Anyone have a powerbook?

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08-07-2005 00:29:02

A friend of mine got one, mmmmmmmmm. So now I'm going to save up for one. I'm thinking the midsize 15 incher. I'm about to look on the apple website but are there certain places to get them for cheaper? Anything you know or could tell me about powerbooks post in this thread. Advice, suggestions, whatever.


08-07-2005 05:16:28

yea they look nice. i have been looking at ibooks as well but i do not know what the use or advantages of an ibook are to draw me away from an alienware laptop. ibooks look better and are more simplistic.


08-07-2005 07:29:51

George Why don't you focus on paying me back my money instead of buying a PowerBook, for Christ's sake, come on!


08-07-2005 08:34:33

I'm really not into Apple computers. Do you know how much software you're gonna miss out on?

ben laden

08-07-2005 10:46:40

If you want one of the nicest OSs out there on really good hardware, get the iBook or Powerbook. Personally I have an iBook because I didn't feel the extra cost for a Powerbook justified the advantages of the one over the other.