iBeat headphones

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24-08-2005 01:06:21

http/" alt=""/img358.imageshack.us/img="358/1433/cid32077189071832988iy.jpg[" alt=""/img164935a6e1]

received an email from a supplier about these new headphones, apparently called iBeat. they glow!!

they're interesting, and people will notice you, but I dont think I would buy one. just glow too much


24-08-2005 01:08:44

those look cool!

probably substituted quality for the glow though


24-08-2005 01:10:06

They look cool, but nobody should ever wear them in public. lol


24-08-2005 01:12:15

I think you'd get your ass beat for wearing those...


24-08-2005 01:15:05

someones gonna beat you up and rob your ipod if you wore those in public
but it very cool! runs on battery? or the ipod's battery?


24-08-2005 01:17:53

yeh, definetely not for wearing on the streets.

edit they dont work on the ipod battery. they use 2 AAA batteries, thanks batman for the site.


24-08-2005 01:25:57

[quote58dc4a0ffc="stockholm-syndrome"]yeh, definetely not for wearing on the streets.

and I think they run on the iPod battery. Im putting some on ebay soon, see how many people are gona go for it[/quote58dc4a0ffc]

Thats freaking sweet. shock Not really, but It lights up so I guess its cool.


24-08-2005 01:28:51

Here's their official site


Apparently you can set them to blink along with your music.


24-08-2005 01:31:27

lol actually from watchin the intro on the website, i want some lol

edit just found out it runs on two AAA batteries... n/m


24-08-2005 01:36:47

I want one too... cry


24-08-2005 01:38:34

they're pretty cheap (assuming they're good quality), but like most people said in this post they will be taxed


24-08-2005 01:45:26

also, it will add extra weight since you also gonna be carrying around
2 extra AAA batteries hanging from you ears.. lol they should have make
it possible to run on the ipods battery

edit nvm about the hanging from ears, they give you a clip to clip the battery pack onto your ipod


24-08-2005 08:06:35

now come on that is just pointless, who wants to glow when they are listening to music? Also if your at a rave or whatever that thay have glue sticks and all you listen to there music so you dont need that lol i think its pointless and it will sell millions! lol


24-08-2005 08:19:38

Those are gay... you'd definitely get your ass beat wearing those hahahaha


24-08-2005 09:03:52

meh. lame. i would only wear those if i was going to a gym in san francisco near a gay parade.


24-08-2005 09:14:18

[quote6b155efa2f="tracemhunter"]meh. lame. i would only wear those if i was going to a gym in san francisco near a gay parade.[/quote6b155efa2f]

Hahaha... How much are they? I wouldnt pay more than 5 bucks.


24-08-2005 12:23:32

Too much bling bling is an invitation to a beating.


24-08-2005 12:33:19

[quote4323780ed7="Strike"]Too much bling bling is an invitation to a beating.[/quote4323780ed7]

BAM! They'll ask you the questions after you get pounded.


24-08-2005 13:18:28

Do you beat?


24-08-2005 16:22:25

gayest thing i've seen.