Any Free sites offering Sony Minidisc Equip? (Hi-MD)

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08-08-2005 08:37:50

I'm looking to pick up a walkman Hi-MD recorder, and was wondering if anyone knew of a freebie site that offers these.


08-08-2005 08:42:38

I know zens4free has Sony Walkman.. I dont think thats what you're looking for. Even if it was, zens4free probably wouldnt be a good site to do with cool4free's less than perfect record..


08-08-2005 10:21:34

Thanks for the response. I appreciate it.

I'm basically looking to get a MiniDisc recorder... but Sony has some newer ones (as of last year) that the discs are 1 gig each... takes a special sort of recorder they call Hi-MD. I'm searching through sites to see if anyone offers these, and am not coming up with anything.