Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=17880


03-07-2005 10:05:27

Well, I have got some crappy news.
The 4nocash network is secretly planning to go out of business. shock

The owner claims "personal" issues are to blame...but from the [u265a6d676f]MULTIPLE[/u265a6d676f] sources I have talked too, everyone seems to think he is just skipping town with the offer payouts... x

He claims he will be sending out all pending orders...but havent we all heard that before? roll

Just wanted to let you all know before you give this ass any more money.
FIPG Moderators care about their members ;)

More details to follow soon.

Sluethingly Yours,
Wood D

This may or may not be true.


03-07-2005 10:10:17

That doesnt sound good at all


03-07-2005 10:21:37

I kind of had a feeling about this. When he made a post about delays on A4F


03-07-2005 10:22:36

yeah really....just as well i had no intention of doing those sites.

i thought they were actually good site to do from what id heard.


03-07-2005 10:23:57

Well, I just got trades out of them, so works out for me ) I was about to do Wifi, glad I didn't concentrate on it.

ben laden

03-07-2005 10:28:07

None of his have said Thank You to Wood for letting us know of this information. )


03-07-2005 10:30:38

thats your job Ben D


03-07-2005 10:32:25


Happy ben? )

ben laden

03-07-2005 10:34:21

[quotea6f1008670="theysayjump"]thats your job Ben D[/quotea6f1008670]

Thanks Wood!
Thank you wood, from theysayjump!
Mucho Gracias Wood, from gregcool!
Doomo Arigatoo Gozaimasu-ka Wood-san, from Crynos!


03-07-2005 10:54:50

that blows


03-07-2005 11:04:13

Wow, thanks for the heads up. I was gonna start working on minicool and actually had one green.


03-07-2005 11:07:41

Thanks Wood. Yeah this guy has got to be trying to shake down some more money. Why else would he still have offers available for completion? This sucks.



03-07-2005 11:12:56

Interesting, if this is true than I'm done. I missed the cutoff period where he paid people by about a day or so and this whole business is really starting to piss me off.


03-07-2005 11:15:52

aww damn, I was persuing minicool. i had 3 greens... oh well.


03-07-2005 12:02:19

[quotea6f896ddbb="slease"]Interesting, if this is true than I'm done. I missed the cutoff period where he paid people by about a day or so and this whole business is really starting to piss me off.[/quotea6f896ddbb]
Was there a posted cutoff period?


03-07-2005 12:58:59

[quote5a21f4a854="Crynos"][quote5a21f4a854="slease"]Interesting, if this is true than I'm done. I missed the cutoff period where he paid people by about a day or so and this whole business is really starting to piss me off.[/quote5a21f4a854]
Was there a posted cutoff period?[/quote5a21f4a854]

No, he just ran out of money until his next check comes in.


03-07-2005 13:14:49

More information

Supposedly, he is looking for another site owner to take over his sites.
I'm not sure who in their right mind would agree to such a thing, because he's already received payments from the existing credits (that he wont send out gifts for)...

As for a final ship date, I have a feeling he won't be sending out any more gifts...ever.

Thank you for the props ;)

Stay tuned for more up-to-date information...



03-07-2005 13:17:51

Where the hell are you getting this info from lol.
And it's weird because you never heard anything bad about this sites and then all of a sudden this. It doesn't make much sense.


03-07-2005 13:18:57

[quote3225c00cad="Retro"]Where the hell are you getting this info from lol.
And it's weird because you never heard anything bad about this sites and then all of a sudden this. It doesn't make much sense.[/quote3225c00cad]
I know the guys starting college in the fall so this could be part of it (the timings right)


03-07-2005 13:26:13

so f'ing gay...

He always seemed like the nicest guy...

Who can you trust nowadays. Looks like I'm sticking to Gratis.


03-07-2005 13:36:56

[quote5e561ae951="Retro"]Where the hell are you getting this info from lol.
And it's weird because you never heard anything bad about this sites and then all of a sudden this. It doesn't make much sense.[/quote5e561ae951]

Maybe you haven't been listening, but plenty of bad things have come about recently.
Check out A4F...all the talk of delays, etc...


03-07-2005 13:38:28

ah dammit.


03-07-2005 13:39:05

son of a bitch!!! i have 3/4 and 5/7 on those sites, the gifts are sooo close............


03-07-2005 13:39:29

All I saw was that one post with like 1 reply about a delay. What's the etc?


03-07-2005 13:43:57

Anyone have a link?


03-07-2005 13:45:19

[quote829cc043c9="Sonofshoe"]Anyone have a link?[/quote829cc043c9]


03-07-2005 16:57:26

What should I do?

I have 4/4 on Wifimusic but haven't done my offer yet. I'm also 5/7 on Minicool.


03-07-2005 17:00:01

Wait a while, until this is confirmed - you can't lose by not doing your offer right away - if they do go out of business, you will at least save that offer for another site.


03-07-2005 17:11:38

Thanks, Phbs


03-07-2005 17:17:32

or you can try to sneak by and see if youroffer will green. He hasn't announced this yet officially so you might be one of the "pending orders he will complete" when it does finally get announced.


03-07-2005 17:21:18

This is not true, and wood i'm going to PM you for leaking something that is not only inaccurate, but that is completely destroying the reputation of a good company. If that information was leaked, it shouldn't have been, but wherever and whoever you got it from is going to be permanently banned from anything4free (I am going to assume that info was leaked). I suggest you do do Josh's site, and you will receive your gifts.


03-07-2005 17:32:02

I hope its not true, but I do respect and trust wood.

Wood, I hope your wrong )

It makes since considering Josh never is online, never answers emails and now never responds to my tickets. I should be about 6-7 green out of 4...but of course, the last ones aren't turning green.


03-07-2005 18:57:52

[quote1df5c5eda1="twhite567"]This is not true, and wood i'm going to PM you for leaking something that is not only inaccurate, but that is completely destroying the reputation of a good company. If that information was leaked, it shouldn't have been, but wherever and whoever you got it from is going to be permanently banned from anything4free (I am going to assume that info was leaked). I suggest you do do Josh's site, and you will receive your gifts.[/quote1df5c5eda1]

Well this isnt allthis4free so take your fucking high and mighty attitude elsewhere

"wood i'm going to PM you"

is it time to get scared yet? lol


03-07-2005 19:36:15

[quotec8606f6cf2="JUNIOR6886"][quotec8606f6cf2="twhite567"]This is not true, and wood i'm going to PM you for leaking something that is not only inaccurate, but that is completely destroying the reputation of a good company. If that information was leaked, it shouldn't have been, but wherever and whoever you got it from is going to be permanently banned from anything4free (I am going to assume that info was leaked). I suggest you do do Josh's site, and you will receive your gifts.[/quotec8606f6cf2]

Well this isnt allthis4free so take your fucking high and mighty attitude elsewhere

"wood i'm going to PM you"

is it time to get scared yet? lol[/quotec8606f6cf2]

I think you mean Anything4Free Junior. And TWhite would be a reputable source of information on this matter and maybe you should hear him out and stop scaring people away.


03-07-2005 19:54:59

[quote381dfd9729="twhite567"]This is not true, and wood i'm going to PM you for leaking something that is not only inaccurate, but that is completely destroying the reputation of a good company. If that information was leaked, it shouldn't have been, but wherever and whoever you got it from is going to be permanently banned from anything4free (I am going to assume that info was leaked). I suggest you do do Josh's site, and you will receive your gifts.[/quote381dfd9729]

I'm not really sure who you are? ?

