Ethan on Vacation

Live forum:


04-08-2005 14:57:49

I will be out of town and AFK starting tomorrow after work until next tuesday. Anyone currently involved in trades please understand that I will get back with you ASAP if you go green while I'm gone. If anyone sees a thread about me in the bad trader forum please go ahead and link to this for me. Thanks.


04-08-2005 14:59:31

have a good time


04-08-2005 15:09:10

Yeah have fun out there.


04-08-2005 15:10:25

Have fun, get a tan.


11-08-2005 08:43:01

I'm back! I had a great time! Cedar point is a fun place (though I would recommend finding which days have the least use because the lines are long) an island on lake erie.

Sadly I came back to no new greens and therefore this post was slightly unnecessary.


11-08-2005 09:48:30

Welcome back. D


12-08-2005 07:17:27

Since I'm talking about my trip... Check this crazy thing out. I saw it on the interstate between dayton and cincinati.... had to stop and take a picture. That's me in front of it for perspective.

http//[" alt=""/imga56f9ff7a6]