black friday = 360, you spin me right round baby

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01-09-2005 09:38:14

from engadget

looks as if the 360 is due to launch on black friday...reasons believe to give developers a little more time to get the launch titles ready


01-09-2005 09:43:15

[quote102586c126="dug1200"]from engadget

looks as if the 360 is due to launch on black friday...reasons believe to give developers a little more time to get the launch titles ready[/quote102586c126]

that seems like a bit of a risky will be total chaos, this is even more of a reason for me to just get Trainn to ship the xbox 360 directly to me, but then again if it launches on Black Friday I may be out of what an awful predicament to be in.....I love the thrill of being one of the first out the door with a new console, but it's not worth putting up with Wal-Mart on Black Friday.....but if I wait for it to ship I may not be home and will have to wait a few days....oh well....first of all I need to finish up the site....


01-09-2005 12:18:15

fuck it. ill go ahead and get it. ill drive back down to texas from oklahoma instead of spending time iwht family. fuck that shit. if i pay it off they still have to hold it for a few days right?


01-09-2005 12:21:14

[quotee924718508="tracemhunter"]fuck it. ill go ahead and get it. ill drive back down to texas from oklahoma instead of spending time iwht family. fuck that shit. if i pay it off they still have to hold it for a few days right?[/quotee924718508]

i love the random fuck's. lol


01-09-2005 12:55:33

lol. nothing wrong with "bad" words. i dont see how they offend people. they say im talking about god in vain but im not even talking to/about him. people need to think before they speak.