Do you have any affiliation to the site whatsoever?
Do you know Josh?
Are you just basing this on the fact that you received your gift 2 months ago?
How could information be leaked to me if it doesnt exist?
How would you know who "leaked" it to me?

Don't worry, these are all rhetorical questions... roll

[quote381dfd9729="slease"]And TWhite would be a reputable source of information on this matter and maybe you should hear him out and stop scaring people away.[/quote381dfd9729]

What makes him a reputable source of information on this matter?
I'd love to hear him out, but in that entire post he didn't really say anything...

Look, I know this sucks, and people aren't going to want to believe it, but I have substantial proof.

Do you really think I would post something like this without making sure it was 100% legitamate?
Have I ever been a source of incorrect information?

I'm not even going to argue this further.
If you don't want to believe me - fine. Do an offer. God help me if I find you bitching about it 3 weeks down the road when the domain doesnt even exist anymore roll



03-07-2005 19:59:11

Meh, I don't believe a word of it.

I think twhite is the a4f owner.

No offense wood, but who are you to know all this shit before anyone else? Josh barely even uses this site. I'd think twhite would know before you.


03-07-2005 20:01:31

PS - I posted this on the anything4free forums...

Just a simple statement saying the 4nocash sites were shutting down, and provided a link to this thread...
(I also mentioned how it was interesting how no A4F mod notified their users that they were being scammed)

The outcome?

Post deleted and I get banned.
No notice, no PM from a moderator, just instant ban.

I smell coverup

PSS - This information was found on a special moderator/priveledged persons only forum on A4F. I will be posting the full text of Josh's post within the next 12 hours.
Stay tuned.

Defiantly Yours,
Wood ;)


03-07-2005 20:05:49

Why would the owner of a4f be covering for it? He has a reputation to up hold as well...


03-07-2005 20:31:03

[quote7471824369="bballp6699"]Why would the owner of a4f be covering for it? He has a reputation to up hold as well...[/quote7471824369]

That's a good question kid.
Why don't you ask him yourself?

While your at it, ask him why I got banned, why my post got deleted, and why he hasn't even addressed the situation at hand.

One thing you can take from his post is that something was "leaked" and that there will be supreme reprocussions for the person who leaked it.

Look bballp6699, I have no reason to lie.
I thought I was doing the community a favor by not letting people get scammed.

But hey, I'll do your minicool for $25...sound good?
Didn't think so...


03-07-2005 20:38:11

[quote5e378d5e82="twhite567"]This is not true, and wood i'm going to PM you for leaking something that is not only inaccurate, but that is completely destroying the reputation of a good company. If that information was leaked, it shouldn't have been, but wherever and whoever you got it from is going to be permanently banned from anything4free (I am going to assume that info was leaked). I suggest you do do Josh's site, and you will receive your gifts.[/quote5e378d5e82]
Why was the info there in the first place?


03-07-2005 20:53:16

But hey, I'll do your minicool for $25...sound good?
Didn't think so...[/quotef2899df1ca]

Nah, I already finished. I'll send you a picture of me standing next to my computer with the paypal stub on it... 8)

<-----Not a cunt... cry


03-07-2005 21:08:43

First, I would like to say I was out of town when this went down.

Here is what I see

You're source(s) are within our Freebie Evolution forum which is a forum for site owners. Now that the news is out, there is no denying it, but I don't believe it was a scam. Who knows why. It is pure speculation on wood's part.

Moreover, the reason A4F has yet to break the news is because we respected the owner's request that we not announce it yet. A scammer, like hondaboi, would lurk and not post and not even consider alerting members of either forum that his site is a scam or he was "leaving."

Call it what you want, but twhite and I know more than wood does considering that this was leaked from a forum that is supposed to be secure. Obviously, we need to hunt down whoever leaked this.

This wasn't the way that Josh wanted the news to come out with it nor does A4F condone the "leaker's" behavior. A4F will warn it's members about sites that are shady but as it wasn't, we haven't issued an official statement. Moreover, it was the site owner's request that we don't announce it yet. Thus, we are doing exactly what we should be doing Honoring a person's request in a time of uncertainty. Again, a scammer wouldn't have even posted the slightest bit.

Oh and I'm kcsportsguy.


03-07-2005 21:14:30

It's funny how someone from the outside has to post the information to get anyone from A4F to acknowledge it.

You are worried about how Josh wanted the news to come out, so you decided to not say anything to your own members even though there is a good chance they are completing offers and working towards their free gifts in vain?

I'm sorry, maybe we just have different morals?

I'm not denying that Josh hasnt done a great job with his site.

But recently he has talked about "delays" which is fine if it's temporary...
But from the post in the hidden section of the forum, it sounded like there was a VERY good chance that it was going to be a permanent delay.

I didn't start this post in hopes of bringing attention to myself, or getting some kind of recognition.
[uc01bec5969][bc01bec5969]I did it for the fact that I dont want people to get scammed.[/uc01bec5969][/bc01bec5969]



03-07-2005 21:18:27

[quote483c6ee728="irishjayhawk"]Moreover, the reason A4F has yet to break the news is because we respected the owner's request that we not announce it yet. [/quote483c6ee728]

What if it takes 2 weeks for him to decide that he can't ship out any more gifts and that it is time to alert the forum?
Who knows how many more offers people will have completed for him in that time.

But I guess screwing 100+ people out of their hard earned money just to protect this guy's secrecy is worth it...right? roll


03-07-2005 21:19:11

[quote1bce2aaa77="wood"]It's funny how someone from the outside has to post the information to get anyone from A4F to acknowledge it.

You are worried about how Josh wanted the news to come out, so you decided to not say anything to your own members even though there is a good chance they are completing offers and working towards their free gifts in vain?

I'm sorry, maybe we just have different morals?

I'm not denying that Josh hasnt done a great job with his site.

But recently he has talked about "delays" which is fine if it's temporary...
But from the post in the hidden section of the forum, it sounded like there was a VERY good chance that it was going to be a permanent delay.

I didn't start this post in hopes of bringing attention to myself, or getting some kind of recognition.
[u1bce2aaa77][b1bce2aaa77]I did it for the fact that I dont want people to get scammed.[/u1bce2aaa77][/b1bce2aaa77]


You obviously don't have all the facts. First, he didn't want the info leaked because he was trying to find a suitable owner to take over. However, you obviously weren't told this or chose to ignore it and instantly labeled it a scam.

Scammers don't find nor even attempt to find another owner to seamlessly transfer the business to. Scammers take the money and walk (or run).


03-07-2005 21:23:11

[quote261620b84b="irishjayhawk"]Scammers don't find nor even attempt to find another owner to seamlessly transfer the business to. Scammers take the money and walk (or run).[/quote261620b84b]

Two issues here.

One, there was one major issue with his transfer model.

He has already received payment for offers.
So if someone has 4/7 on one of his sites, and he transfers ownership, is he going to transfer the money for those 4 credits over as well?

Two, if this isnt a scam, why was I instantly banned from the A4F?
It'd be one thing if i was some run of the mill newb who was just starting controversy, but that obviously wasnt the case...


03-07-2005 21:24:56

[quotea5ed6cdd49="wood"][quotea5ed6cdd49="irishjayhawk"]Scammers don't find nor even attempt to find another owner to seamlessly transfer the business to. Scammers take the money and walk (or run).[/quotea5ed6cdd49]

Two issues here.

One, there was one major issue with his transfer model.

