Pete is an animal

Live forum:


09-08-2005 13:44:18

Long Post. Guess it should be in scammer section but its a bit of both. Basically a synopsis is this dude never greened for me, told me he uses mult accounts, and now wants me to pay him for the green he owes me. Boy is the shit gonna hit the fan. Basically if you got a green from him its going to go red

Initial con on aim

Session Start (tenthevesrllpk) Tue Jun 21 190940 2005
[1910] TENTHEVES Hi.
[1910] rllpk hi
[1911] TENTHEVES its g2s
[1911] TENTHEVES good2speed from fig
[1911] rllpk oh hey
[1911] rllpk sup
[1912] TENTHEVES nothing just got home
[1912] TENTHEVES So your ready to get this trade started?
[1912] rllpk nice
[1912] rllpk let's do it with in 45min
[1912] rllpk ?
[1912] rllpk playing)
[1912] TENTHEVES k
[1912] TENTHEVES I have a question. Which offer do you plan on doing onn freepsps
[1914] rllpk second let you know
[1915] rllpk i will do shopper adv or realone
[1915] rllpk cant' do simple escapes, or realphpsody(
[1915] TENTHEVES ok sounds cool
[1915] TENTHEVES have you not signed up for freepsps yet?
[1917] rllpk i did
[1917] rllpk have 4 cc
[1917] rllpk did that once already
[1917] TENTHEVES oh. What about ip. You got that covered?
[1917] rllpk have 3 more
[1917] rllpk my work up
[1917] rllpk have 5 offices
[1917] rllpk so i'm cool about ips and cc
[1917] rllpk just f hate to remember emails)
[1917] TENTHEVES ahhh
[1918] TENTHEVES lol
[1918] TENTHEVES have you greened for yourrself
[1918] rllpk i know i shell creat gmail for each user
[1918] rllpk freepsps?
[1918] rllpk no
[1918] rllpk i don't want psps
[1918] rllpk i green for
[1918] TENTHEVES for any gratis site?
[1918] rllpk cand do more then 4(
[1918] rllpk and xbox
[1918] rllpk hate psps,
[1918] TENTHEVES lol why?
[1918] rllpk hm
[1919] TENTHEVES whats hm
[1919] rllpk dont' know, kinda sputip thing
[1919] rllpk wanna f flat lcd)
[1919] rllpk have old shit monitor
[1919] rllpk so i'm f upsest with that lcd
[1919] rllpk mother fuckers coobro didn't approve my account for 2month
[1919] TENTHEVES ahh
[1919] TENTHEVES What do you for a living if you dont mind me asking?
[1920] TENTHEVES ya im staying away from Coobro. they dont credit
[1920] rllpk computer tech
[1920] TENTHEVES cool .. me 2
[1920] rllpk cool
[1920] TENTHEVES I work for Symantec
[1920] rllpk a+ ?
[1920] rllpk oh damn nice
[1920] TENTHEVES PeopleSoft
[1920] rllpk i work in real estate corp
[1920] TENTHEVES ahh cool
[1921] TENTHEVES you all have 5 different offices in your area.
[1921] TENTHEVES Thats sweet for doing referrals
[1921] rllpk i wanna ask u
[1921] TENTHEVES sup?
[1921] rllpk i have 3 box of ip the same just 4 box is different
[1922] rllpk u think they will fuck it up?
[1922] rllpk let's say
[1922] rllpk so second pc would be
[1922] rllpk u think they will dq?
[1922] TENTHEVES hmm not sure
[1923] TENTHEVES how long have you been creating mult accounts
[1923] rllpk ya so that's why i use 4 cc 1, each office
[1924] TENTHEVES how many times have you signed up for freepsps already?
[1927] rllpk once
[1927] rllpk but mult account i used for my self
[1927] rllpk digital cam
[1927] rllpk and i got it
[1928] rllpk 6 weeks ago
[1928] TENTHEVES ok
[1928] TENTHEVES will give it a test run
[1928] TENTHEVES worse case scenario.. you go red and slide with a green but agree to return my $10

Ok thats just the part where he admitted to the mult account thing.[/colore0060f6336]

