Anyone else notice all these people from A4F?

Live forum:


20-07-2005 08:04:00

So many people complain about this board, yet here come all the A4F people running over here because A4F is down. )


20-07-2005 08:15:00

A4F is always having some kind of issue.


20-07-2005 09:18:03

i hate a4f. out of the 3 pending trades i have there, 1 has gone green. i have gone green on all 3 of their sites.


20-07-2005 09:33:08

its all good let them come


20-07-2005 09:58:07

Meh. Let's rise above their level and welcome them with open arms.

Keep in mind, they all have 0 TR's - FRESH MEAT! lol


20-07-2005 10:32:33

[quote581bbc584f="tracemhunter"]i hate a4f. out of the 3 pending trades i have there, 1 has gone green. i have gone green on all 3 of their sites.[/quote581bbc584f]
Must just be your luck then, I have 33 complete trades on A4F.


20-07-2005 10:34:01

Yes, I have 18+ Completed trades on A4F. I get about the same experience in trades from both sites. FIPG is much more organized with it and I can keep better track. I have to keep deleting PM's on A4F (


20-07-2005 12:22:56

[quotea26c1d7b2f="wood"]Meh. Let's rise above their level and welcome them with open arms.

http//[" alt=""/imga26c1d7b2f]


20-07-2005 12:33:28

Then again, a lot of people from this board go over to a4f as well. Let's not start this dumb shit.


20-07-2005 12:34:27

exactly who cares anyways


20-07-2005 12:35:33

I didn't mean to make this thread seem like I was trying to start something. I use both boards the same amount and have nothing wrong with either. I am just saying, so many people like to talk shlit about FIPG, yet here people come...


20-07-2005 12:47:46

Let's just agree that both a4f and freeipodguide are better than gearlive, and move on. D


20-07-2005 12:49:44

[quote54bf1ac0d3="willr91"]Let's just agree that both a4f and freeipodguide are better than gearlive, and move on. D[/quote54bf1ac0d3]

Now that's the truth )


20-07-2005 12:51:50

[quote3625e02215="Stroid"]its all good let them come[/quote3625e02215]

I actually agree with you stroids! mrgreen