He has already received payment for offers.
So if someone has 4/7 on one of his sites, and he transfers ownership, is he going to transfer the money for those 4 credits over as well?

Two, if this isnt a scam, why was I instantly banned from the A4F?
It'd be one thing if i was some run of the mill newb who was just starting controversy, but that obviously wasnt the case...[/quotea5ed6cdd49]

I wasn't here when you were banned so I have no idea. However, it was probably because you posted stuff that was confidental.

Also, he clearly put in his ad to other owners that he was willing to fill ALL current orders and status would (I assume) stay the same. The new owner would just have to fill orders from then on.


03-07-2005 21:30:42

[quote3227771fe5="irishjayhawk"]Also, he clearly put in his ad to other owners that he was willing to fill ALL current orders and status would (I assume) stay the same. The new owner would just have to fill orders from then on.[/quote3227771fe5]

That didn't answer my question.

If I have 4 greens when he transfers the site over to the new owner, who is going to take a hit on those 4 greens?

Spare me your assumptions, let's hear what josh has to say.


03-07-2005 21:32:48

[quotef20e68bfb1="wood"][quotef20e68bfb1="irishjayhawk"]Also, he clearly put in his ad to other owners that he was willing to fill ALL current orders and status would (I assume) stay the same. The new owner would just have to fill orders from then on.[/quotef20e68bfb1]

That didn't answer my question.

If I have 4 greens when he transfers the site over to the new owner, who is going to take a hit on those 4 greens?

Spare me your assumptions, let's hear what josh has to say.[/quotef20e68bfb1]

How would anyone take a hit on it? If the new owner stepped in when you have 4, he has a clean slate as the $$ made from those 4 filled all orders currently. Its just as if you started with 4 freebies (from the new owners perspective).

All I am saying is that you shouldn't have posted such a presumptuous post without having ALL the facts.


03-07-2005 21:35:14

I posted what facts were available to me.
Like I've been saying all along, this was done so people know what they are getting into when they consider completing a 4nocash site...

And you still arent comprehending what I'm saying.

If I have 4/5 greens, why (or HOW) would the owner get enough money to send me a gift if he's only collectin $ on that 5th referal?


03-07-2005 21:38:00

That is the "money" spent to aquire the business. Instead of paying Josh to aquire it, he will take the hit on the current people.

You posted all the facts that were available to you, but thats not something to judge a scam on. First of all, the source had to tell you that he was "leaking it" or where he got it. If I based things on the "facts that were available to me" I could spin ANYTHING ANY WAY.


03-07-2005 21:40:32

Umm yeah, this just fuckin sucks. Who says the new owner will actually ship gifts?

And what was this Josh guy's down fall? From the outside looking in, everything seemed to be fine.


03-07-2005 21:42:57

Or how about with someone in my status, I am already processing on minicool which means Josh should have already received the money for my referrals from his advertiser or he will sometime in July... What new owner would pay that sum out of his pocket? Is Josh still planning on paying me... It's very fishy to have secret discussions going on like this. He should let everyone know what is going on.


03-07-2005 21:44:13

[quotee98bb001de="Retro"]Umm yeah, this just fuckin sucks. Who says the new owner will actually ship gifts?

And what's was this Josh guy's down fall? From the outside looking in, everything seemed to be fine.[/quotee98bb001de]

Since the info has been leaked, I guess it wouldn't hurt.

He posted that he ran into "family emergency/issues" .

Before you jump on me and say that's what EVERY scammer would say, hear me out.

I don't think someone would put as much effort into the site to get it to level they were at (support and user base wise) to just leave 7months of work behind. I don't think he scammed anyone. It can happen to anyone. Perhaps his dad died, who knows? Does it matter? No, it was simply leaked information that would have gone public and should have gone public in his own words and way.


03-07-2005 21:48:32

[quote954bce6def="slease"]Or how about with someone in my status, I am already processing on minicool which means Josh should have already received the money for my referrals from his advertiser or he will sometime in July... What new owner would pay that sum out of his pocket? Is Josh still planning on paying me... It's very fishy to have secret discussions going on like this. He should let everyone know what is going on.[/quote954bce6def]

He says he would fill EVERY order already placed etc. The owner would just fill orders from then on.

Secret discussion was for owners. he was asking for support, wanting to find a suitable candidate (perhaps an owner would merge it with theirs etc) and he wanted to sort it out before going public. There would be then a seamless integration.

The fact is, none of you would know if someone hadn't leaked an owner's confidential post and then someone label it as a Scam without having ALL the facts.


03-07-2005 21:55:45

The thing is, if he isn't transferring funds with the site, freesites are not profitable enough to take a loss on the users that already have greens. It would cost whoever tookover the site a HUGE amount of money. And the only thing that 4nocash sites had going for them was that Josh was running them, so who would do them now? It's just a horrible situation for anyone working on the site.

And I think every piece of information should be made public, even if it has to be on this forum and not out of Josh's own mouth. If Josh is around or reading this, let us know what is going on before this information gets leaked in its entirety.


03-07-2005 21:55:58

[quote6b27e88fdd="irishjayhawk"]The fact is, none of you would know if someone hadn't leaked an owner's confidential post and then someone label it as a Scam without having ALL the facts.[/quote6b27e88fdd]


The fact is that there is a very good possibility people are going to get screwed out of their money and no one at a4f who knew about it was going to say anything.

Ignorant twit. What would happen if he decided he couldnt ship any more gifts out? Those people whocompleted offers in those two weeks are screwed?
Sorry, I'm not about to let that happen.

I'm a champion of the people, not some secret club where mods and owners play god


03-07-2005 22:02:22

[quote8b1d22649c="wood"][quote8b1d22649c="irishjayhawk"]The fact is, none of you would know if someone hadn't leaked an owner's confidential post and then someone label it as a Scam without having ALL the facts.[/quote8b1d22649c]


The fact is that there is a very good possibility people are going to get screwed out of their money and no one at a4f who knew about it was going to say anything.

Ignorant twit. What would happen if he decided he couldnt ship any more gifts out? Those people whocompleted offers in those two weeks are screwed?
Sorry, I'm not about to let that happen.

I'm a champion of the people, not some secret club where mods and owners play god[/quote8b1d22649c]

You are obviously thick.

First, how woudl you know if any announcement would be made? The thread was started TODAY!

Second, we were collecting ALL The facts and allowing the owner to give them to us before making the information public.

Just because you can tout yourself and FIG as the "savior of scammers" doesn't mean you were right. You even mislabled it. No one knows if it is a scam. You could have simply said 4NoCash is closing down according to my source and left it at that. No, you labeled it.

I'm sorry you can't understand or comprehend the fact that what you did was not right. You aren't the "Savior" of anything and A4F would have made an annoncement. We respect an owner's request, especially if he tells fellow owners and asks for help.

Don't go touting yourself and FIG as the "champion of the people." Plus, I won't name names nor say whether it is true, but I have HEARD of FIG mods and admins playing "god." Again, I have HEARD. I won't speculate or label. I also don't want to start a flame fest, so I won't elaborate on what I HEARD.


03-07-2005 22:04:55

[quoteb7ccacaedc="slease"]The thing is, if he isn't transferring funds with the site, freesites are not profitable enough to take a loss on the users that already have greens. It would cost whoever tookover the site a HUGE amount of money. And the only thing that 4nocash sites had going for them was that Josh was running them, so who would do them now? It's just a horrible situation for anyone working on the site.

