Live forum:


31-08-2005 22:36:37

Did any of you guys get the Socom FTB Beta email? It appears that a TON of people (who registered their PSPs with Sony) have received the invite.

The signup filled up in less than 12 hours and it no longer works.

I signed up, but it said we wouldn't know for 10 business days whether we were accepted or not.

[tick, tock, tick, tock]

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31-08-2005 22:40:05

gotta upgrade to 2.0.... NO THANKS! lol


31-08-2005 22:46:21

Yeah, but I'm already at 2.0 so it's no big deal for me. I needed the WPA support and don't use any of the homebrew stuff so I was waiting for 2.0 to come out. Also the AVC quality rocks for movies on the Memory Stick.

I'll just be glad to see some good quality FPS games come out. Waiting on this one and Splinter Cell. Plus, can't wait for Madden later this month.


31-08-2005 22:48:19

too bad it all filled im a socom crackhead this would be a dream come true


01-09-2005 19:19:47

Just got the confirmation email. I got into the BETA. 8) This should be fun!

Only thing that sux is the current rumor that headsets will not be supported. These games are sooo much better with comm links.


01-09-2005 22:20:41

i dont understand how you can play a fps on psp???