Any Audiobook Of Your Choice - $6

Live forum:


23-08-2005 05:49:10

First come, first served. Only 1 book availble.


23-08-2005 05:53:24

I'll take it. PM me. D

I'll be back later today around 500.

Thanks man. wink


23-08-2005 06:17:06

Am I missing something here?

Where's it comming from? Used?
How can it be "Any"?


23-08-2005 07:01:38

audible im guessing


23-08-2005 07:02:27

[quotecbb42d9e90="tonydanza92"]audible im guessing[/quotecbb42d9e90]

do they have "good for one audiobook download" coupons?


23-08-2005 07:46:38

it's probably from the audible offer, when i did it, you got a 1-month (2-book) trial free, but you had to stay on for the second month ... you could change your account for the second month to only 1 book at 15$ instead of 2 books at 22$ to save some money, but it's still one of the more expensive offers ... but i'm using the books so i'm happy with the offer ... but really when you get down to it lilipiracy warninglili anyone on here could sell their audiobooks over and over since you can dl them to your pc indefinitely