14-06-2005 12:40:09
liEdited for contentli
I know we touched on this awhile ago in another thread...
Since I have my iPod mini, I don't really feel like finishing up my freephotoipods account. I currently have 5 greens and a bunch of yellows (95% probably will never go green, but there's a couple new ones, so who knows there). I have NOT yet completed my own referral for that account.
I am looking for a very specific exchange for that account, so only PM me if you meet the following criteria
You must give me greens on the following three sites (which means you CANNOT already have accounts on any of the following because I do not want to get put on hold).
Actually, the last two sites are not for me, they are for my girlfriend (but don't worry, she's signed up at her own house, so everything has been done legitimately ) I'm helping her get her own stuff now because...well, the rest of the guys out there know why Haha.
Anyways, PM me if you are qualified for those criteria...since I am offering 5 greens in exchange for only getting 3, I must insist that only people with a trade record of +25 and higher contact me. Unfortunately, I am assuming most high traders will have already done at least one of those sites, but I am offering a lot and I don't want to risk anything, so nobody below +25 please. If we agree to a trade, I will give you all of the account information and you are then free to change the password/email/etc. to make it your own. After that point, you can then complete the three offers for me, and we should be square
Thanks for looking, and thanks to wood for the proofreading to keep this post "legal."
I dont care if you are offering 100 greens on photoipods for 3 greens...with a trade record of 1 you MUST go first to any higher trade rec's
14-06-2005 12:45:07
yeah nobody will do it 1st unless youve got either at least a better trade record or a very good trade record....i think personally i would only do it with somone who had a very good trade record.
you didnt have to delete it....you couldve just said your looking for people with a high trade record and that you are willing to go 1st for them.
or something to that effect.
14-06-2005 12:46:54
Yeah, I figured that would kill me in the end...I just didn't know if what I was offering was truly considered a "trade" here or not since it wasn't a green for green deal. But that's fine, I'll just have to build my trades up or deal with a free photo ipod lol.
You can keep the offer open, just be sure to state you will go first for anyone with a higher trade record.
Also, it's "legal" to say that you will go first, but the person must have a TR of 50+.
Anyone with 49 or less won't be dealt with.
But if you dont want to go first at all, then you should wait till it gets a bit higher ;)
14-06-2005 12:57:23
liEdited...moved to topli
14-06-2005 13:00:49
have you considered being paid for the account? you could probably get more money than that of which it would cost people to green for you.....the money you do get from it could then be put towards paying people to green for you, you will +3 TR and you will still have money left over.
just an idea. D
14-06-2005 13:05:39
Ehh, I never have really wanted to get into the whole paypal thing and paying for referrals...I know a lot of people have success with it, but I just trying to get the actual referals (yes, I know I'm stubborn lol).
14-06-2005 13:09:05
lol, yeah I make no claims on doing intelligent advertising, but at least I'm honest with who I am, right? ;)
Thanks for the suggestion, though! I do appreciate the help.
14-06-2005 13:10:27
no problem......maybe you should edit your 3rd post and put it back up to the top.......thats what i would do.
14-06-2005 14:44:10
I suppose I could also go as low as a +20 TR...PM me if interested and we'll work something out.