[1836] lilili "rllpk" signed on at Thu Jun 23 183655 2005.
[2133] TENTHEVES you ever signup for my freinds psp site
[2134] TENTHEVES ....
[2134] rllpk i can do it
[2135] TENTHEVES what do you mean you can do it?
[2136] TENTHEVES you were suppose to signup after he signed up on your flatscreeen. I really dont want to hear that you havent even signed up yet
[2137] rllpk oh
[2137] rllpk what's r email
[2138] TENTHEVES I think
[2138] TENTHEVES you know who he is dude
[2138] rllpk oh yes
[2138] rllpk yellow
[2139] TENTHEVES well he told me he did real rhapsody
[2139] TENTHEVES have you even signed up for him at freepspss
[2139] TENTHEVES please dont f around here. The longer he waits the more distrust he gets from this site
[2140] TENTHEVES and Im working for my own referrals like I told you
[2140] TENTHEVES and Im a +33 trader and your a +30 but I still signed up first for you. Please dont fuck around
[2141] rllpk man
[2141] rllpk u didn't fuckind do my ref, ur friend did
[2141] rllpk so fuck u,
[2141] rllpk get green i will green for u
[2142] rllpk i can f trust ur friend
[2142] rllpk u didn't even do my ref or offer, ur friend did that
[2142] TENTHEVES lol
[2142] TENTHEVES I liked you the other day
[2142] TENTHEVES \and now this
[2142] rllpk i had that shit befor, then guy told me oh im sorry i didnt' know what he did wrong , sorry
[2142] rllpk i dotn' need that shit
[2142] rllpk go green ur friend i do ur site
[2142] rllpk man i will do ur
[2143] TENTHEVES whats your excuse going to be once he actually turns green
[2143] rllpk excuse? i will do ur referral right away
[2143] TENTHEVES we had like an hour conversation the other night and you still cant trust me
[2143] TENTHEVES how do I know
[2143] TENTHEVES I cant f trust you
[2144] rllpk how?
[2144] rllpk if i was scammer i would f scam u
[2144] TENTHEVES bc you agreed to signup at the same time
[2144] rllpk i turst u
[2144] TENTHEVES forgot already
[2144] rllpk not ur fag friend
[2144] TENTHEVES fag friend?
[2144] rllpk dont' know ur friend
[2144] rllpk u didn't do it even
[2144] rllpk he did it
[2144] TENTHEVES i dont know you
[2144] rllpk lol
[2144] rllpk man
[2144] rllpk i'm pete from forum
[2144] rllpk and ur friend is no one on forum
[2145] TENTHEVES but Im puutting my rep up by doing a trade for him
[2145] TENTHEVES and you agreed at the same time
[2145] TENTHEVES I didnty have to tell you my freind would do it
[2145] rllpk lol
[2145] TENTHEVES buyt I trusted your punk ass enough to follow throuhg
[2145] rllpk fucker
[2145] rllpk i trust u to
[2146] rllpk as my ref went red yesturday
[2146] TENTHEVES so if you trust me then you should have no problem, trusting my friend whos older and has more money than both of us combinmed
[2146] rllpk with guy who had 30+ i'm f on't want to fuckup with my freeflat
[2146] TENTHEVES what does anopthewr ref going red haVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ME
[2146] rllpk lol
[2146] rllpk man
[2146] rllpk ur friend even he is older or rich
[2146] rllpk he can be stupid as well do to wrong way ref
[2147] rllpk let him green i will do ur ref,
[2147] TENTHEVES lol
[2147] TENTHEVES bs
[2147] rllpk why
[2147] rllpk man i will f kick ur ass for not trusting me
[2147] TENTHEVES cause it is you agreed same time
[2147] rllpk man
[2147] rllpk ur fag friend is f noob super noob
[2147] TENTHEVES youll kick my ass
[2148] rllpk lol
[2148] rllpk okay
[2148] rllpk bring ur f gloves
[2148] TENTHEVES lol Ill fucking throw a grenade down your mouth for not keeping your word
[2148] rllpk let's fucking fit
[2148] rllpk lol
[2148] rllpk i will get ur friend and let u fuck him for doing u a green
[2148] TENTHEVES your a piece of shit
[2149] TENTHEVES then you act like you dont know who he is
[2149] rllpk ha
[2149] TENTHEVES \you probably know the exact time he signed up
[2149] rllpk i know u fag
[2149] rllpk yes i know
[2149] TENTHEVES immigrant
[2149] rllpk hahahaha
[2149] rllpk fucker
[2149] rllpk u hurt me with that
[2150] TENTHEVES learn the fuckin language and how america works you f'mn communist
[2150] TENTHEVES shocked you know how to speak the lqanguage
[2150] rllpk laquangage?
[2150] rllpk what
[2150] rllpk in english plz
[2151] TENTHEVES so as I see if and when he greens he's going to signup for freefaltscreens again to ensure he goes red
