- A Note From ClearestChannel40...
19-06-2005 14:09:03
[b89bbc219f2]Okay guys...I usually do not like to spread gossip and all that, but ClearestChannel40 has contacted me via AIM and said that he is going to repay everyone that he currently owes, in the near future. He sent me a letter that he wanted me to post on FIPG Forums. He said I would receive my $20 by next Sunday, if I posted this for him...so I gave him the benefit of the doubt[/color89bbc219f2][/b89bbc219f2]
[b89bbc219f2]"Dear FreeIpodGuide,
Yes, I have been busted for my multiple accounts on Gratis Network. I am not receiving anymore products. I know this is indeed a downfall on my own part, but I guess it is what you get when you scam. I am living proof of what I could have done and didn't. I could have made more money and more gifts and yet turned to the bad side for some quick cash. I have taken money from people that I chatted with as my online friends per say. What I've done deserves no merit nor should I be rewarded, or even allowed to escape without repaying my debts. I am MasterShake14222[/color89bbc219f2]. It was my desperate attempt to try to pay you all back than ask for your forgiveness. Many scammers can easily grab and run, I was raised to do the right thing and what I did a few weeks ago, I feel like I shamed myself and everything I once stood for. I am not asking for sympathy, I am not asking for any repreives. I just want you all to email= me at email=mastershake1422@gmail.commastershake1422@gmail.com me at email=mastershake1422@gmail.commastershake1422@gmail.com/email and I will try to get your money as fast as I can. I am not sure how because I really have no income, but that is why I said I will keep on trying to send back your cash.
To Admin I have put a dent in your community and have given you guys a bad name. I do not ever expect to be on decent terms with you nor do I expect the least bit of respect but I am sorry for what I've done. I am well aware my word is nothing here and it never will be.
I do not want to scam ever again. I can't take it anymore. I want to start over, if you all could find it inside you to take my apology sincere and allow me to be enstated onto the forum under strict watch and with my standing negative TR, I am willing to cooperate with whatever the mods tell me to do. Of course, I cannot ever do Gratis sites again, and that is the price I will have to pay.
My apology is more serious than I have ever been."
19-06-2005 14:11:33
Interesting. I wasn't around for this massacre otherwise I would have better commentary.
My opinion doesn't matter so I won't say anything.
19-06-2005 14:16:12
For those of you who were wondering why I edited above...I felt the need to highlight this
[quote054ca05945][b054ca05945]"...I am MasterShake14222[/color054ca05945]."[/b054ca05945][/quote054ca05945]
19-06-2005 14:16:51
[quote66abe2863a="Blink182=Gone"][b66abe2863a]Okay guys...I usually do not like to spread gossip and all that, but ClearestChannel40 has contacted me via AIM and said that he is going to repay everyone that he currently owes, in the near future. He sent me a letter that he wanted me to post on FIPG Forums. He said I would receive my $20 by next Sunday, if I posted this for him...so I gave him the benefit of the doubt[/color66abe2863a][/b66abe2863a]
[b66abe2863a]"Dear FreeIpodGuide,
Yes, I have been busted for my multiple accounts on Gratis Network. I am not receiving anymore products. I know this is indeed a downfall on my own part, but I guess it is what you get when you scam. I am living proof of what I could have done and didn't. I could have made more money and more gifts and yet turned to the bad side for some quick cash. I have taken money from people that I chatted with as my online friends per say. What I've done deserves no merit nor should I be rewarded, or even allowed to escape without repaying my debts. I am MasterShake14222[/color66abe2863a]. It was my desperate attempt to try to pay you all back than ask for your forgiveness. Many scammers can easily grab and run, I was raised to do the right thing and what I did a few weeks ago, I feel like I shamed myself and everything I once stood for. I am not asking for sympathy, I am not asking for any repreives. I just want you all to email= me at email=mastershake1422@gmail.commastershake1422@gmail.com me at email=mastershake1422@gmail.commastershake1422@gmail.com/email and I will try to get your money as fast as I can. I am not sure how because I really have no income, but that is why I said I will keep on trying to send back your cash.
To Admin I have put a dent in your community and have given you guys a bad name. I do not ever expect to be on decent terms with you nor do I expect the least bit of respect but I am sorry for what I've done. I am well aware my word is nothing here and it never will be.
