think this is spam?

Live forum:


01-08-2005 21:47:32

I get a lot of these kind of pm's on AIM... i dont really care, i just like to fuck around with the little kiddies... just wondering if you guys consider what they do as spam?

[quote4178d72f92][2128] S h Y n K z Hello Are you there?
[2129] S h Y n K z Can you do for $20?
[2130] AhrenO did you read my post?
[2130] S h Y n K z I got your name from the users list, sorry
[2130] AhrenO so you're spamming
[2130] S h Y n K z No, simply looking for referrals
[2131] AhrenO actually, that's called spamming
[2131] S h Y n K z It would be spamming if I didn't leave you alone
[2131] S h Y n K z Ever
[2132] AhrenO wrong
[2132] S h Y n K z Stop spamming me
[2132] AhrenO sending out unsolicited ads like that is spamming
[2133] S h Y n K z Can you stop IMing me with your stupid pointless annoying messages?
[2134] AhrenO if you would have quit when i said , i wouldn't be forced to report you to FIG and the site you're tryin gto do
[2134] AhrenO i suggest you leave me along now
[2134] S h Y n K z I'm not the one IMing you buddy.
[2135] AhrenO no?
[2135] lilili Error while sending IM This user is currently not logged on[/quote4178d72f92]


01-08-2005 21:55:11

i would have to say that is irritating, yeah it's pretty much spamming


02-08-2005 03:10:05

to be honest,, i dont think so..

thats why you have the option to post ur aim


02-08-2005 03:53:22

it's spamming, that guy IMed me too.


02-08-2005 06:15:35

I think it's only spam if it is random....If they read a trade post of yours and offered a legit deal, but just wanted to work faster than PM's then I do not think it's spam. It's just trying to work out a trade, and w/ 1 quick PM then the trade can be set up.


02-08-2005 06:21:18

yea i used to get that all the time but i just took the aim out of my profile.


02-08-2005 07:24:57

Since he said he went to the userlist and just started contacting people, that is spamming


02-08-2005 07:32:49

I get it but it doesn't matter. It's kind of useful in my opinion. You can make a good bargain some times. And if not just say no thanks and they'll leave you alone.


02-08-2005 08:55:37

[quote095bb39265="J4320"]I get it but it doesn't matter. It's kind of useful in my opinion. You can make a good bargain some times. And if not just say no thanks and they'll leave you alone.[/quote095bb39265]
the guy did the same thing to me and i did a ref for him then he bitched in the scammer forum because i didnt go green instantly(took like 2days) i assumed he got my name from fig but it was totally random i hadnt initiated a trade for a while before that I actually hadnt posted in a week or so when i got a im from him so i know it wasnt from a thread i started.

ben laden

02-08-2005 12:40:23

Yeah that guy is IMing me too. I consider it spam.


02-08-2005 13:57:35

It's spam if he was just iming people from the userlist. & lol @ him trying to turn it around on you and then blocking you

I love when idiots block you when they're the one in the wrong. Like this guy who IMed me after I stated in my post to only pm me and I said something smart alecy and he was like "you don't have to be an asshole" and then blocked me

edit and then I looked to get the convo and found out it was the same person lol

0114 S h Y n K z $20
0114 S h Y n K z Why PM?
0115 sheaintbrandnew because I said so
0115 sheaintbrandnew i got higher offers anyway, so don't waist your time
0115 S h Y n K z Right, you're an asshole
0115 sheaintbrandnew lol, not really
0115 Error while sending IM This user is currently not logged on


02-08-2005 15:31:06

So whats this guys name on here?


02-08-2005 15:34:10



02-08-2005 16:03:57

Shit, i have been teh caught roll