30-07-2005 01:39:21
i am thinking about getting a vaja case for my 20gb ipod and was wondering if any of you have one. iskins suck btw. here is some more info i guess.
a bit expensive but i guess that determines your lifestyle na d how much you cae about music.
30-07-2005 01:43:22
those are quite nice, but yeah they are a bit on the expensive use that money to get pay for greens to get another ipod.
theres a case for $110 there. shock
30-07-2005 01:45:14
I don't have one, but I've looked into them before. They're good quality cases, and you do pay for it. Personally, the price and the fact that they make the iPod look bulky deterred me from ever wanting to buy one.
30-07-2005 07:15:24
A little too expensive for me. I just bought an iSkin the other day so we'll see how that goes when I get it.