And I think every piece of information should be made public, even if it has to be on this forum and not out of Josh's own mouth. If Josh is around or reading this, let us know what is going on before this information gets leaked in its entirety.[/quoteb7ccacaedc]

He hasn't posted again on the thread since we locked it down because of the leakage. I, therefore, can't speculate or tell you.

The main reason I posted here was to defend A4F from being bashed as a "scammer haven" by wood, defend Josh, who appears to be a legitimate owner that has run into a problem and wishes to transfer the business rather than simply close down literally screwing people and explain that this post didn't contain the full facts.


03-07-2005 22:05:15

[quotedd7be1aa65="irishjayhawk"] I also don't want to start a flame fest, so I won't elaborate on what I HEARD.[/quotedd7be1aa65]

Agreed, let's not turn it into this...


03-07-2005 22:18:40

By the way, I haven't violated any rules, so if in the event I was banned, wood wouldn't really be a "champion of the people"


03-07-2005 22:48:47

[quote7f6ba35c08="irishjayhawk"]By the way, I haven't violated any rules, so if in the event I was banned, wood wouldn't really be a "champion of the people"[/quote7f6ba35c08]
Did wood violate any rules posting over there? (note, not meant to be a smart ass comment, actually want an answer) Seems like he had a valid reason for making that thread


03-07-2005 22:50:46

I totally think Wood did the right thing here. I know I am a noob here but I am also a webmaster, and have had sites with 800+ members in the past, and can say what he did was put his members first in this situation.

He even said from the beginning believe what you will, but gave us all a heads up that there is certainly an INCREASED chance of not receiving gifts from the 4nocash network.

Now yes this is all bad PR for Josh and the 4nocash site regardless of what happens, but it is certainly not Wood's job or in his interest to keep their street credit alive (this site will not lose much traffic/members if 4nocash goes down, if anything it would get more streetcredit for providing information in advance)

The fact is Josh has had time regardless of what is going on in his life to give some sort of update, do you not think he would be thoroughly denying this if there was no truth to it? I understand that he may be working behind the scenes to resolve this, but it just goes to show there would be some truth to this if that was the case.

Sure he may be working on a deal, but it would be a huge cost (and probably not worth it in the long run) to acquire the site and pay out on members when Josh received the checks for the offers.

That's just my two cents, and I would hope a resolution is made so that no one gets ripped here, but it is unlikely.

For a site that is supposed to help members find freeoffer sites NOT to tell their members as soon as they hear strong rumors of this type of stuff is appalling, and I am glad I picked this site to be a member of.


03-07-2005 22:52:40

Wood, please date me.


03-07-2005 23:09:13

just my $0.02

i personally had a kick ass experience w/ 4nocash josh was prompt w/ support and more important, payment. i agree w/ retro why would he chuck such a smooth running and highly thought of site for nada? unless it was a legitimate reason. thats just my thought not that it matters... i had several good trades w/ cartrenroy... so i guess i cant say cuz i dealt w/ any1 smoothly that they are legit lol


03-07-2005 23:16:11

p.s. it would really suck if the sites did close down.


03-07-2005 23:33:48

fuckin shit, well i thank wood for the info, this information has surfaced and now i wont refer people i know to try and finish their sites and it looks like i probably wont even be able to.


03-07-2005 23:34:32

[quoteed77cdd4b9="Collateral"]Wood, please date me.[/quoteed77cdd4b9]

hes mine


04-07-2005 00:06:09

[quoted3e665f6a5="Crynos"][quoted3e665f6a5="irishjayhawk"]By the way, I haven't violated any rules, so if in the event I was banned, wood wouldn't really be a "champion of the people"[/quoted3e665f6a5]
Did wood violate any rules posting over there? (note, not meant to be a smart ass comment, actually want an answer) Seems like he had a valid reason for making that thread[/quoted3e665f6a5]

Burn! Nice Crynos ;)

Anyways, I don't give a damn if Josh was "looking to find an owner" (which, as other people have posted, would be near impossible as far as complication, cost, etc). The information should have been made public THE SECOND any member of the sites may lose money by not receiving their gifts, the new owner not hornoring past referrals/orders, etc.

Example If you somehow found out that a person (total stranger) stole someone's jewlery piece (valued in the thousands, since thats what these sites seem to have in debt to people), pawned it off, and spent the pawn money, but intented to raise the money back to replace the stolen jewelry, would you wait until the said stranger said "fuck it, i'm not getting it back" to tell said acquaintance it was stolen and pawned off or would you tell the person right away when you found out about it, since there is a good possibility that the said jewelry will never be seen again? Of course you'd do #2, so why should wood (or anyone else for that matter, including A4F) wait until Josh has found or attempted to find a new owner if theres a possibility that people can lose alot of money if everything falls apart (which theres a good possibility it might)?


04-07-2005 06:42:25

Thank you for the support and kind words everyone.

[quote710928dfe9="irishjayhawk"]By the way, I haven't violated any rules, so if in the event I was banned, wood wouldn't really be a "champion of the people"[/quote710928dfe9]

If I wanted to ban you, you would have been banned immediately after your first post.
But I think this is just another example of the inherent differences in how A4F mod's and FIPG mod's run their forum.
I was banned 5 minutes after posting a link to this thread on your forum.
No warning, no PM, no nothing.
Just a post delete and a ban.
Pfft, typical.

Also interesting is the fact that the A4F owner vehemently denied everything I was saying, labeling it all as hearsay in his first response on this thread
[quote710928dfe9="twhite567"]This is not true, and wood i'm going to PM you for leaking something that is not only inaccurate, but that is completely destroying the reputation of a good company. If that information was leaked, it shouldn't have been, but wherever and whoever you got it from is going to be permanently banned from anything4free (I am going to assume that info was leaked). I suggest you do do Josh's site, and you will receive your gifts.[/quote710928dfe9]

Then, as more facts came out it turned from a "complete lie" to something that "might possibly happen, but it's not definate yet".

You guys really need to reevaluate your PR methods.
Not only has 4nocash's reputation been damaged, but now you guys look like shady assholes too.



04-07-2005 06:54:51

perhaps anything4free should be a trap word? lol


04-07-2005 07:51:25

Couple things.

I didn't have any thing todo with the banning. Second, some of the mods were questioning the ban. Thirdly, you guys can think what you want but we were MORE upset with wood spinning it basically saying we gave safe haven to scammers. Thats why I had to step in. I believe that I have provided more information than wood has. If you disagree thats fine, but keep in mind I didn't spin any information. I simply typed for informative purposes. We would have informed people on A4F we're not a safe haven for scammers.

As for the banning, me and some other mods also felt that the banning was uncalled for. A simple deletion of posts would have been fine. Then if you would have posted it again, that would be grounds for banning.

However I do have one question If you guys are so much better than us and dont' ban people for no reason, how come my buddy Reds098 was banned yesturday for NO reason. That is one of the reasons I thought I should post that as I figured that you were banning a4f mods because we were interfering with your spin.

Also, twhite was trying to calm down the panic that would soon ensue. I cannot speak for what he wrote, as I have no control. You seem to think that twhite is the SOLE entity on who or what to evaluate a4f on. That is what makes us mad.

And I ask this Which would you want an owner to tell people they are having trouble (which then leads to "SCAM" posts) or an owner who seamlessly transfers over business to the suitable candidate and then announces the change and says that something, if anything, is going to change?