[2151] rllpk lol
[2151] TENTHEVES cause I dont trust you or any russian for that matter
[2151] rllpk fucker
[2151] rllpk wow
[2151] rllpk that's f up
[2151] TENTHEVES your f up
[2151] rllpk how
[2152] rllpk that i trade with u fag
[2152] TENTHEVES we said same time didnt we
[2152] rllpk and u gave my ref to ur friend?
[2152] TENTHEVES we said same time didnt we
[2152] rllpk why won't u call him and do with him over the phone
[2152] rllpk or do it over his house
[2152] rllpk we
[2152] TENTHEVES should I contqact gratis and tell them your secrest
[2152] rllpk not f ur friend
[2152] rllpk man u suck
[2153] TENTHEVES cause hes divorced and his kids are visitji9ng for a month
[2153] TENTHEVES and I dont want to intrude
[2153] TENTHEVES but a 24 ye4ar old like you has no compassion
[2153] rllpk so many exuces
[2153] TENTHEVES call him
[2153] rllpk i will
[2153] TENTHEVES you call him
[2153] TENTHEVES you know Im not giving you his phone #
[2154] TENTHEVES give me yours and he will contact you
[2154] rllpk lol
[2154] rllpk man
[2154] TENTHEVES I wont even tell him about this argument
[2154] rllpk go ask anyone who trade with me
[2154] TENTHEVES so youll know its him
[2154] TENTHEVES ask him any questions
[2154] rllpk ask sweetfish about me
[2154] TENTHEVES wwhat you made sweed go first also
[2154] TENTHEVES we saad same time
[2155] TENTHEVES beeen over 24 hours last time I checked thats not the same time
[2155] rllpk man
[2155] rllpk fucker
[2155] rllpk sorry
[2155] rllpk lol
[2155] rllpk ur friend is not trusted as u r
[2155] rllpk if he wont go green then wat
[2156] TENTHEVES still trying for 440 for freeipods huh?
[2156] TENTHEVES $40
[2156] TENTHEVES think I got yours for 35
[2156] rllpk so what
[2156] rllpk man i'm f legit not like u)
[2156] TENTHEVES your legit?
[2156] rllpk i'm doing for my friends myself
[2156] TENTHEVES I hacve the higher tr.
[2157] TENTHEVES your using 4 credit cards signing up at 4 different IP's
[2157] TENTHEVES should I send that info toi Jake
[2157] rllpk more then 4 ips
[2157] rllpk lol
[2157] rllpk jake?
[2157] rllpk who is jake?
[2157] rllpk lol
[2157] TENTHEVES should I send that info to Jake
[2157] rllpk lol
[2157] rllpk man fuck u
[2157] TENTHEVES fuck you
[2157] rllpk be nice
[2157] rllpk im not a kid
[2157] TENTHEVES you say one thing and did another
[2158] TENTHEVES what are you 24
[2158] rllpk i want freebie same as u r
[2158] rllpk 25
[2158] TENTHEVES oh
[2158] TENTHEVES your a kid
[2158] rllpk and i dont' want be scammed s u r
[2158] TENTHEVES your scamming me ?
[2158] rllpk no
[2158] rllpk never even thinking about it
[2158] rllpk man don't push me
[2158] TENTHEVES and i dont' want be scammed s u r
[2158] rllpk let ur friend go green
[2158] TENTHEVES isant that what you just said
[2159] rllpk if it was u i would do it same time
[2159] TENTHEVES you understand I have uyou by the balls right now
[2159] rllpk want to be
[2159] rllpk no
[2159] rllpk u just been an asshole
[2159] TENTHEVES I have the entire conversation logged
[2159] rllpk ur friend did my ref, and u want me to go green
[2159] rllpk sure
[2159] TENTHEVES I have the entire conversation logged
[2159] rllpk there is no ur friend aroud..
[2159] TENTHEVES I have the entire conversation logged
[2159] rllpk oh god. go f post it
[2159] rllpk lloll
[2200] TENTHEVES yuou sure you want me to do this
[2200] rllpk i didn't SCAM u
[2200] TENTHEVES all your accounts will be placed on hold
[2200] rllpk yes if u want u can do it, but as soon as ur FRIEND green i will do it
[2200] rllpk on hold
[2200] TENTHEVES we agreed same time even after I told you about my friend
[2200] rllpk man i was doing gratis like a year
[2200] rllpk dont' f bs. me with hold
[2200] rllpk u will never put it on hold
[2200] TENTHEVES IOf you f me. I will make sure all your accounts get placed on hold
[2201] TENTHEVES I have the entire conversation logged
[2201] TENTHEVES how you signed up 3-4 times for freeflatscreens
[2201] TENTHEVES Your choice
[2201] TENTHEVES if you dont green just remember the info I have
[2201] rllpk ))))))))))))))))))))))))))
[2201] rllpk man
[2201] rllpk fuck off
[2202] rllpk get ur friend green
[2202] rllpk and i will green
[2202] rllpk if u want green urslef