I do not want to scam ever again. I can't take it anymore. I want to start over, if you all could find it inside you to take my apology sincere and allow me to be enstated onto the forum under strict watch and with my standing negative TR, I am willing to cooperate with whatever the mods tell me to do. Of course, I cannot ever do Gratis sites again, and that is the price I will have to pay.
My apology is more serious than I have ever been."
HAHA I have no opinion on whether you should be reinstated or not. I just find it hilarious that I knew you were mastershake, without any hard evidence, and that I ttold you we were smarter and older than you but you continued to try to sucker the few that gave you a chance. Its goood your trying to repair your image but it wouldve been much better if you made this letter prior to that whole Im trying to repay my cousins debt bs. Also what was that threat to Junior about trying to get his psps site shut down. None of us approved of Junior's actions but none of us were going to report anything, that was just wrong. Wish you just made this letter from the start. Your actions the last few weeks havent done anything to help repair your image. So it might take a little more effort this time for the mods to forgive you.
19-06-2005 14:25:04
Ah man he just won't go away.
19-06-2005 14:25:25
I still can't believe people are grabbing to the hope that they are going to get repaid from him. Let's say he does repay everyone, even with intrest, theres no way he can be let back. None whatsoever. Not that he will pay back anyone/everyone anyways, he just says that to jerk everyone he scammed chains. Didn't he, under the alias Mastershake, say a couple weeks ago that some people will be paid back in a few days after the message being posted? What did that result in? Absolutely nothing, which is what is expected from him. I'm sure I speak for most if not all mods/admins that CC40 will never be let back on these forums again, regardless of what he does to repay those who he scammed.
19-06-2005 14:29:17
[quoted41ed9986e="good2speed"]Your actions the last few weeks havent done anything to help repair your image. So it might take a little more effort this time for the mods to forgive you.[/quoted41ed9986e]
[quoted41ed9986e="comppimp"]Didn't he, under the alias Mastershake, say a couple weeks ago that some people will be paid back in a few days after the message being posted? What did that result in? Absolutely nothing, which is what is expected from him. I'm sure I speak for most if not all mods/admins that CC40 will never be let back on these forums again, regardless of what he does to repay those who he scammed.[/quoted41ed9986e]
I feel like the FIG Mrs. Cleo.
19-06-2005 14:30:38
[quote88deed83dd="good2speed"][quote88deed83dd="good2speed"]Your actions the last few weeks havent done anything to help repair your image. So it might take a little more effort this time for the mods to forgive you.[/quote88deed83dd]
[quote88deed83dd="comppimp"]Didn't he, under the alias Mastershake, say a couple weeks ago that some people will be paid back in a few days after the message being posted? What did that result in? Absolutely nothing, which is what is expected from him. I'm sure I speak for most if not all mods/admins that CC40 will never be let back on these forums again, regardless of what he does to repay those who he scammed.[/quote88deed83dd]
I feel like the FIG Mrs. Cleo.[/quote88deed83dd]

http//www.psychicfriends.org/miss_cleo_big.jpg[" alt=""/img88deed83dd]
19-06-2005 14:32:57
i agree with comppimp i will not renstate him and i highly doubt he will be renstated. CC40 i know you are reading this but you have caused all this all by scamming and you did it to yourself hopefully you will repay people but i highly doubt it and its really sad that you keep these people hoping to get repaid by you. Karma is a bitch!
19-06-2005 14:34:03

http//www.psychicfriends.org/miss_cleo_big.jpg[" alt=""/imga3d11cec54]
Someone should photoshop text that reads bant on the cleo pick. Would be great to use if you see a ban coming up.
19-06-2005 14:45:51
The little boy gets his rocks off by playing headgames.
19-06-2005 14:53:16
How about this.
He is banned right now, correct.
What if he pays everybody (banned) - he pays every single one.
Will you unbann him if he pays everybody.
You guys can do something like (you cannot do more 2 or 3 trades) and you can only initiate another Trade after the other users confirm money or green from you.
Will this work, he was a good trader (becuase he was), I think that if he pays everybody then, I don't know
19-06-2005 15:00:47
[quote242878c00b="cartrenroy"]How about this.