@vinnie - The fact is this was leaked and it was leaked the SAME day we were going to issue a statement. Its not like we harbored it for 2+ days and decided we wouldn't tell anyone. The fact is FIG just happened to post it first. Course, they didn't have ALL the info nor whether anyone would be affected etc. Those were the things we tried to keep under wraps. If you pick this site because of that, fine. Think what you want. I can't tell you what site to visit. Moreover, it isn't a strong RUMOR. it came from his mouth.

Plus, I also heard that a deal was/is being persued. Shame that the news broke before it could work.

@Crynos - Again I didn't ban him so I can't be "burned" or "owned" or anything as others have suggested. I dont' agree with the ban actually. Did he? Yes and no. Frankly it was leaked information that Josh explicitly said not to tell til later that night. He posted information that was confidental to the owners. Therefore twhite interpreted this as a violation of rules. Perhaps he thought that wood breached the forum posing as an owner. Who knows. The fact is he didn't violate any WRITTEN rules. Again, I don't agree with the ban, but seeing that if I unbanned him he would spin it another way saying that A4F is even worse is stupid.

@wood - You have never admitted to falsely labeling them as a Scam since they aren't. Also, I'd appriciate it if you would simply stop the A4F bashing and spinning of things. you broke the news mere hours before we were, on josh's behalf, going to break the news. Its not like you stumbled upon topsecret plannings of WWIII or something.

@FiPG - I don't care what you think of what wood has done, I just would like to clarify that A4F doesn't spin things to make another freebie forum look bad. We also don't falsely label business of scams and we don't harbor scammers or "rumors" regarding scammers.


04-07-2005 07:53:54

[quote06f1df4ad4="irishjayhawk"]Scammers don't find nor even attempt to find another owner to seamlessly transfer the business to. Scammers take the money and walk (or run).[/quote06f1df4ad4]

So I have had 3 out of 4 greens done for over a month now. I should have had 6-7 out of 4, but he kept telling me they never send in a no credit report, when I had receieved copies of there confirmation email. Dont you think he could have at least told me(us) not to do any offers for a little while until he figures out what to do? Of course not, I just keep paying money trying to get that last green. Thats just more free cash heading his way, and more money out of my pocket.

Thanks Josh.

Even if he is trying to find a new owner, why not let everyone know so people can stop trying to get refferals?

I had always thought the 4nocash site was one of the best, just because of the great support he had. Wow, I was wrong.

Answer my support ticket? Come back on AIM? Answer my email I sent?


04-07-2005 08:06:02

[quote51a0594359="Sonofshoe"][quote51a0594359="irishjayhawk"]Scammers don't find nor even attempt to find another owner to seamlessly transfer the business to. Scammers take the money and walk (or run).[/quote51a0594359]

So I have had 3 out of 4 greens done for over a month now. I should have had 6-7 out of 4, but he kept telling me they never send in a no credit report, when I had receieved copies of there confirmation email. Dont you think he could have at least told me(us) not to do any offers for a little while until he figures out what to do? Of course not, I just keep paying money trying to get that last green. Thats just more free cash heading his way, and more money out of my pocket.

Thanks Josh.

Even if he is trying to find a new owner, why not let everyone know so people can stop trying to get refferals?

I had always thought the 4nocash site was one of the best, just because of the great support he had. Wow, I was wrong.

Answer my support ticket? Come back on AIM? Answer my email I sent?[/quote51a0594359]

Obvously I can't comment on their service as of late. I will say that the reason they dont' spill the beans is that if the transfer was to go nicely, you wouldn't even notice until the announcment, thus not scaring anyone off. Obviously people missed that point in my other posts. Thats why we chose to wait until later that night.


04-07-2005 08:29:17

I also like how he is trading a green on any of his two sites for a green on free360xbox.com

Now, what would those greens on his site be worth...nothing.



04-07-2005 08:34:15

Man. Whenever I leave town, something always goes down. Come back from a nice weekend of bbq'ing and rollercoasters at Knoebel's, and this crap is happening ?

I've read the posts here and on A4F and attempted to look at all aspects of the story. I am a frequent member on both sites. Both have their good and bad points. I spend most of my "non freestuff" time here, but that is not important.

My thoughts are this If Josh is indeed stepping down from his sites, ok. He's looking around for a new owner? Great. However, that process could take [i3caf4b7cb8]days, likely weeks, [/i3caf4b7cb8] to hash out all of the details of owner transfership, etc. There is simply too much involved. Yes it's not like you held on to the info very long in your private forum, but I have a feeling it would not have been released anytime soon. People of the free sites need to know this information as soon as possible so that they can re-evaluate their dealings with the sites. Think of how many people might sign up in the next few days, or do a trade. Their new trust in their signup should not be mislead.

Tony White

04-07-2005 08:44:55

[quote89b9f55b42]My thoughts are this If Josh is indeed stepping down from his sites, ok. He's looking around for a new owner? Great. However, that process could take days, likely weeks, to hash out all of the details of owner transfership, etc. There is simply too much involved. Yes it's not like you held on to the info very long in your private forum, but I have a feeling it would not have been released anytime soon. People of the free sites need to know this information as soon as possible so that they can re-evaluate their dealings with the sites. Think of how many people might sign up in the next few days, or do a trade. Their new trust in their signup should not be mislead.[/quote89b9f55b42]

Those are my thoughts exactly. As potential customers of 4nocash, we need to know things ASAP to decide whether they are worth our business. I was about to sign up for WiFi because I had a great experience with Minicool in a trade, but as soon as I heard these "rumors," I scratched that thought. Even if things do work out for the best, who knows how long it will take. And with the impatient traders that frequent the trading circuit, if you don't green with a week or two (or a day or two for some people), you'll be called a scammer immediatelly. Therefore, it helps to know when a site will be having some "issues" that may result in problems. We as customers and traders have reputations to protect as well.


04-07-2005 08:49:02

[quote053fd0109b="irishjayhawk"]As for the banning, me and some other mods also felt that the banning was uncalled for. A simple deletion of posts would have been fine. Then if you would have posted it again, that would be grounds for banning.[/quote053fd0109b]
Maybe you have heard the phrase "Actions speak louder then words"?
As of right now, I am still banned. And according to twhite's announcement, it's going to be a permanent ban.
So for saying that you dont agree with it, spare me. You have done nothing to get it reversed.

[quote053fd0109b="irishjayhawk"]However I do have one question If you guys are so much better than us and dont' ban people for no reason, how come my buddy Reds098 was banned yesturday for NO reason. That is one of the reasons I thought I should post that as I figured that you were banning a4f mods because we were interfering with your spin. [/quote053fd0109b]
I'm not sure where this whole A4F vs FIPG fued is comming from...
I never claimed our forums were better than yours.
I just simply stated an OBVIOUS FACT Had the same thing happened on these forums, we wouldnt have sat on the story until Josh was ready to release it to the public.

[quote053fd0109b="irishjayhawk"]Also, twhite was trying to calm down the panic that would soon ensue. I cannot speak for what he wrote, as I have no control. You seem to think that twhite is the SOLE entity on who or what to evaluate a4f on. That is what makes us mad. [/quote053fd0109b]
Twhite was the one who banned me.
Twhite was the first to post DENYING THE ENTIRE THING.
Twhite was the one who IM'd me threatening me.
Twhite posted the announcement on A4F claiming I was full of crap, banned for life, etc

So yea, can you really blame anyone for thinking he is calling the shots?