so My friend greened for him [/colore0060f6336]

[2012] lilili "rllpk" signed on at Thu Jul 21 201238 2005.
[2133] TENTHEVES yo
[2133] rllpk hey
[2133] TENTHEVES sup
[2133] rllpk tired
[2133] TENTHEVES whats going on with the psp
[2133] rllpk i will do it man
[2133] rllpk just don't have time
[2133] TENTHEVES jus get off wo0rk?
[2133] rllpk i am doing construction shit over my apartment
[2134] TENTHEVES k
[2134] TENTHEVES it only takes like 10 min to do it
[2134] rllpk i go to work around 7am, coming back around 6pm, doing construction,
[2134] TENTHEVES I msgd you like on Mon
[2134] rllpk man i have to use other computer to do it
[2134] TENTHEVES wheres other computer
[2134] rllpk my friends, or sisters computer
[2134] rllpk i can't use work computer anymore
[2134] TENTHEVES why not?
[2134] rllpk ip's used already
[2135] rllpk i have to use my gf computer she has modem
[2135] TENTHEVES then why did you signup from work
[2135] rllpk probebly next monday
[2135] rllpk i will resign under diferrent email bro.
[2136] TENTHEVES do it over the weekend
[2136] rllpk will try
[2136] TENTHEVES why is it so hard
[2136] rllpk my gf lives 30min away from me
[2136] rllpk probebly i will do it on a weekend
[2136] TENTHEVES that aint far
[2136] TENTHEVES you live in ny
[2136] TENTHEVES take the train
[2136] rllpk becouse she wants me to drive her to bestbuy
[2136] rllpk i have a car
[2136] rllpk lol
[2137] rllpk no need a train
[2137] TENTHEVES so drive her to best buy on sat
[2137] TENTHEVES and go to her apt
[2137] rllpk i will
[2137] rllpk i was thinking about it
[2137] TENTHEVES than having a car makes it easier
[2137] rllpk i have to do like 3 referrals for figs ppl
[2137] TENTHEVES i think Im priority
[2137] TENTHEVES since we bended the rules
[2137] rllpk just dont' have time to do it.. even my offers i didn't check
[2138] TENTHEVES what do you mean?
[2138] rllpk the rules were u have to pay me 10bucks if u remember
[2138] TENTHEVES ya right
[2138] rllpk i dont' have time to check my sites
[2138] rllpk just working as motherfucker and working
[2138] TENTHEVES thats fine but you still need to get my friend a green
[2138] TENTHEVES and you had more than a week
[2139] rllpk yo bro
[2139] rllpk ur friend pooled my account for 2.5 weeks
[2139] rllpk come on...
[2139] TENTHEVES did he go green?
[2139] rllpk yes
[2140] TENTHEVES wer3ent you on my csase once we initiated the trade to get him to do an offer
[2140] TENTHEVES call himnow
[2140] TENTHEVES is all you said
[2140] TENTHEVES I gave you a week and your telling me your too tired
[2140] rllpk man, i will do ur ref no worries
[2140] TENTHEVES so do it over the weekend
[2140] TENTHEVES not mon
[2140] rllpk i'm not going to scam even a bug
[2141] TENTHEVES good to know
[2141] TENTHEVES get the offer done
[2141] rllpk i will try
[2141] TENTHEVES why cant you just do it. why do you have to try
[2141] TENTHEVES I didnt say I'll try to get my friend to signup. i siad I'll get him to signup
[2141] rllpk man, i said i will try, if i say yes, mean i lied
[2141] rllpk damn u kids
[2142] TENTHEVES no you say I will do it on such and such day
[2142] TENTHEVES kids Im older than you
[2142] rllpk man i said, weekend or next week
[2143] TENTHEVES your kidding me?
[2143] rllpk no
[2143] TENTHEVES do it over the weekend
[2143] rllpk will try
[2144] TENTHEVES Im writing out a letter to Jake if you dont signup by Mon I'll send it out to him
[2144] rllpk man
[2144] rllpk fuck you
[2144] rllpk do whatever you want...
[2144] TENTHEVES I'll be sure to include you claiming to signup mutliple times
[2144] rllpk i said i will try on a weekend or monday
[2144] TENTHEVES you dont try you do it
[2144] rllpk you know what, u faget
[2144] rllpk fuck off
[2144] rllpk okay
[2144] rllpk thanks
[2144] TENTHEVES whats preventing you from doing it on sat
[2145] rllpk ttyl
[2145] rllpk man u pay me 10 bucks i will do it on sat
[2145] rllpk deal is a deal
[2145] TENTHEVES I aint paying you shit
[2145] rllpk pay me 10 dollars i will do it tomorrow, i will f pay someone , they will do it tomorrow
[2145] TENTHEVES no
[2145] rllpk so fuck off, deal was 10 bucks and offer, u wait till weekend or mon
[2146] TENTHEVES You want to get banned from fig too
[2146] TENTHEVES and have your accounts banned by Jake
[2146] rllpk do whatever u want u fag
[2146] rllpk oh please
[2146] TENTHEVES k as long as you agree to it
[2146] rllpk i'm f scared
[2146] rllpk u so full of shit bro
[2147] rllpk if u ban me, u will just fuck up some more ppl
[2147] TENTHEVES I dont care
[2147] rllpk and i dont' care, u can report my ref if u want... but u dont' get my green then
[2147] TENTHEVES your tryting to charge me to for bs
[2147] TENTHEVES fine I can live wioth it
[2147] rllpk and i will be sure to report ur referral as we,, if u wanna be an ass, be my guess
[2147] TENTHEVES your being an ass
[2147] rllpk u r
[2147] TENTHEVES tryingt to charge me for making you do an offer
[2147] rllpk i told u will do it...
[2147] rllpk means i will do it whenever i can
[2148] TENTHEVES thasts some bs
[2148] rllpk this week, next week max
[2148] TENTHEVES thats not the rules
[2148] rllpk ur mom is bs, that get u in that nice world
[2148] TENTHEVES I cant even trust your green I figure it will red
[2148] rllpk okay if u say so
[2148] rllpk so i will pay u rfriend for a green he did to me, and fuck off deal over
[2149] TENTHEVES ya I cant wait for your punk lying stalling ass anyways
[2149] rllpk i deal f care about or bans or reports, i see ur a been so fucking asshole... so i really do f care about u fag
[2149] rllpk it's not a first time u doing to me, first time i remember u wanted me to go first even ur friend was yellow for 3 weeks
[2149] TENTHEVES Im an asshole cause I asked you to do my site in 2 days
[2150] TENTHEVES but you wouldnt let me go for a sec when you needed what you wanted
[2150] TENTHEVES Yes I had higher tr. You had to go first
[2150] rllpk as i said i will do it on a weekend or next week, okay i don't have a time, to chat with you here. u blocked, it's not part of a deal to chat with ur ass on aim
[2150] rllpk i was higher u faget
[2151] TENTHEVES not when trade was initiated
[2151] rllpk i was higher then
[2151] TENTHEVES nope a day later when we talked you were
[2151] rllpk and i dont know how many tr i have now and how many u have
[2151] TENTHEVES but I was higher when we initiated
[2151] rllpk oh u full of shit, ttyl, on sat or next week, bye.
[2151] TENTHEVES doesnt matte Ive already greeened but your stalling
[2151] lilili "rllpk" signed off at Thu Jul 21 215144 2005.
[2203] lilili "rllpk" signed on at Thu Jul 21 220349 2005.
[2212] TENTHEVES your back?
[2213] rllpk back, but not to fight
[2213] TENTHEVES just do the offer as soon as you can its my friends last green
[2213] rllpk okay bro
[2213] TENTHEVES ttyl
[2213] rllpk i will, just as soon as i get to free ip
[2213] rllpk and will do it. ttyl.
[2213] TENTHEVES ttyl

