18-06-2005 08:05:38
Do any free sites still have this offer avaliable?
I really wanted to do it because i need the usb cable that comes with it
(and i could use a digi cam for proof pics and ebay auctions) so if anyone knows of any free site with this offer (besides OC) please post it D
18-06-2005 08:51:10
You can buy that USB cable anywhere really. Just look for an "USB A to Mini-B" cable. Example http//cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=43439&item=7524071006&rd=1 . Camera isnt really that good for taking pics of objects up close since the flash most of the time is too powerful and just whites-out the picture.
18-06-2005 08:55:21
that would cost 4$ and since the travelers advantage offer only cost 1$
id be saving 4x the cash even if the camera sucks...
[quote769acf86cd="JUNIOR6886"]Do any free sites still have this offer avaliable?
I really wanted to do it because i need the usb cable that comes with it
(and i could use a digi cam for proof pics and ebay auctions) so if anyone knows of any free site with this offer (besides OC) please post it D[/quote769acf86cd]
I think freefender and freerazr sites have Travellers' advantage.
18-06-2005 20:27:46
rofl i decided to just signup for travlers advantage on psps4free
and a few minutes later im walking around my house and i see my camcorders USB cable.... It fits the psp perfectly D