Do you blog?

Live forum:


03-08-2005 13:33:58

As you can see from my small sig, I have started a blog.

Nothing too fancy, I wrote some of it (the css and html) and stole some other parts but all in all I kind of like it.

I know godrockdj does LiveJournal.

Does anyone else blog or anything along the lines of it? I'm just curious.


03-08-2005 13:40:27

Your blog picture is pretty funny )

And yes I do LJ. In fact (not to threadjack), I'm looking for someone to help me redesign mine. I'm not very good at their confusing code. I have a paid account so that has lots of benefits. Anyone interested, pm me.


03-08-2005 15:26:50

I used to have a website for blogging a while ago, but now I do livejournal.

Godrockdj, I love changing around my journal I could defnitely help you. Having a paid account makes it so easy.
My LJ[=http//]My LJ


03-08-2005 15:35:00



04-08-2005 07:47:20


Hey, thanks collateral.


04-08-2005 07:53:01

[quote615542e045="Retro"]I used to have a website for blogging a while ago, but now I do livejournal.

Godrockdj, I love changing around my journal I could defnitely help you. Having a paid account makes it so easy.
My LJ[=http//]My LJ[/quote615542e045]

I commented to be added. And I'll be pm'ing you shortly.


04-08-2005 08:00:39

I've always thought it was kind of silly to act like people cared about my mundane life. That said I've randomly had blogs for my random stuff that I thought was funny. Most lately I've got a wordpress blog with a group of friends where we try to be cute or something.
