Giftfiestas script

Live forum:


08-08-2005 20:47:09

Their script is amazing, does anyone else notice this? Discuss.

Im thinking of starting their dvr site
PS. How do you change your gift


08-08-2005 22:07:55

You don't switch your gift. Just go back to the site and select a new one and sign up again. Sounds weird but that's what you do.


08-08-2005 22:34:13

[quoteeec9d4ab44="drummer_kew_03"]You don't switch your gift. Just go back to the site and select a new one and sign up again. Sounds weird but that's what you do.[/quoteeec9d4ab44]So that wont get me flagged for multiple accounts? (just making sure)


08-08-2005 23:00:29

It shouldn't. I've done it a couple times.