26-07-2005 10:44:45
lol lol lol
26-07-2005 10:46:08
Lol. But you can't really run with the normal iPod. It's bad for the HD.
26-07-2005 10:53:10
lol - They could have at least got a white post it note to blend.
26-07-2005 10:58:10
I've been reading that most people don't like the shuffle cuz of no screen display but it does what it says it "shuffles" through songs. I'm gonna use this for when i walk to school from my apt. Its gonna be a great freebie )
Diablo NW
26-07-2005 13:18:12
[quote0548cbb2c8="J4320"]Lol. But you can't really run with the normal iPod. It's bad for the HD.[/quote0548cbb2c8]DOes it really mess up the hd? Because i have been running with mine for awhile.