He is banned right now, correct.
What if he pays everybody (banned) - he pays every single one.
Will you unbann him if he pays everybody.
You guys can do something like (you cannot do more 2 or 3 trades) and you can only initiate another Trade after the other users confirm money or green from you.
Will this work, he was a good trader (becuase he was), I think that if he pays everybody then, I don't know[/quote242878c00b]
There shouldnt be a condition for him paying people back. If he owes people money then he should just pay them back. There shouldnt be conditions placed on it. If paying people back will look favorable in the mod's eyes then he should try doing it and afterwards see if they have forgiven and trust him enough to allow him to continue using the forums. The mods shouldnt have to be forced to decide ok if he pays everyone back then hes cool because all weve bveen hearing is lie after lie from cc40. Let him correct himself first and then if the mods ddecide hes legit Im sure theyll let him back.
19-06-2005 15:02:57

http//www.psychicfriends.org/miss_cleo_big.jpg[" alt=""/img41f2855ccb]
Someone should photoshop text that reads bant on the cleo pick. Would be great to use if you see a ban coming up.[/quote41f2855ccb]
thats a good idea.
he scammed so he should be banned. if for any reason he needs to use these forums to contact people, so he can pay them back, i think he should be allowed. if he doesnt need to use the forums, then he shouldnt be allowed.
if every scammer came back and said, ok if i pay you guys that i scammed back, will you let me rejoin? what would happen?
they wouldnt be allowed. which is why CC40 shouldnt be allowed. it has to be all or nothing. it cant be one thing for him, and another for everyone else. of course the mods will make their/your decisions but i dont think it would be fair to allow him back in.
19-06-2005 15:04:30
[quotecd902a42da="cartrenroy"]How about this.
He is banned right now, correct.
What if he pays everybody (banned) - he pays every single one.
Will you unbann him if he pays everybody.
You guys can do something like (you cannot do more 2 or 3 trades) and you can only initiate another Trade after the other users confirm money or green from you.
Will this work, he was a good trader (becuase he was), I think that if he pays everybody then, I don't know[/quotecd902a42da][bcd902a42da]Even if[/bcd902a42da] he pays everyone back, i don't think he should be reinstated. He has said on numerous occasions he was going to change his ways. The forums are better off without him. Why we are even talking about him is beyond me.
19-06-2005 15:10:26
Couldn't stand being away from this place, could you?
19-06-2005 15:27:45
Okay guys...I usually do not like to spread gossip and all that, but ClearestChannel40 has contacted me via AIM and said that he is going to repay everyone that he currently owes, in the near future. He sent me a letter that he wanted me to post on FIPG Forums. He said I would receive my $20 by next Sunday, if I posted this for him...so I gave him the benefit of the doubt[/color20d5e57add][/b20d5e57add]
[b20d5e57add]"Dear FreeIpodGuide,
Yes, I have been busted for my multiple accounts on Gratis Network. I am not receiving anymore products. I know this is indeed a downfall on my own part, but I guess it is what you get when you scam. I am living proof of what I could have done and didn't. I could have made more money and more gifts and yet turned to the bad side for some quick cash. I have taken money from people that I chatted with as my online friends per say. What I've done deserves no merit nor should I be rewarded, or even allowed to escape without repaying my debts. I am MasterShake14222[/color20d5e57add]. It was my desperate attempt to try to pay you all back than ask for your forgiveness. Many scammers can easily grab and run, I was raised to do the right thing and what I did a few weeks ago, I feel like I shamed myself and everything I once stood for. I am not asking for sympathy, I am not asking for any repreives. I just want you all to email= me at email=mastershake1422@gmail.commastershake1422@gmail.com me at email=mastershake1422@gmail.commastershake1422@gmail.com/email and I will try to get your money as fast as I can. I am not sure how because I really have no income, but that is why I said I will keep on trying to send back your cash.
To Admin I have put a dent in your community and have given you guys a bad name. I do not ever expect to be on decent terms with you nor do I expect the least bit of respect but I am sorry for what I've done. I am well aware my word is nothing here and it never will be.
