18-08-2005 18:27:26
18-08-2005 18:29:42
"Of course. This only represents the immaturity and irrationality of the FreeiPodGuide moderators, and to some extend, it's members. Yes, I said it."
They don't like you guys too much.
18-08-2005 18:31:01
I posted a respone
18-08-2005 18:34:25
[quote55168536f7="CoMpFrEaK"]I posted a respone[/quote55168536f7]
lol, I love it. Although, I don't even have an account on A4F, I don't think I will be in the near future
18-08-2005 18:34:51
I have an account with like 12 posts.
18-08-2005 18:37:39
Yea, I just never really got into their whole forum setup. It always seemed really messy and un-organized.
Dunno if they changed it or not since then (if that tells u how much I visit it)...
18-08-2005 18:38:28
I posted as well, not very professional of him.
18-08-2005 18:38:37
Yeah I hate it too. It's WAY TOO confusing and they have so many sub-forums. It's just rediculous.
18-08-2005 18:48:31
what a dick. a4f sucks.
18-08-2005 18:49:46
Yeah I really don't like them. But I don't hate them. They have some nice people on there.... Probably....
18-08-2005 19:37:05
I personally love A4F. I dont take the actions of Mike Richardson, and from that say A4F sucks. I do think there forums are a bit scattered. I find forums that I never knew existed on there alot. Ive gotten a good amount of greens from congas, so its been awesome for me.
18-08-2005 19:38:01
Those congas suck, no one signs up after like 20 people. It's not efficient at all.
18-08-2005 19:41:01
[quote2b17335f74="SgtRyan"]Those congas suck, no one signs up after like 20 people. It's not efficient at all.[/quote2b17335f74]
Well, Im talkin about when I was on top from posting first. lol
18-08-2005 19:48:29
"I believe that mods/members on the FreeiPodGuide forums are, in general, less mature than members on other forums."
What an idiot. 85% of the boards' members are shared between the two forums.
18-08-2005 19:51:16
Check that out.
18-08-2005 19:56:11
Check that out.[/quote698e318a87]
haha they still think we were hacked, i posted again
18-08-2005 20:20:54
I think that the best thing to do about these types of situations is to just to step back and laugh. lol
18-08-2005 20:22:42
cant we all just get along?
19-08-2005 00:47:45
That first link won't work for me. FIPG pwns their forums...simple as that. We have a trade module bitchs, and we have J4320 )
[quotecba5429047="halfbreed"]That first link won't work for me. FIPG pwns their forums...simple as that. We have a trade module bitchs, and we have J4320 )[/quotecba5429047]
True and someone told me about them and there forums and I was like where the hell is the trade and i could not find it and i still like FIPG better then anything i have seen.
19-08-2005 01:39:32
LoL you guys are weird...
P.S. first link don't work (anymore)... they prolly took it down.