I just got this Pm from him on thursday

yo man can u pay me 10 bucks i will finish ref for you, any gratis one x or xbox
let me know. i know i owe u ref but u have to pay me first!
let me know, becouse my xgf she is giving me her cc, and i will do ref from her job computer.
legit fucker)
come rush nigga

Basically this guy is smoking crack or something. Ive already infromed Jake about our conversations and t6yo him admitting to mult sites being used. I love logging IM's. Sorry if you got your green cause its going red.


09-08-2005 13:46:06

Haha I wonder what he has to say about this. Show Pete this thread.


09-08-2005 13:55:29

Hahahaha, where is pete from? Was hard to understand half of the shit he said


09-08-2005 13:59:40

Hes a Russian. Read the conversation. 2nd Aim one. I said soemthing like I cant trust russian communists or soemthing. Not that I cant or am racist just was pissed off at him at the time.


09-08-2005 14:05:52

[quote54a5c557d0="good2speed"]Hes a Russian. Read the conversation. 2nd Aim one. I said soemthing like I cant trust russian communists or soemthing. Not that I cant or am racist just was pissed off at him at the time.[/quote54a5c557d0]Ahhh, didnt know if you were just picking a random race or if that was fact )


09-08-2005 14:45:17

Pete's a good guy...most of the time D

Just tell him to make you a batman ring and call it even ;)


09-08-2005 14:46:16

lol I've had a lot of funny conversations with Pete too, his english is hilarious. I hope this whole thing works out. He greened promptly for me when we traded, so I dunno.


09-08-2005 14:46:52

why would you have anything to do with him after the first part?


09-08-2005 15:35:51

[quoteef70a155af="damac"]why would you have anything to do with him after the first part?[/quoteef70a155af]

cause he was +30 and I thoguht he had to much to lose if he didnt do his part. Guess he didnt really believe me when I told him I had him by the balls. BTW Ive already fwded the convos to Jake. Jake asked for his ref #. Wow this guy thinks hes slick. He took down his link from the trade page too. LOL nice try. Too bad Ive got a saved copy of the email I sent to my friend. This guy is trash he thinks he smart but like I said the shit is gonna hit the fan. Debating on the right time to give Jake that ref #. Also seeing that hes trying to be slick byu taking the link down just makes me so much more likely to give him the ref #. AAnyone who opposes me giving it out please speak now or forever hold your peace.


09-08-2005 15:37:03

Hold off on it, let Pete respond to this thread.


09-08-2005 15:37:19

That doesn't sound good. I remember back when he tried to offer me the Batman ring. lol


09-08-2005 15:43:42

[quote01cb04aa32="ajrock2000"]Hold off on it, let Pete respond to this thread.[/quote01cb04aa32]

Look aty the dates of the messages. Been over two months since my friend greened. Id think that was long enough. Plus I had sweed talk to him 2-3 weeks ago. Believe me Im not the dude that rushes to Jake if I havent gotten a green in less than a week. In fact I grew up in Ny and you know how we feel about rats and snitches. Last case scenario. I gave him his time and now he wants me to pay him to do the offer. Like Ive said guess he didnt realize what I meant when I msgd him saying I had him by the balls. This info never had to go public but due to his stalling and arrogance he left me no choice.


