02-07-2005 00:46:23
My DVD burner won't work right and it's driving me crazy. When I try to burn a dvd it says please enter a blank dvd and continue, so I swap a different one in and it still doesnt work. My guess is it just thinks the blank dvds arent blank. I have DVD-R's, I know there are also DVD+R's out there, but I dont know the dif or what my burner needs and I don't know how to find that out. It could also be my softtware and at this point I dont know of any free programs that are good for dvd burning(not copying). Any helpful advise would be appreciated
The same burner won't read the blank cd r's I have but when I use other brands some work. It's driving me crazy trying to figure out why my burner has "selective burning" as I call it. SOB
help me out??
thanks, TONY DANZA
p.s. check your local listings for my daily talk show
02-07-2005 00:51:39
well if you were the REAL tony danza, then you would know how to solve the problem roll
what software are you using? does your burner support DVD+R?
i was having the same problem when i would burn dvd's and i knew the discs were empty....i think it had something to do with my version of AnyDvd was old, cos when i updated it, it worked fine after that.
02-07-2005 01:03:15
im just using the default software that came with it called "record now!", maybe I'll try updating it. I havent tried a DVD+R yet because I dont feel like buying them just to give it a shot, and I dont have any friends with one to steal.
Thanks, Tony Danza
(I should be paying somebody to do this stuff for me. I'm makin like $50 a day on my talk show. Plus I have like $1450 in the bank from the last season of Who's The Boss. That was a real moneymaker...)
02-07-2005 01:10:20
well get rid of record now and download a trial of Nero...its probably the best consumer priced dvd burning/editing/ripping software out there at the moment.
also get a trial of Anydvd, it sits in your system tray when your copying dvds and it removes the protection from the which in turn allows you to copy them D
02-07-2005 03:41:37
is the burner new or old/used?
02-07-2005 07:51:30
The burner may not be compatiable with the media
02-07-2005 07:52:22
eh. nero is good for burning dvds in some aspects. but i prefer dvd decrypter.
02-07-2005 09:04:20
My burner is about a year old it came with my HP computer (which is probably the problem.. feckin HP). ANYWAY.. I'm not really trying to copy DVDs as I usually download the DVD sources from the internet. Right now I am trying to burn the DVD Rip for Contantine which is 4.5 GB and took 2 days to download. I can still watch it with a drive emulator so I dont know why it wouldnt be compatible with my driver. The source file is a .imgurl==http://=http:///url file which is what they usually are if you rip them.
I'm going to try all the software you guys suggested til I find one that works.
Thanks, Tony Danza (The Boss)
02-07-2005 10:36:31
If you are burning DVDs you will definately need a program like AnyDVD or DVD Shrink. I'd suggest DVD Shrink. You can get it at
But if you already have the image file, download NERO. Don't use HP Software for anyhting. You should be able to use the free trial and if you don't want to pay for it there are ways to do that. But just open the Image file up in Nero and click burn and that should work.
Your main problem is trying to use RecordNow.
13-07-2005 09:31:45
use dvd decryptor, then dvd2one, then nero to burn. Or get some all-in-one software, I know of a few good ones that work great!
13-07-2005 09:42:34

http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c][img="4eab4de26c]http//[" alt=""/img4eab4de26c]
13-07-2005 09:47:51
no longer old once I replied to it, lol.

http//[" alt=""/imgceafe3af2a]