I do not want to scam ever again. I can't take it anymore. I want to start over, if you all could find it inside you to take my apology sincere and allow me to be enstated onto the forum under strict watch and with my standing negative TR, I am willing to cooperate with whatever the mods tell me to do. Of course, I cannot ever do Gratis sites again, and that is the price I will have to pay.
My apology is more serious than I have ever been."
HAHA I have no opinion on whether you should be reinstated or not. I just find it hilarious that I knew you were mastershake, without any hard evidence, and that I ttold you we were smarter and older than you but you continued to try to sucker the few that gave you a chance. Its goood your trying to repair your image but it wouldve been much better if you made this letter prior to that whole Im trying to repay my cousins debt bs. Also what was that threat to Junior about trying to get his psps site shut down. None of us approved of Junior's actions but none of us were going to report anything, that was just wrong. Wish you just made this letter from the start. Your actions the last few weeks havent done anything to help repair your image. So it might take a little more effort this time for the mods to forgive you.[/quote20d5e57add]
Rofl the funny thing is my psp arrived 2 days ago lol
MasterFAG and CC40 the same shock I didnt even
see that coming roll he sure has some nerve scamming me
out of 30$ MOCKING ME ABOUT IT, trying to get my account on hold
and now he wants to repent!?!?!
http//www.ebaumsworld.com/forumfun/negative7.jpg[" alt=""/img20d5e57add]
19-06-2005 15:31:58
CC40 did not really scam me though I lost $20 when Gratis caught him. I have no opinion. But you did scam other people and it is interesting that this has came to us after all your Gratis accounts were placed on hold, and though I lost money, I am happy that you will not profit from your lies.
Speaking as an admin or mod (If it was my site)... Without a Mod acting as a constant watch I would not trust him back, and which mod would want to do that? He was banned many times for breaking the rules and this is too little way too late. Has anyone else received as many chances than he has? If we ignore him he might fade away, but now he is just the "cat who wouldn't stay away."
CC40 if you want to pay me back which I seriously doubt, you can click on my avatar and send me an email. You know what you did and you know how to contact us. IF you relly were sincere, you would put forth effort first.
Otherwise, fairwell.
19-06-2005 16:15:48
Tell CC40 to shut the fuck up unless he pays me my money. No one wants to hear this, in two weeks, I'm so sorry bullshit.
19-06-2005 16:33:05
Blah Blah Blah
I can see that people are still holding on to a little glimmer of hope that thinks this guy will actually pay them back. [b1c78b7db54]He has no income![/b1c78b7db54] How is going to pay anyone back? How long ago was he first banned? There is no reason that he should still be talked about here. He shouldn't be let back in, because all he'll do is prey on newbies and scam again. No member who has been here to see what he did and is in their right mind would trade with him. (I hope)
Ps. This sentence doesn't even make any damn sense
I have taken money from people that I chatted with as my online friends per say[/quote1c78b7db54]
It's "per se" and you don't even use it like that.
See what happens when little kiddies try to use grown up words?
19-06-2005 16:35:09
[quotefb579d9f80="Retro"]Blah Blah Blah
I can see that people are still holding on to a little glimmer of hope that thinks this guy will actually pay them back. [bfb579d9f80]He has no income![/bfb579d9f80] How is going to pay anyone back? How long ago was he first banned? There is no reason that he should still be talked about here. He shouldn't be let back in, because all he'll do is prey on newbies and scam again. No member who has been here to see what he did and is in their right mind would trade with him. (I hope)
Ps. This sentence doesn't even make any damn sense
I have taken money from people that I chatted with as my online friends per say[/quotefb579d9f80]
It's "per se" and you don't even use it like that.
See what happens when little kiddies try to use grown up words?[/quotefb579d9f80]
I'm hungry, per say.
19-06-2005 16:38:03
Collateral are you trying to use it right? Or are you joking P
19-06-2005 16:42:24
[quoteeecb4b0991="Retro"]Collateral are you trying to use it right? Or are you joking P[/quoteeecb4b0991]
joking ;)
19-06-2005 16:42:30
This guy is like the legacy of FIG. It's disgusting.
19-06-2005 16:43:17
[quotecacf0fd1e0="Retro"]Collateral are you trying to use it right? Or are you joking P[/quotecacf0fd1e0]
lmao.....hes joking.
i hope
19-06-2005 16:43:59
yeah, I was like "wait... what?"