09-08-2005 15:51:11

Sorry for double post but I just realized soemthing. The word Jakes used in hiphop usually refers to the police. As in the 'punk biatch was snitching to the Jakes'. Usually comes from any other rapper who talks about 50 Cent. I just realized that Jake on FIG is like our Gratis police. So you can refer to me as the cool cat from FIG that snitched to the Jake(s)


09-08-2005 15:52:50

Shame to hear Pete and you are having so many trouble.

Like I said before, he's a good guy.

Give him some time to respond.
This thread was probably just the little push he needed ;)


09-08-2005 15:53:53

[quote5930f82591="good2speed"]So you can refer to me as the cool cat from FIG that snitched to the Jake(s)[/quote5930f82591]

or not wink


10-08-2005 22:33:44

[quotedda2eef5d0="good2speed"]Hes a Russian. Read the conversation. 2nd Aim one. I said soemthing like I cant trust russian communists or soemthing. Not that I cant or am racist just was pissed off at him at the time.[/quotedda2eef5d0]

haha, sorry fag... i knew you are just pace of meat!
I pm'ed you last week to pm me your ref, that i could do it over the weekend from my gf house. but first you have to pay me 10 bucks (i really don't need them, but from you i will take even a penny) if you won't pay you will never see a green! hate liars!
waiting for money...fucker ...! oops was it in russian?

AND for other guys, sorry about delay... I didn't check figs for few days, i'm just too busy with work and doing Renovation in my apartment (i think no one cares anyway), but still thanks to wood, without him i wouldn't even see this posting....Thanks pinocchio. lol


10-08-2005 22:48:11

...Someone had a little too much to drink tonight...


10-08-2005 22:54:40

id love to see a convo between pete and cart' lol


10-08-2005 23:02:18

[quote8fbdea2fe1="theysayjump"]id love to see a convo between pete and cart' lol[/quote8fbdea2fe1]

there is no convo, just good2speed trying to scare people with Jack.
just because good2speed is a shitty trader, he can't use jacks power over other people!!! Be a nice trader good2speed, we all know you are 40+TR, poor noobs!!!
Anyone can set someone referral, and put his account on hold. i can even do it to you speedy, will you like it??? dont' think so... my paypal account, as soon as i see 10bucks under my account i will do your ref only on sat or sun.
and of convo.

Hide freeflatscreens and $10 for freepsps
100607pm 07/18/05
125004pm 06/21/05


10-08-2005 23:16:35

[quote5fcb01c509="Pete"][quote5fcb01c509="theysayjump"]id love to see a convo between pete and cart' lol[/quote5fcb01c509]

there is no convo, just good2speed trying to scare people with Jack.
just because good2speed is a shitty trader, he can't use jacks power over other people!!! Be a nice trader good2speed, we all know you are 40+TR, poor noobs!!!
Anyone can set someone referral, and put his account on hold. i can even do it to you speedy, will you like it??? dont' think so... my paypal account, as soon as i see 10bucks under my account i will do your ref only on sat or sun.
and of convo.

Hide freeflatscreens and $10 for freepsps
100607pm 07/18/05
125004pm 06/21/05[/quote5fcb01c509]

Not everyone incriminates themselves in their AIm conversations. You should really learn how this country works so you wont impl,icate yourself any further.


10-08-2005 23:23:07

[quote7fc19abdff="good2speed"][quote7fc19abdff="Pete"][quote7fc19abdff="theysayjump"]id love to see a convo between pete and cart' lol[/quote7fc19abdff]

there is no convo, just good2speed trying to scare people with Jack.
just because good2speed is a shitty trader, he can't use jacks power over other people!!! Be a nice trader good2speed, we all know you are 40+TR, poor noobs!!!
Anyone can set someone referral, and put his account on hold. i can even do it to you speedy, will you like it??? dont' think so... my paypal account, as soon as i see 10bucks under my account i will do your ref only on sat or sun.
and of convo.

Hide freeflatscreens and $10 for freepsps
100607pm 07/18/05
125004pm 06/21/05[/quote7fc19abdff]

Not everyone incriminates themselves in their AIm conversations. You should really learn how this country works so you wont impl,icate yourself any further.[/quote7fc19abdff]

man stop be like a kid, pm me your referral i will do it on a weekend, but you have to pay me, and dont' forget your friend didn't green for 3 weeks, so don't go with a date time! I don't want to fight for one silly ref, just want to make it clear to you, YOU CAN'T SCARE people with JACK, i know he can put accounts on hold, it's not your rights to tell him what to do, thank god you are not a MOD.
Be nice and let's finish it!


