02-07-2005 10:16:25
I woke up this morning to receive an email saying a buyer's credit card company is disputing a purchase. 450.00 for a flatscreen I sold and shipped a month ago has been temporarily removed from my paypal account... I gave paypal the tracking number at UPS that I shipped the TV with but it says it can take up to 30 days to release the funds. Has anyone ever had this happen before? What was the outcome?
02-07-2005 10:24:46
They took $20 from me once for a guy using a fraud CC, but that was all ...
I disputed, but they pretty much told me, fuck you.
02-07-2005 10:29:29
Did you have the tracking # still?
02-07-2005 10:40:17
Nah, it was for a Counter Strike CD-code.
02-07-2005 12:17:25
slease as long as you have the tracking number, and it's valid, you liSHOULDli be fine.
02-07-2005 12:20:49
I'd hope so. I just saw that the address I shipped to wasn't confirmed. I never even bothered reading over the reasons to only ship to confirmed addresses til now. Now I know. Oh well, they haven't tried to charge the money to my cards yet. They only took the 35 that was in my account. I suppose I can just shuffle my credit card balances to a new card and cancel my cards.
02-07-2005 12:30:38
slease I would strongly suggest doing that. Since it's unconfirmed, all bets are pretty much off...
02-07-2005 12:34:50
shit that sucks. can't say i ever had a problem like this in all my years on ebay. i tried to dispute a few payments to cheaters from this forum recently and i won a couple with no recovered funds (
but since you didnt ship to a confirmed address, i don't think you are eligible for their protection (
02-07-2005 12:41:42
I'm not eligible for their seller protection policy, but they still say they are going to fight this.
I think its total BS. If someone loses a credit card they should be responsible for what is done with it. But I'm not really even sure if the person lost their credit card. The seller left feedback for the item with specifics that made me certain that they were the ones who opened the box.
02-07-2005 13:38:06
Yeah, after I read someone's thread about paypal disputes, I decided to start shipping to confirmed addresses only.
But I don't think it's someone elses fault that someone steals there credit card. It sucks for both parties but if someone steals my cc I shouldn't have to pay for what they did. You shouldn't either. I don't know if you would maybe be able to go after the person who's address you sent it to in court? It looks like the person just used someone elses paypal account and just added their address. They didn't steal their ebay account, b/c like you said, they left feedback and everything. I hope everything works out for you.
And it was the $35 that I sent you too wasn't it? (
02-07-2005 13:46:54
And it was the $35 that I sent you too wasn't it? ([/quoteb16426661f] Yea it was ( but if that's all they get out of this than it's alright.
You're right, it's not really the persons fault whose card was stolen... I was just jumping to conclusions. I've had a gas card stolen before and it's quite nice to have the VISA protection... but if I'd known that Visa just uses their lawyers to try and take money back from stores and sellers... that's not cool.