19-06-2005 16:44:02
It was only a week ago when he was IMing people saying he was me for paypal trades. He is scum.
19-06-2005 16:45:21
i think the only way he can pay people back, is if he scams people out of money.
19-06-2005 17:08:33
It's "per se" and you don't even use it like that.
See what happens when little kiddies try to use grown up words?[/quote59f3eeb008]
Although it wasn't the best use of the [i59f3eeb008]per se[/i59f3eeb008] it was not incorrect depending on the context he was trying to present (which was done poorly but i'm sure he had it worked out in his head).
19-06-2005 17:10:32
It's "per se" and you don't even use it like that.
See what happens when little kiddies try to use grown up words?[/quotea0e95bfbae]
Although it wasn't the best use of the [ia0e95bfbae]per se[/ia0e95bfbae] it was not incorrect depending on the context he was trying to present (which was done poorly but i'm sure he had it worked out in his head).[/quotea0e95bfbae]
WTF?? Wasn't Cinnabar banned a long time ago?
19-06-2005 18:21:23
Cinnabar has been bant before but he returns...also CC40 is not getting unbant not by me anyways and i highly doubt admin will let him back in he has had several chances all of them blown
19-06-2005 18:52:12
It's "per se" and you don't even use it like that.
See what happens when little kiddies try to use grown up words?[/quote9705aa9575]
Although it wasn't the best use of the [i9705aa9575]per se[/i9705aa9575] it was not incorrect depending on the context he was trying to present (which was done poorly but i'm sure he had it worked out in his head).[/quote9705aa9575]
oh okay, thanks for the clarification roll
19-06-2005 19:09:38
CC40/MasterFAG has been impersonating me on AIM and scamming n00bs. His 49 accounts being on hold doesnt satisfy me anymore
I want him dead.....(or at least have all his OC accounts on hold as well)
19-06-2005 19:15:07
[quote4d7657a442="JUNIOR6886"]CC40/MasterFAG has been impersonating me on AIM and scamming n00bs. His 49 accounts being on hold doesnt satisfy me anymore
I want him dead.....(or at least have all his OC accounts on hold as well)[/quote4d7657a442]
well anyways, he could just use a relatives address if his OC accounts got put on hold. But, yes he would lose his current greens...but personally...I don't think he cares about that anymore.
He got over $500 from us...if he wants to use that to get more cash or crap from free sites, it's not that hard to use a relatives address.
19-06-2005 19:24:43
[quote0831cff71a="JUNIOR6886"]I want him dead.....(or at least have all his OC accounts on hold as well)[/quote0831cff71a]
Yes the equivalence of death and having OC sites placed on hold. I think I read somewhere they were going to give this guy the death penalty but then just decided it would be more of a punishment to get all his OC sites placed on hold.
19-06-2005 19:27:21
[quotef29345f0d1="good2speed"][quotef29345f0d1="JUNIOR6886"]I want him dead.....(or at least have all his OC accounts on hold as well)[/quotef29345f0d1]
Yes the equivalence of death and having OC sites placed on hold. I think I read somewhere they were going to give this guy the death penalty but then just decided it would be more of a punishment to get all his OC sites placed on hold.[/quotef29345f0d1]
19-06-2005 19:49:04
this whole CC40 thing = too much drama, this is the internet wtf
19-06-2005 20:25:39
[quote3d9ab78a6a="geej86"]this whole CC40 thing = too much drama, this is the internet wtf[/quote3d9ab78a6a]

http//www.chocolatecityweb.com/arguing.jpg[" alt=""/img3d9ab78a6a]
This is like a bad fucking dream.

http//www.gosimowicz.plus.com/Pics/padlock1.jpg[" alt=""/img4d21cd0a93]
19-06-2005 21:13:54
Normally I'd post something worthwhile here, but I'm a bit tired...so I'll just settle for this
I can post to locked topics, bitches.
19-06-2005 22:02:58
[quoted90d76b33a="FreeOffersNow"]Normally I'd post something worthwhile here, but I'm a bit tired...so I'll just settle for this
I can post to locked topics, bitches.[/quoted90d76b33a]
As can I and good call Wood i was gonna lock it next but you beat me to it