Need help getting 60GB Photo Ipod, My ipod got stolen

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19-07-2005 02:53:19

Hello, I need some help!

First off, I am 15 year old.

Several months back, I received an Ipod after working my butt of to make a trade with someone for it (i traded them some software). After about 1 month even, I went and did a church project and brought along my ipod thinking that it would be safe. Well, as you may have guessed, it got stolen some how.

Anyways, I need to find some way to get another one, no one will hire me due to my age, and I cannot get a credit card. The pre-paid credit cards would work, except that they cost $15 for the application fee.

What I am looking for, is someone who I can send a little bit of money to, so that they can finish one offer for me on, and send a donation to this site so that I can get some referrals (I have read that it works).

If anyone is willing to help me out, I would appreciate it. DEARLY!!

In exchange for your services, I can offer you free webhosting for a year, which includes a free domain name, and free webdesign.

If anyone wants a free website in exchange for their time, PLEASE, let me know!!

Please email me or send me a PM. Or even better, send me an IM on aim asap!



19-07-2005 02:54:40

Its not that easy, you WILL get placed on hold if someone does your offer for you on Gratis's sites.


19-07-2005 02:56:01

Could they recieve the item and send it to me?


19-07-2005 03:02:24

[quote6a31d8858a="Klo555"]Could they recieve the item and send it to me?[/quote6a31d8858a]

Not if they are doing the site. As alawys its risky even if they are not. I mean look how old i am (under my avaitor) and i've been able to do sites, without using my parents cc.


19-07-2005 03:05:53

How exactly?


19-07-2005 03:13:11

[quoteabf6725738="Klo555"]How exactly?[/quoteabf6725738]

Im not going to elaborate, but just think one IP two different addresses?


19-07-2005 03:27:07

Yea, I understand that.. How can I make this work then? Is there any way at all that this is possibe?


19-07-2005 11:13:59

Klo555, good luck, but I doubt this story will get you any referrals, as we've heard the same story several times )


19-07-2005 11:31:04

I'm so sad for you... '-(


19-07-2005 11:32:36

lisighli Not ANOTHER one.


19-07-2005 11:44:05

no sympathy thread locked