[quote053fd0109b="irishjayhawk"]And I ask this Which would you want an owner to tell people they are having trouble (which then leads to "SCAM" posts) or an owner who seamlessly transfers over business to the suitable candidate and then announces the change and says that something, if anything, is going to change?[/quote053fd0109b]

You dont seem to comprehend anything we have been saying.
There is no feasible way for his transfer to take place without users getting screwed.
Someone is going to take a hit on all those completed offers...and its not going to be your holy Josh.
People have a right to know if they are completing offers in vain.

[quote053fd0109b="irishjayhawk"]this was leaked and it was leaked the SAME day we were going to issue a statement. [/quote053fd0109b]
Okay, now you are just lying. There was absolutely no intention of releasing this news to the forums until josh was ready.
This is what twhite and even yourself have been saying this entire time.
The information was going to be released when Josh was ready to release it, not when it SHOULD have been made public.

[quote053fd0109b="irishjayhawk"]Plus, I also heard that a deal was/is being persued. Shame that the news broke before it could work.[/quote053fd0109b]
Wait a second...
You just said you were going to break the news yesterday...
But now its back to "when its good for Josh"


[quote053fd0109b="irishjayhawk"]it was leaked information that Josh explicitly said not to tell til later that night. [/quote053fd0109b]
Enough with the lies already.
I have a copy of the entire thread. There was no mention of "later that night".

[quote053fd0109b="irishjayhawk"] He posted information that was confidental to the owners. [/quote053fd0109b]
Confidential to the owners?
I would think that information regarding a popular site going out of business shouldnt be confidential. It should be made public IMMEDIATLY.
But what do I know? I'm just a spinster who gets his jollies from saving people $1000's of dollars roll

[quote053fd0109b="irishjayhawk"]Again, I don't agree with the ban, but seeing that if I unbanned him he would spin it another way saying that A4F is even worse is stupid. [/quote053fd0109b]
I havent banned you yet. Have I even asked to get unbanned from A4F?
I had a total of 4 posts there.
My last post before I was banned was just a simple link to this thread.

[quote053fd0109b="irishjayhawk"] you broke the news mere hours before we were, on josh's behalf, going to break the news.[/quote053fd0109b]
http/" alt=""/img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-11/875903/smells_like_bullshit.jpg[/img053fd0109b]

I don't even know what else to say...
I guess it's time for the community to make up their minds (although it looks like many already have ;) )

Honestly Yours,


04-07-2005 08:55:20

[quote6e382129a5="wood"]If I wanted to ban you, you would have been banned immediately after your first post.
But I think this is just another example of the inherent differences in how A4F mod's and FIPG mod's run their forum.
I was banned 5 minutes after posting a link to this thread on your forum.
No warning, no PM, no nothing.
Just a post delete and a ban.
Pfft, typical.[/quote6e382129a5]

BULLSHIT. I was banned for mistakenly posting about my points-based site in the Gratis Points forum. (I originally believed it was for all sites). When I logged in I saw what appeared to be some kind of racially-motivated image followed by some text like "Next time follow the rules dipshit". So shut up with that, because it's nothing but bullshit.


04-07-2005 09:09:13

[quote6e104b08fd="BannerUser643865976"]BULLSHIT. I was banned for mistakenly posting about my points-based site in the Gratis Points forum. (I originally believed it was for all sites). When I logged in I saw what appeared to be some kind of racially-motivated image followed by some text like "Next time follow the rules dipshit". So shut up with that, because it's nothing but bullshit.[/quote6e104b08fd]

What the FUCK are you talking about?
I never banned you...I dont even know who you are or what site you are talking about.

What are you saying "BULLSHIT" too, anyway?
Try and formulate complete thoughts before you post on here... roll


04-07-2005 09:16:43

[Think what you want. I'm done. Plus is rather stupid to say the community made up their mind when only about 12 people spoke in here. furthermore, its on your site, so of course they would side with you as you have the power to ban me. Just like if the same thing was brought up on a4F they would probably side with a mod there. PEople side wherever the power is..in GENERAL.


04-07-2005 09:17:47

well i am glad i didnt pursue minicool. this has turned out to be a huge mess. josh does have the responsibility to let us know so we dont waste our money on offers that we could do at another site. o well.
o and fipg is better than a4f hands down. P


04-07-2005 09:19:56

[quoteb1729c918c="wood"][quoteb1729c918c="BannerUser643865976"]BULLSHIT. I was banned for mistakenly posting about my points-based site in the Gratis Points forum. (I originally believed it was for all sites). When I logged in I saw what appeared to be some kind of racially-motivated image followed by some text like "Next time follow the rules dipshit". So shut up with that, because it's nothing but bullshit.[/quoteb1729c918c]

What the FUCK are you talking about?
I never banned you...I dont even know who you are or what site you are talking about.

What are you saying "BULLSHIT" too, anyway?
Try and formulate complete thoughts before you post on here... roll[/quoteb1729c918c]

I think he was saying BULLSHIT to the fact that you were implying that FiPG doesn't ban users right away. Something you took a shot at A4F because of twhite's actions. you m ay not have banned him but his point still stands FiPG has its own issues with banning.

thats atleast my take on his post.


04-07-2005 09:24:57

[quote0aaf17ba9e="wood"][quote0aaf17ba9e="BannerUser643865976"]BULLSHIT. I was banned for mistakenly posting about my points-based site in the Gratis Points forum. (I originally believed it was for all sites). When I logged in I saw what appeared to be some kind of racially-motivated image followed by some text like "Next time follow the rules dipshit". So shut up with that, because it's nothing but bullshit.[/quote0aaf17ba9e]

What the FUCK are you talking about?
I never banned you...I dont even know who you are or what site you are talking about.[/quote0aaf17ba9e]

Jake the Gratis rep banned me.

see what irishjayhawk wrote above.


04-07-2005 09:27:12

[quote1d4e512fdf="BannerUser643865976"][quote1d4e512fdf="wood"][quote1d4e512fdf="BannerUser643865976"]BULLSHIT. I was banned for mistakenly posting about my points-based site in the Gratis Points forum. (I originally believed it was for all sites). When I logged in I saw what appeared to be some kind of racially-motivated image followed by some text like "Next time follow the rules dipshit". So shut up with that, because it's nothing but bullshit.[/quote1d4e512fdf]

What the FUCK are you talking about?
I never banned you...I dont even know who you are or what site you are talking about.[/quote1d4e512fdf]

Jake the Gratis rep banned me.

see what irishjayhawk wrote above.[/quote1d4e512fdf]

Jake probably had a good reason to to.


04-07-2005 09:29:02

Especially if you were posting in the Gratis Point Based forum about your website...

You would probably do the same thing if someone posted there site in yours...


04-07-2005 09:34:18

[quote17bdb4009a="Sonofshoe"]Especially if you were posting in the Gratis Point Based forum about your website...

You would probably do the same thing if someone posted there site in yours...[/quote17bdb4009a]

True. However, he could have simply moved it and told him (warn). banning is uncalled for in that situation. A repeat offense would warrant it.


04-07-2005 09:38:30

Wood, why waste anymore typing. You have been good and warned us here at FIPG. Let it ride now. If things fall apart with 4nocash and people get screwed, then A4F credibility and honesty, etc will take a massive hit. Their members will be highly pissed off. So, if you are positive that this is going to happen, just let it ride. You warned us, that is enough. No just wait and see what happens.


