Help this guy blow up his G4

Live forum:


10-08-2005 17:33:23



10-08-2005 17:39:19

Lol that vid was pretty funny. I'm not helping him though. evil


10-08-2005 17:42:44

thats cool. i'll give him 50 cents


10-08-2005 17:59:14

the top donator gave him $200!

i would donate if i had any money.


10-08-2005 18:10:57

I wonder how he plans to blow it up..


10-08-2005 18:39:39

thats what i would like to know before i give any money. it is kind of hard to blow up metal. why would he blow up a precious g4? i love my new powerbook D


10-08-2005 18:44:48

the top donators site is wierd...


10-08-2005 18:47:53

Wow that guy has a good head start with $200.


10-08-2005 19:14:02

Maybe he should donate the g4 to a local school or church, and actually work to earn enough for a G5.......

...nah, he mind as well offer to blow it up online, hoping there are enough amused people to throw quarters at him. What was I thinkin?


10-08-2005 19:15:33

[quote08f2cf9da4="hehehhehe"]Maybe he should donate the g4 to a local school or church, and actually work to earn enough for a G5.......

...nah, he mind as well offer to blow it up online, hoping there are enough amused people to throw quarters at him. What was I thinkin?[/quote08f2cf9da4]

Heh good point. That is a better idea. He's a video editor so maybe he can fake the explosion of the G4 and sell it or donate it.