Questions about creating and running a free site

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16-07-2005 17:07:06

Too start, I am just in the brainstorming mode right now. Here is deal, I am very interested in the way that Gratis runs things with their sites. So, I had a few questions. I would want to be a successful site so I will def. need to get into some advertising. I was just curious about what some people would recommend for advertising my site, and also getting advertisements on my site. I can already see that if I come straight to the forums and just advertise there, I am heading for a downfall. I honestly want to do some research this summer into how Gratis operates. If anyone knows of some good articles or anything that I should read into, please let me know. I plan to posts ads around my college this semester trying to get people from different areas that could help with the site. Once I get a nice group together, I plan to divide tasks and get the site designed. I will start with a network site and one freebie site. Up until that time, I plan to build revenue from the freebies I get over the next few months. I plan to work on the various paypal sites to build up some money to be able to put into the site. Also, I need to know if this is considered a true business, and would I need to get a Tax ID and pay taxes on each check that I get? Also, when I get my "team" together, it will be formed to where if something happens, any one of us could operate the company whether it be short term or long term. As many people can probably tell, I am online a lot and have the time to put into this, instead of playing games, etc. ) . School work will of course come first which is the point of having a team. First off, do I sound like I have some reasonable expectations, or am I just dreaming? Also, I need to know what people would like to see on a STARTER network (don't plan on starting with Laptops D ). I would like to gather my thoughts and start developing a partial business plan this summer as I finish off my internship. I want to have a business plan with in the next few months to be able to show to interested people at my school. Of course, this may be a network you don't see until late this year / early next year, but I would like to get a good jump on the planning, so when people start asking question I don't sit there like "umm....." D Well, who ever takes some time to read this, please give me some input, thanks.


16-07-2005 19:54:12

Well if you are going to start a site and do advertising, you should pick a gift that will appeal to the mass'. That is why so many of these start-ups fail. They specialize on computers or other stuff only the free community would be interested in. Gratis chooses things everybody would want. They make a majority of their money from people signing up and starting, and then giving up. We from the forums know better. That may be why OC is going down. I am not sure if this can be a side job with you going to school. Gratis probably has over 100 employees working full time.

I'm not trying to discourage you, but with enough research, you will find what you need to do to survive in this market. But know that gratis is the only network that most of us trust now and i bet one of the only legit one's making money.


16-07-2005 20:13:17

I understand about the time, that is why I plan on getting a team together. Of course, with more business, I would expand. I really plan on doing a lot of research on the advertising aspect, so that I can do this to make a little money. If you think I am going to be heading straight for a dead end, let me know. I would really like to do something that will grow. I have no problems doing it while in school, I have plenty of time to work with the site.


16-07-2005 20:16:09

Something to think about is that these free sites cannot last forever. Even Gratis will start to lose money by advertisors pulling out and not getting enough new customers. So would you be making money by the time the fad fades? You would have to figuire out how long it would take before your company is out of the red.


16-07-2005 20:19:55

Lol, maybe I will just focus on something else then.... (


16-07-2005 20:22:03

I'm not trying to get you down or discourage you, but i don't know if these can really make a lot of money. Gratis has pretty much a monopoly on it. Please don't give up just by what i think. I am by no means an expert on the inner workings of these sites.


16-07-2005 20:26:15

Well, ill see if anyone else will give some input. I mean, I am not a dumb guy, and I catch onto things pretty quick, so I am sure if there is a method, I can make it work.


16-07-2005 20:32:22

I always wanted a radar jammar and detector all in one. I would love to see a site offer that.


16-07-2005 20:35:06


I think it is just detectors


16-07-2005 20:38:13

Thanks for that site but yah just detectors. I'd like an all-in-one radar. Maybe I'll just use money and buy one myself.


16-07-2005 20:42:11

The owner is on A4F often, new site


16-07-2005 20:48:36

[quote7a11fc2516="gregcool"]The owner is on A4F often, new site[/quote7a11fc2516]

oh just noticed there was a custom order lol. WOO


16-07-2005 20:50:20

yea, i am working on the site ) if you want to sign up under me )


16-07-2005 22:13:50

As for things you should put on your website, i think it would be cool to do instrument related stuff.


17-07-2005 09:32:01

I could probably eventually open a few specialized sites such as instruments. But as Peinecone said, I would need to start something that almost anyone in the general public would go for.


17-07-2005 11:36:28

Gratis, hundreds of employees? HA!


17-07-2005 11:46:59

I think to be successful you would need to make running your incentive Web site as your main job. That's one reason why Gratis is so triumphant


17-07-2005 11:48:28

It would turn into my main job after some time. As of right now, I know I have the time for it. The time is no problem.


17-07-2005 23:57:12

[quotece3a421179="Admin"]Gratis, hundreds of employees? HA![/quotece3a421179]

2 people?

Hasek. mrgreen


18-07-2005 08:46:58

[quotef9f4452e1c="Admin"]Gratis, hundreds of employees? HA![/quotef9f4452e1c]