10-08-2005 23:31:10

man stop be like a kid, pm me your referral i will do it on a weekend, but you have to pay me, and dont' forget your friend didn't green for 3 weeks, so don't go with a date time! I don't want to fight for one silly ref, just want to make it clear to you, YOU CAN'T SCARE people with JACK, i know he can put accounts on hold, it's not your rights to tell him what to do, thank god you are not a MOD.
Be nice and let's finish it![/quote723c81785c]

This Pm from Jun 21st I just dug up

[quote723c81785c="Pete"][quote723c81785c="good2speed"][quote723c81785c="Pete"][quote723c81785c="good2speed"]You know you have to go first according to forum rules[/quote723c81785c]

haha, fuck the shit bro, sorry i didn't see ur r 29 TR, i'm 28...
mean same time... want it? let's do it, if not... i'm cool ![/quote723c81785c]

Fine the same time. Im at work right now though. Will only be able to signup once I get home since I dont have acces to gratis sites at work.[/quote723c81785c]

cool, let's do it around 10-12pm,, eastern time..
aim me.[/quote723c81785c]

Hmm I was 29 and you were 28 that would mean you go first wouldnt it. Hey I bent the rules and my friend went first with theexpectation that you would do the same later that day. But you didnt and you stalled. Took me hours just to convince you to signup and you never bothered to complete your offer. Realize you didnt f with me you f with my friends. That pisses me off more and plus your rude and arrogant. You say one thing and do another. Couldnt believe a word you typed. Im still shocked how the plan to do the ref at the same time came down to the last AIm conv we had were you said you will do it either over the weekend or next week but choose to do nothing even after that time expired. And plus my link is still up on the trade page take a look. Even after 2 weeks since the last AIm conv you still did nothing. Hardly seems like the same time.


10-08-2005 23:36:27

i won't say anything, i will say it last time, you pay and i will do.
that's it.
sorry if i was rude to you. didn't mean it.
just you pissing me off with Jack. I can call my dad he will kick your ass, sounds like it.

by the way, i didn't delete my link from trades... i just didn't put it there, and i never put my links under trades, can't trust.


11-08-2005 00:03:00

Pete you owe me some money.


11-08-2005 05:18:43

[quote4a87889869="drummer_kew_03"]Pete you owe me some money.[/quote4a87889869]
didn't i pay you?


11-08-2005 05:32:12

Pete, che za huynya zdes', eh?


11-08-2005 08:21:29

[quote350f86c915="Archon810"]Pete, che za huynya zdes', eh?[/quote350f86c915]

da dalben on..
chto u tebya slishno?


11-08-2005 09:00:44

I thought it was Jake, not Jack.


11-08-2005 11:01:22

[quote4c37709b8f="Sonofshoe"]I thought it was Jake, not Jack.[/quote4c37709b8f]

It is Jake


11-08-2005 11:16:27

sorry, Jake.

good2speed. check your pms.


19-08-2005 13:24:55

petka daaa ploxo tebe ne pozaviduesh lol edu na pomosh

hey good2speed remmeber me you did ??? well guess what my account is on hold...... evil and i paid you 30 bucks


19-08-2005 17:29:14

Pete tebe tochno ne povezlo...taper chto bez nechevo ostalsa


20-08-2005 00:14:21

did a trade with Pete and everything went ok! but still Pete, even right now good2speed has a higher TR than you, so you still have to go first ;) mrgreen

trali vali, mi yebali! tak skoko u teba vsetaki etih CCartochek i eBay'evskih acountov? ti blyat kakoy to hustler ;)


20-08-2005 03:04:16

[quote756c55f5d0="xXHasek99"]did a trade with Pete and everything went ok! but still Pete, even right now good2speed has a higher TR than you, so you still have to go first ;) mrgreen

trali vali, mi yebali! tak skoko u teba vsetaki etih CCartochek i eBay'evskih acountov? ti blyat kakoy to hustler ;)[/quote756c55f5d0]

I don't have any cc or other accounts, if i had other accounts i wouldn't care about accounts that on hold! Don't you think so?
i already paid good2speed $$..., GOSH like you guys never asked your friends to sign up under your referrals???? checked my accounts... They know i'm legit and they do know i did NOT scam, they have only our aim conv with good2speed. And it's not right to put accounts on hold without proof! (

Jake told me he will try to get my accounts back.
Thank you guys for help and trust...


20-08-2005 05:49:13

Moral of the story... don't trade with Pete


20-08-2005 07:17:10

[quotebb1dc416fe="hairyferry"]Moral of the story... don't trade with Pete[/quotebb1dc416fe]

wtf do you know? Pete not only is an awesome trader, he is a hilarious person to talk to online. Pete has no bad history of trading here at all. Thank you for your completely useless comment.


20-08-2005 12:05:41



20-08-2005 12:11:57

Sorry for all the testing. My webhost switched from sendmail to ssmpt and phpbb ate shit. All working now.


20-08-2005 18:36:47


wtf do you know? Pete not only is an awesome trader, he is a hilarious person to talk to online. Pete has no bad history of trading here at all. Thank you for your completely useless comment.

P.S. nice avatar ;)


21-08-2005 09:30:19

wtf is goin on with this thread lol


21-08-2005 12:59:21




21-08-2005 15:52:44

[quotefd6cbee20f="hairyferry"]Moral of the story... don't trade with Pete[/quotefd6cbee20f]

what the hell are you talking about???

DID I SCAM YOU? did i trade with you? how the hell do you know about my trades evil ? if i chated on aim with someone and said stupid things, i dont thing he should report my accounts to freebie site!!!

by the way go to http// ... just check under scammers list, how many times people posted about good2speed....


