Internet Explorer 7.....BETA
29-07-2005 13:13:42
Remember it is a BETA, so its not going to be as stable as the final release.
so i take no responsibility for anything going wrong with your computer if you download this.
i dont have it myself since i dont use IE, but it would be cool if someone who downloads it could let us know what its like.
oh and you will probably need winrar to open the file.
29-07-2005 13:14:35
I'll download it I guess
29-07-2005 13:14:48
Pretty sure I can't stand their current stable version, so I choose to not be the guinea pig )
29-07-2005 13:14:54
wait, i don't have winrar
29-07-2005 13:15:34
what did stable and microsoft ever mix?
29-07-2005 13:19:39
here is a link to download winrar if you dont already have it.
29-07-2005 13:21:23
[quote8f80f7053c="CoMpFrEaK"]what did stable and microsoft ever mix?[/quote8f80f7053c]
i used my copy of Microsoft Windows 95 to keep my desk stable
29-07-2005 13:21:46
Downloading winrar, will download IE now
29-07-2005 13:24:16
report back collateral.
29-07-2005 13:33:56
i tried to try it. but i was unable to make it through install (windows was unable to verifiy your windows installation).
29-07-2005 13:35:39
read my firefox/IE tweak near the bottom of this page wink
29-07-2005 13:35:39
K I got it installed. It has tabbed browsing and also a tool to check everypage you visit for phishing. Will report back later after I use it more.
29-07-2005 15:40:37
this browser is weird. using it right now.
here's a screenshot

http/" alt=""/[/img477bb68ad4]
29-07-2005 16:31:04
whats weird about that?
29-07-2005 17:17:51
I'm using it... but theres a couple things I don't like
Can't double-click to close a tab..
And it moved my toolbars all around, and I can't fix it.. even if they're unlocked
29-07-2005 17:27:39
try using the scroll wheel to close the tabs, like in firefox.
might not work but its worth a try no?
29-07-2005 17:50:48
That works... now to fix the other problem
29-07-2005 18:03:20
I unlocked my toolbar and the buttons moved fine. Also, yah clickwheel will close the tabs. Thing that sucks is microsoft won't allow you to download window updates with it.
29-07-2005 18:05:14
did you try the tweak i posted?
further down the page. have a look, it should work.
29-07-2005 19:36:29
Is there a way to put the menu bar at the top, the URL below that, and the tabs below that?
30-07-2005 08:04:06
yea i dont like how hte address and tab bars are at top and are permantently locked
IE screwed up on this beta
30-07-2005 08:05:56
[quoteb89b8d548e="EatChex89"]yea i dont like how hte address and tab bars are at top and are permantently locked
IE screwed up on this beta[/quoteb89b8d548e]
Yah, I don't like it either.
30-07-2005 09:44:28
wow looks like ms just wants to steal everything good about firefox. Gay...
30-07-2005 09:59:06
Firefox is still better with all of it's plugins and all.
30-07-2005 21:09:15
Anything open source or at least capable of taking in open source addons will always be better than what microsoft can put out. Too many good coders out there for them to even have a chance to compete w/ the likes of a firefox and all of its plugins.
31-07-2005 09:01:36
get ready for the entire internet to break...