DVD Shrink

Live forum: http://forum.freeipodguide.com/viewtopic.php?t=17769


30-06-2005 21:46:36

I was wondering if anyone in around these parts uses DVD Shrink. I love it and use it all the time. It's such an awesome little program. http//www.dvdshrink.org[]http//www.dvdshrink.org Anyway I just wondered if anyone has burned dual layer at all w/ it yet, and how well does it work with that. Someday that media will be cheap too I hope shock Anyway what are your thoughts on it?


30-06-2005 21:48:30

great proggie, i use it alot. dunno about dual-layers tho, i'm guessing you shouldn't have any problems with that.


30-06-2005 21:50:45

when did dual layer become available? i knew you could burners and shit, but i didnt think the media would be available for a while.

anyway i use Anydvd and nero to burn my dvd's....works like a charm for me D


30-06-2005 21:54:10



30-06-2005 21:56:48

[quote04d474f317="theysayjump"]when did dual layer become available? i knew you could burners and shit, but i didnt think the media would be available for a while.

anyway i use Anydvd and nero to burn my dvd's....works like a charm for me D[/quote04d474f317]

It's harder to find the media for dual layer but it's out there.....that is if you're willing to pay for it....I stick w/ my 4.7 discs simply b/c I can buy em for about 40 cents a piece w/out any problem....But it sure would be nice to have the extra 3.8 gigs to work w/.


30-06-2005 22:04:17

hells yeah it would........i think most people would switch to dual layer if the prices were lowered.....$130 for 25 discs is a lot of money.


30-06-2005 22:05:26

Yes sir it sure is...money most of us don't have and that's why we are striving for free stuff ;)


30-06-2005 22:07:20

Im about to get my pioneer dual layer burner tomorrow, though i personally think DL is pointless, since its overpriced


30-06-2005 22:09:45

but someday it won't be...Just like everything else....once it's out long enough it gets cheap....just like CD-R's and DVD +/-R's and the like.


30-06-2005 22:20:40

[quoteae0383d80c="oddjob1266"]but someday it won't be...Just like everything else....once it's out long enough it gets cheap....just like CD-R's and DVD +/-R's and the like.[/quoteae0383d80c]


30-06-2005 22:22:42

the media has been available. but it defeats the whole purpose of backing up a dvd when u could just buy it new at full costs. dual layer discs cost around $9-10 last time i checked.


30-06-2005 22:55:05

Yup, and DL discs are even less compliant than single layer discs.

I love DVD Shrink, I rip out all the extra features and menus because I hate them.

I get my custom covers at ww.madvd.com you can't beat their selection.


01-07-2005 05:07:01

I get my custom covers at ww.madvd.com you can't beat their selection.[/quotef3fa705e3c]

ive been looking for a site like that since dvdcoverart got shut down