Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is OUT!!!!!!
21-10-2004 12:35:29
Well, not really, it's out until tuesday but, just as it happened with Halo 2, Doom 3 and Half Life 2, the game has been leaked a week before its official release.
22-10-2004 01:17:43
OMG OMG OMG just played it!!!!!!!!! Game of the year(at least until MGS3 comes out P)!!!!!!!
22-10-2004 02:01:00
dude fuck you you slimy slick play-it-before-you're-supposed-to bitch!!
is it sad that the week halo 2 comes out me and 15 of my friends are going to gamestop at 1201AM to get it and we're skipping school for the next 3 days to play it straight?
22-10-2004 11:14:59
i need a PS2 emulator.cant wait till next summer to play GTASA
22-10-2004 13:18:43
i want a ps2
22-10-2004 16:15:47
do they have ps2 emulators for xbox?
23-10-2004 14:16:46
[quote6c38694c28="alexvega"]do they have ps2 emulators for xbox?[/quote6c38694c28]
No, no, no, and no. Duh. Jesus. ?
23-10-2004 14:20:43
[quote1f3c723e67="alexvega"]do they have ps2 emulators for xbox?[/quote1f3c723e67]
You dumbass
23-10-2004 17:54:21
i'll wait till it comes out on the box.
23-10-2004 18:06:09
WTF, how is a PS2 game "leaked?"
24-10-2004 11:25:50
[quote49e6d95d29="Blurrz"]WTF, how is a PS2 game "leaked?"[/quote49e6d95d29]
some stores get their shipments and accidently put them out did that with xbox live and got sued by M$.
24-10-2004 11:46:39
Oh, I thought it meant the code got leaked or something.
24-10-2004 11:48:40
[quote0a86a315c7="Blurrz"]Oh, I thought it meant the code got leaked or something.[/quote0a86a315c7]
the download came out early which it usually does
24-10-2004 12:06:31
halo2 was leaked 2 weeks ago. lol
24-10-2004 12:37:11
Download for a Ps2 game?
24-10-2004 15:48:10
Ya i got it too I'll play it later today. fvckin dvd burned wrong oh well
the code isnt leaked, some person that either is shipping it, works at a store, or works at manufacturing plant stole the actualy retail game and copied it then released online..
24-10-2004 19:33:50
I need to get me another Ps2 ;/
27-10-2004 15:48:39
Oh man. I am such a douche that I am going with my friend right now to Best Buy to pick GTA SA up, even though I don't have a PS2 and can't play it.
Haha! D
27-10-2004 17:23:04
[quotedb757d1b64="ThisSunAlsoRises"]is it sad that the week halo 2 comes out me and 15 of my friends are going to gamestop at 1201AM to get it and we're skipping school for the next 3 days to play it straight?[/quotedb757d1b64]
27-10-2004 17:26:01
[quote751d9ee7d0]i need a PS2 emulator.cant wait till next summer to play GTASA[/quote751d9ee7d0]
I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as a PS2/XboX emulator for the PC. But why would you wait until next summer to play GTA? Is that when it'll come out on Xbox/PC?
there are ps2 and xbox emulators out for the PC, though I'm not sure how well they work...
check out http//
28-10-2004 14:09:22
They don't work and probably never will
29-10-2004 03:19:40
A PC can't possibly emulate a PS2 nor an Xbox properly simply because they are made for gaming where as the computer does not have the same gaming capabilities as the two consoles. Don't be cheap and get a PS2, you can get the big version on ebay for ~75 or get one that's broken with disc read error and fix it and use that instead. Oh and yes it is sad that you're skipping school to play a stupid game, get a life.