04-07-2005 09:46:06

[quote497b80f3ff="gregcool"]Wood, why waste anymore typing. You have been good and warned us here at FIPG. Let it ride now. If things fall apart with 4nocash and people get screwed, then A4F credibility and honesty, etc will take a massive hit. Their members will be highly pissed off. So, if you are positive that this is going to happen, just let it ride. You warned us, that is enough. No just wait and see what happens.[/quote497b80f3ff]

Just a question for you. How will our credibility and honesty be affected? We didn't announce it RIGHT away at the request of a struggling owner. It would perhaps affect 25 users tops. Thats why I stepped in here. FiPG seems to think that they are superior in every way to A4F. More power to you. I just don't like to see how our credibility can be hurt if we were keeping something quiet on behalf of an owner for perhaps 1-2 days. You broke the news on LEAKED info. Thats not saying much about FiPG.

Lets take this moment to do exactly what you said. Lets all let it ride.


04-07-2005 09:46:42

[quote750d25b96b="irishjayhawk"][Think what you want. I'm done. Plus is rather stupid to say the community made up their mind when only about 12 people spoke in here. furthermore, its on your site, so of course they would side with you as you have the power to ban me. Just like if the same thing was brought up on a4F they would probably side with a mod there. PEople side wherever the power is..in GENERAL.[/quote750d25b96b]

Okay, so I spent 30 minutes picking apart your entire 4 paragraph post, and [b750d25b96b]this is your only response????[/b750d25b96b]

Just stop saying "we were going to release this information that day" because everyone (including your own users) know that is complete bullshit.

And as for BANNEDUSER23209327 - Your name is Mike Richardson.
I know all about you now. So please, unless you want me revealing even more about this situation then I already have, keep your mouth shut and save your spam for gearlive.


04-07-2005 09:52:29

[quote1596f891d0="wood"][quote1596f891d0="irishjayhawk"][Think what you want. I'm done. Plus is rather stupid to say the community made up their mind when only about 12 people spoke in here. furthermore, its on your site, so of course they would side with you as you have the power to ban me. Just like if the same thing was brought up on a4F they would probably side with a mod there. PEople side wherever the power is..in GENERAL.[/quote1596f891d0]

Okay, so I spent 30 minutes picking apart your entire 4 paragraph post, and [b1596f891d0]this is your only response????[/b1596f891d0]

Just stop saying "we were going to release this information that day" because everyone (including your own users) know that is complete bullshit.

And as for BANNEDUSER23209327 - Your name is Mike Richardson.
I know all about you now. So please, unless you want me revealing even more about this situation then I already have, keep your mouth shut and save your spam for gearlive.[/quote1596f891d0]

How do you know, and for that matter, how do I know when Josh was going to respond back. It very well could have been that day. Second, how in the world do you know what our users know.

And if thats my ONLY response you obviously can't read. I responded to every other quote.

EDIT DId you edit my post? Did someone edit my post. I had clearly marked it and responded to EACH thing I quoted.


04-07-2005 09:54:01

You need to learn how to use quote tags then. I edited the post to make it readable. I apologize for deleting the other stuff you said, I didnt realize there was anything else.

Please, repost if you have the time. I want to hear what you have to say.


04-07-2005 10:16:12

[quote9acee652be="irishjayhawk"][quote9acee652be="wood"][quote9acee652be="irishjayhawk"][Think what you want. I'm done. Plus is rather stupid to say the community made up their mind when only about 12 people spoke in here. furthermore, its on your site, so of course they would side with you as you have the power to ban me. Just like if the same thing was brought up on a4F they would probably side with a mod there. PEople side wherever the power is..in GENERAL.[/quote9acee652be]

Okay, so I spent 30 minutes picking apart your entire 4 paragraph post, and [b9acee652be]this is your only response????[/b9acee652be]

Just stop saying "we were going to release this information that day" because everyone (including your own users) know that is complete bullshit.

And as for BANNEDUSER23209327 - Your name is Mike Richardson.
I know all about you now. So please, unless you want me revealing even more about this situation then I already have, keep your mouth shut and save your spam for gearlive.[/quote9acee652be]

How do you know, and for that matter, how do I know when Josh was going to respond back. It very well could have been that day. Second, how in the world do you know what our users know.

And if thats my ONLY response you obviously can't read. I responded to every other quote.

EDIT DId you edit my post? Did someone edit my post. I had clearly marked it and responded to EACH thing I quoted.[/quote9acee652be]

The whole point is that if you know something is up, you should at least tell people to take a break from the site. You didn't have to state why. If Josh is allowing business to continue(IE, making money). The transition (if there is one) would be easier if activity was stopped for now. I mean honestly, if someone would take over his site. Josh would have to pay the new owner for every offer that was done by a person that has not completed all of their refs. Meaning, Josh would lose money. No person in their right mind would take over a company like that, where a person may only need 2 more refs, so then he would have to send a gift and lose money because he wasnt the one paid for the other refs. Josh is a hell of a good guy, if he would pay someone all the money from all those offers to a new owner. Basically, he would have wasted his time doing the whole free thing, because everyone knows that free sites make money off of people that havn't completed their requirements. And the new owner would need the money from the requirements that did complete.

[quote9acee652be="irishjayhawk"]Just a question for you. How will our credibility and honesty be affected? We didn't announce it RIGHT away at the request of a struggling owner. It would perhaps affect 25 users tops. Thats why I stepped in here. FiPG seems to think that they are superior in every way to A4F. More power to you. I just don't like to see how our credibility can be hurt if we were keeping something quiet on behalf of an owner for perhaps 1-2 days. You broke the news on LEAKED info. Thats not saying much about FiPG.

Lets take this moment to do exactly what you said. Lets all let it ride.[/quote9acee652be]
As for A4F, i'm glad to see that you would rather 25 people get screwed, then trying to prevent those 25 from getting screwed. That statement alone has taken some of my trust from A4F. I hope many people read that. You side with the owner? Josh may be a nice guy, but since when do you side with a site that may be going out of business, and is trying to work things out, when you know good and well a transition to another owner would be extremely hard. I am glad to see that you side with a site owner, rather than your loyal members. Think about how many people got up and ran with their money. When Josh really sits down and thinks about a transition to another owner, he will realized that he will be screwed. It is going to be a damn miracle if he can come out of this making money from his sites if he gives it to a new owner. So, what is stopping him from leaving with his money. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he is trying to find a way to resolve the situation, but there is no logical way. SOMEONE is going to take a hit, so forum owners should at least let users pause their activity with 4nocash, until someone comes up with something. For that, I thank wood for coming out with the information.


04-07-2005 10:18:42

I agree with greg, someone will get screwed in this deal, wether it be the new owner (although who would ever take over when theyd have to pay that much), josh or the sites users.


04-07-2005 10:21:32

[quote62d976ef5b="wood"]And as for BANNEDUSER23209327 - Your name is Mike Richardson.
I know all about you now. So please, unless you want me revealing even more about this situation then I already have, keep your mouth shut and save your spam for gearlive.[/quote62d976ef5b]

Wow! You really know all about me? What's my social security number?

It takes a lot more than that to shut me up. FiPG is a slum with corrupt moderators and as far as I care anything goes.


04-07-2005 10:22:47

[quote58d21b4c88="frgt5246"][quote58d21b4c88="wood"]And as for BANNEDUSER23209327 - Your name is Mike Richardson.
I know all about you now. So please, unless you want me revealing even more about this situation then I already have, keep your mouth shut and save your spam for gearlive.[/quote58d21b4c88]

Wow! You really know all about me? What's my social security number?

It takes a lot more than that to shut me up. FiPG is a slum with corrupt moderators and as far as I care anything goes.[/quote58d21b4c88]
Youre a site owner? Whats your site so i can make sure to never ever sign up there.


