amount of damage, property wise. It still would have taken 1000's of jobs, homes, and schools no matter what bush did. I know it helps if you find someone or something as a skapegoat but regardless.... the hurricane still would have hit. Dubya certainly could have done more, do doubt about that... But in the end, 100 mph winds and 35 ft waves cant be stopped by the president.....[/quotecb5c17437c]

True enough but if he hadn't gone to war, then the money that was supposed to be there to strengthen the levees would have prevented the current disaster. There was a program in place which was to strengthen the levees because city officials knew that this was inevitable if the levees weren't fixed and made stronger. But the money went to war instead.

This has been spoken about by government officials in Louisiana and quoted endlessly.

I am sure the magnitude of this disaster would not have been as large if that money had been earmarked for levee construction instead of going to dubyas war profiteer buddies.[/quotecb5c17437c]

I agree 100% Jake. This war is sucking all the money we have, and for what? Ridding terrorism, or his new objective, to gain control over oil in the middle east? I will stop now, I dont want this to get too off topic.


01-09-2005 13:31:41

Either way, this is a terrible tragedy and I really hope that people learn from it.

There are lessons to be garnered here and I hope that they aren't just glossed over like everything else seems to be.


01-09-2005 13:44:42

warzone in America I love it. Maybe its time to get out of Iraq since we have our own insurgency right here in NO. I sincerely hope all the rapppers from NO have died or being kidnapped for ransom. Maybe except Juvenile but everyone rapping out there really sucked. Maybe god had enough with the garbage music coming out of there and unleashed his fury. Who knows. Alll I know is if I was in NO right now I have like 100 guns and 100 clips, 100 rpgs and 100 rifles. I dont think the natl guard can help there not prepared for coastal battles. This is a job for the Navy Seals youve seen the commmercials theyve been waiting for this their whole lives.


01-09-2005 14:08:21

[quote5963709f67="good2speed"]warzone in America I love it. Maybe its time to get out of Iraq since we have our own insurgency right here in NO. I sincerely hope all the rapppers from NO have died or being kidnapped for ransom. Maybe except Juvenile but everyone rapping out there really sucked. Maybe god had enough with the garbage music coming out of there and unleashed his fury. Who knows. Alll I know is if I was in NO right now I have like 100 guns and 100 clips, 100 rpgs and 100 rifles. I dont think the natl guard can help there not prepared for coastal battles. This is a job for the Navy Seals youve seen the commmercials theyve been waiting for this their whole lives.[/quote5963709f67]


[politics edited as suggested, maybe the guy above me should do the same?]

I can't imagine what it must be like to be in the middle of all of this Hurricane business, I hope when they rebuild New Orleans they not only strengthen the levy's but also remove residential zoning from the parts of the city that are 6+ feet below sea level. I'm not sure how feasible this is but it is definately something they should look into.


01-09-2005 14:09:51

I love how some of you have taken a wonderfully thoughtful thread about saying prayers and such for people stuck without food or water into a political thread.

What's done is done. It's time to help and clean up.

I do believe there is at least one Bush bashing thread related to this. No need to muck this one up too.


01-09-2005 14:25:50

Thank you, Jadem. I would really like to keep the political stuff out of this thread at least. Seriously people, turn on the news or look at the news sites - this has signs of anarchy. Workers are being shot, I heard (again on CNN) that there have been [i58709d09c6]reports of rape[/i58709d09c6]. I mean, my Lord.

So really the point of this thread was just to try and help everyone keep it all in perspective right now - for me, the fact that I was stuck in traffic today and going to be late seems a bit small compared to fighting for your life.


01-09-2005 14:32:20

The situation down there is deteriorating by the hour.

I keep hearing worse and worse things.

Its so crazy.


01-09-2005 14:38:57

http// is the first interesting blog i've ever read. The guy that is writing is the crisis manager for a datacenter down there, he's basically battened down the hatches and stocked up for the long haul, so a few websites can stay online. Now that's service!


01-09-2005 15:13:28

well i think it is essential for a democracy to be established in the middle east, considering that if we liked it or not Iraq and Iran both had nuclear programs, though Iran is actually open about it now. but i don't think Bush knew that there was going to be a hurricane 3 years ago when he decided to display the US's great power as a hegemon. but i still dislike bush..........


01-09-2005 15:17:36

More info here


01-09-2005 15:26:31

I cant even believe people would do such things as hold hostages, rape, (unnecessary looting) at this time. I'm lost for words.........


01-09-2005 15:29:13

[quote56452dec51="johnjimjones"]I cant even believe people would do such things as hold hostages, rape, (unnecessary looting) at this time. I'm lost for words.........[/quote56452dec51]

Lord of the Flies

Im not shocked. tragedy brings chaos. Why do you think were so civil? because we have jobs and our lives are stable. You really think society would be this calm in the aftermath of tragic natural disasters


01-09-2005 15:34:59

yea think back to highschool days where they taught you about that famous Stanford experiment where the guy wanted to see how 6 awesome students(i think 1 teacher and maybe a faculty member) would be stuck in a cell together for a week.... of course we all learned that it had to be called off beacause the students nearly killed themselves.... probably one of the most famous experiments done on the stanford campus(check out the place if ya visit)....... in other words NO GOVERMENT= TOTAL CHAOS!!!) + it's more like NO food, no water(everything is contaminated now), no transportation out, increased flooding, no news of what's happening, no light, etc etc