21-08-2005 15:58:14

[quote9be15ed10e="theysayjump"]id love to see a convo between pete and cart' lol[/quote9be15ed10e]
are you talking about me ?


21-08-2005 16:21:29

[quote165f15c93d="cartrenroy"][quote165f15c93d="theysayjump"]id love to see a convo between pete and cart' lol[/quote165f15c93d]
are you talking about me ?[/quote165f15c93d]

Me too... it would be so amusing! HAHAHAH!!!


21-08-2005 19:58:47

[quoted5abf842ed="Collateral"][quoted5abf842ed="cartrenroy"][quoted5abf842ed="theysayjump"]id love to see a convo between pete and cart' lol[/quoted5abf842ed]
are you talking about me ?[/quoted5abf842ed]

Me too... it would be so amusing! HAHAHAH!!![/quoted5abf842ed]

there is nothing between me and cart lol
we are cool...


22-08-2005 05:45:27

[1923] rllpk ya so that's why i use 4 cc 1, each office
[1924] TENTHEVES how many times have you signed up for freepsps already?
[1927] rllpk once
[1927] rllpk but mult account i used for my self
[1927] rllpk digital cam
[1927] rllpk and i got it
[1928] rllpk 6 weeks ago [/quote927cdb084d]

So is this not true then....?


22-08-2005 10:39:40

[1923] rllpk ya so that's why i use 4 cc 1, each office
[1924] TENTHEVES how many times have you signed up for freepsps already?
[1927] rllpk once
[1927] rllpk but mult account i used for my self
[1927] rllpk digital cam
[1927] rllpk and i got it
[1928] rllpk 6 weeks ago [/quote61af554315]
So is this not true then....?[/quote61af554315]

lol ya i forgot to tell him i did his mom... he would believe it too ?
August 18, 2005
rllpk read ur pm
rllpk i can't do ur green man
rllpk my gf left for vacation
rllpk let me pay u
rllpk or u can wait i could do any ref in a futur
TENTHEVES how much you gonna pay me
rllpk how much u want
rllpk okay
rllpk how about my accounts?
rllpk sometimes it hurts to see when u r not gilty and u get smacked
TENTHEVES Ill tell Jake that you were just joking and To just drop my request
rllpk thanks
rllpk u want to wait, till my gf comes back?
rllpk i could as her to do ur 2 greens
rllpk i really can't do it myself, it was stupid show off,
TENTHEVES its kind of funny how your msging mer evcetryday now but would be ghost when I needed my ref
rllpk or i pay u man
rllpk man u knew i couldn't do it
rllpk i had construction to do
rllpk u knew it bro. we were dudes
TENTHEVES you were stalling
TENTHEVES I dont want to fget into it
rllpk man, wanna me to take picture of my apartment?
TENTHEVES you couldnt find 10 min in 3 weeks?
rllpk i can't do it from my compuiter
rllpk my gf only way
rllpk as ur fried
TENTHEVES you want to keep giving me exuses
TENTHEVES or just end it
rllpk i will do ur ref or pay u
rllpk lets' and as friends
TENTHEVES Im sick of hearing excuses
rllpk we r both strong TRS
rllpk i know
rllpk if we going to dig the shit, we will end like a shit
rllpk i will pay u
rllpk let me know what u want. money or 2 refs whens she is back.
TENTHEVES ok Im setting up a trade with someone else so oncxe I get the details you can send themover 25 in paypal
rllpk email?
TENTHEVES Once I get the info Ill give it to you
rllpk k, but don't push it, i will have to leave with in 20min
TENTHEVES ok I gott someone
TENTHEVES send the money there
TENTHEVES let me know once you do
rllpk sent, check.
TENTHEVES ok cool thx for the payment
TENTHEVES no hard feelings
TENTHEVES please update trade status
rllpk i will right now.
rllpk second
rllpk done
rllpk damn so easy and nice.
rllpk friends?
TENTHEVES see what can happen when you dont stall and talk nicely. sure
rllpk ))
rllpk yo older brother
rllpk for real age?
rllpk no way
rllpk u can't be older then me
rllpk any way, how is ur friend doing with 2 kids?
TENTHEVES should be cool.
rllpk ok.
TENTHEVES Still needs 1 more for psps
TENTHEVES but hes on his own now
TENTHEVES I got him that far
rllpk if u want wait as soon as she will be back she will do it for u.
TENTHEVES and Im going to be working somewhere else now
TENTHEVES nah its cool
rllpk ok.
TENTHEVES He said he should be able to get someone to do it
rllpk damn all i was doing it's legit site man, and did not fraud, but u did nice work(
rllpk Jake don't believe me even that i didn't fraud or scam gratis.
rllpk G2S how can i get my accounts
rllpk u , gratis, figs and i all know i'm didn't fraud! it's not right way to be my accounts on hold...
TENTHEVES i tried msgin Jake to tell him its all cool. he still hasnt responded
rllpk thanks, just tell it was bs, and we all know it was, one day, i will back your bud as well
rllpk peace i have to run home, and gym. ttyl

why won't you read about him under scammers? New one http//