04-07-2005 10:24:25

[quotee2aadfb8b5="Crynos"]Youre a site owner? Whats your site so i can make sure to never ever sign up there.[/quotee2aadfb8b5]

It's a points site. You probably fraud offers like the rest of them so you would never sign up anyway.


04-07-2005 10:28:13

this is why i stopped doing cookie cutter sites forever.


04-07-2005 10:30:47

The fact is this was leaked and it was leaked the SAME day we were going to issue a statement. Its not like we harbored it for 2+ days and decided we wouldn't tell anyone. The fact is FIG just happened to post it first.[/quote828caaed9f]

Thats why we chose to wait until later that night.[/quote828caaed9f]

I just don't like to see how our credibility can be hurt if we were keeping something quiet on behalf of an owner for perhaps 1-2 days.[/quote828caaed9f]

So, irishjayhawk, is it "several hours", is it "later that night", or is it "1-2 days", or perhaps even more? These are from your last few replies, after you said the "fact" in the first quote? Can you please enlighten us when were you [b828caaed9f]really[/b828caaed9f] going to release this information?


04-07-2005 10:30:55


I believe I saw a post by you where you would offer to take the site over. Logically, how would you do that??? How would you honestly be able to take over his site, stay legit, and make money?


04-07-2005 10:43:51

who cares A4F sucks anyways roll

I'm just glad I never attempted any of the 4nocash sites, with a name like 4NoCash I didnt ever think they would make it very far.


04-07-2005 10:45:32


I believe I saw a post by you where you would offer to take the site over. Logically, how would you do that??? How would you honestly be able to take over his site, stay legit, and make money?[/quote03d58c0eba]

It would involve the disqualification of all FiPG members lol

Actually no, but I have half a mind to do that if I actually did acquire 4NoCash sites.


04-07-2005 10:48:24

[quote46c824ad38="Insaniac"]I'm just glad I never attempted any of the 4nocash sites, with a name like 4NoCash I didnt ever think they would make it very far.[/quote46c824ad38]

What name would you suggest?


04-07-2005 10:52:37


I believe I saw a post by you where you would offer to take the site over. Logically, how would you do that??? How would you honestly be able to take over his site, stay legit, and make money?[/quoteb2f355ae2d]

It would involve the disqualification of all FiPG members lol

Actually no, but I have half a mind to do that if I actually did acquire 4NoCash sites.[/quoteb2f355ae2d]

SOMEONE will lose out. Do you plan to take a hit in the beginning?


04-07-2005 10:53:39


I believe I saw a post by you where you would offer to take the site over. Logically, how would you do that??? How would you honestly be able to take over his site, stay legit, and make money?[/quote46d1edb483]

It would involve the disqualification of all FiPG members lol

Actually no, but I have half a mind to do that if I actually did acquire 4NoCash sites.[/quote46d1edb483]

SOMEONE will lose out. Do you plan to take a hit in the beginning?[/quote46d1edb483]

It would involve an investment, yeah.


04-07-2005 10:54:46

[quotefab7a33ece="irishjayhawk"]Just a question for you. How will our credibility and honesty be affected? We didn't announce it RIGHT away at the request of a struggling owner. It would perhaps affect 25 users tops. Thats why I stepped in here. public_html\I just don't like to see how our credibility can be hurt if we were keeping something quiet on behalf of an owner for perhaps 1-2 days. You broke the news on LEAKED info. Thats not saying much about FiPG.[/quotefab7a33ece]

[quotefab7a33ece="irishjayhawk"][bfab7a33ece]You broke the news on LEAKED info. Thats not saying much about FiPG.[/bfab7a33ece][/quotefab7a33ece]

Actually, what that is saying is that our member cares more about us, then helping a site owner make money.


04-07-2005 10:58:15


I believe I saw a post by you where you would offer to take the site over. Logically, how would you do that??? How would you honestly be able to take over his site, stay legit, and make money?[/quote2a423c1f6c]

It would involve the disqualification of all FiPG members lol

Actually no, but I have half a mind to do that if I actually did acquire 4NoCash sites.[/quote2a423c1f6c]

SOMEONE will lose out. Do you plan to take a hit in the beginning?[/quote2a423c1f6c]

It would involve an investment, yeah.[/quote2a423c1f6c]

So, why not invest in starting a fresh site? Why try to take his over?


04-07-2005 11:01:37

[quote52b2a561ab="gregcool"]So, why not invest in starting a fresh site? Why try to take his over?[/quote52b2a561ab]

He's got an established site with generally good ratings. I've got a plan that can pull the site through the initial rough period after acquiring it and then it should be smooth sailing.


04-07-2005 11:11:14

Same plan as Mr'Sofa'Sets?

Does it involve
It would involve the disqualification of all FiPG members



04-07-2005 11:17:44

[quote04a4f5a801="Phbs83"]Same plan as Mr'Sofa'Sets?

Does it involve
It would involve the disqualification of all FiPG members


I just love being quoted out-of-context. Maybe your dense, but it's a joke.


04-07-2005 11:23:50

It would involve the disqualification of all FiPG members D

Actually no, but I have half a mind to do that if I actually did acquire 4NoCash sites.[/quote9a980e375b]

Ok, here is the entire quote, please tell me where am I quoting you out-of-context?

And you avoid telling what is your miraculous plan to get 4nocash out (if) they go out indeed? And who is going to lose (because someone will take a hit)?


04-07-2005 11:30:21

Can we just ban this loser? Enough argueing, wood already made his point and we know it. I actually apperiate what wood did, since it help prevent more people falling into the 4nocash scam.


04-07-2005 11:37:11

[quote0d23cdf565="frgt5246"][quote0d23cdf565="Phbs83"]Same plan as Mr'Sofa'Sets?

Does it involve
It would involve the disqualification of all FiPG members


I just love being quoted out-of-context. Maybe your dense, but it's a joke.[/quote0d23cdf565]

You were not quoted out of context at all. Your whole attitude clearly states that you would like to have some truth in your "joke".


04-07-2005 11:54:30

Yeah, you know, you caught me. If I acquire 4NoCash, all FiPG members are fucked. That's how I'll afford to send out the gifts. You FUCKING caught me.


04-07-2005 12:37:39

[quote543207e0c3="frgt5246"]Yeah, you know, you caught me. If I acquire 4NoCash, all FiPG members are fucked. That's how I'll afford to send out the gifts. You FUCKING caught me.[/quote543207e0c3]
You shouldnt run a site if youre that fucking childish, i know you werent serious, but still, even bringing that up is ridiculous since maybe 15 FIPG members have posted in here and theres over 3000


04-07-2005 12:53:50

I think a4f has acted very inapprorpriately coming here and flaming our forums(if this had happened the other way everyone from fipg would have been banned and at the very least their posts edited, I've seen it before) who made them in charge of what information gets released and when, and I think its fucked up that you would keep any beneficial information from your site users for any amount of time

Knowing this info are you guys still doing the 4nocash sites? if you're not currently doing them what if you were? are you going to start them now? If you can honestly answer yes to any of these questions then fine if not then it seems like wood did the right thing to me


04-07-2005 13:00:05

The points have been made. Everyone here is just rehashing and bickering.

I expect everyone reading this thread to make up their own minds about this. And I really really really want this absolutely idiotic and childish site "rivalry" to stop. Every freesite forum out there is run differently, has different people, and different moderation styles. One is not inherently better than another.

If someone's just dying to post here or has new information, feel free to PM me and I'll consider unlocking.