
Live forum:


06-07-2005 13:32:49

i just found out about this stie today and am wondering if its worth pursuing. the ref requirements are small so i am assuming the offers are outrageous. can anybody post a list of the offers? i am planning on just going for the shuffle but idk.


06-07-2005 13:34:33

they are casino offers thats way the refs are so low


06-07-2005 21:25:19

Here are the 3 best offers on Allthis4free right now
Casino on net (100$ deposit must wager 1000$)
Starluck (50$ deposit must wager 800$)
planetluck (50$ deposit must wager 800$)

The key to doing these offers is placing small wages with BLACKJACK
you get a 100% bonus with each of those offers so you would be gambeling with 200,100,100 D
These sites also pay very quickly it only took about 10 days to recieve payment from each of these casinos......
Allthis4free lets you Do multiple offers so under their rules
if you were to do all 3 of the offers I listed you could get an ipodshuffle without having to reffer anyone else. [b8ddd948b59]After completing your initial offer
They could Every 2 additional offers as 1 refferal.[/b8ddd948b59] so if you do all 3 of those offers you could get your shuffle without having to reffer anyone 8)
most people are put off by the high initial costs of the casino offers but it can realy work out great if you just give them a chance...