13-06-2005 09:47:42
Why must I have such shitty luck at poker? I really used to be pretty damn good...now look at me
FLOP 8d, 5d, 7d
4th, 5th 4h, 5h
Winning hand Kh, 6d (Straight to my pocket aces)
HAND Ah, 8s
FLOP 7d, 7h, 7c
4th, 5th 8c, 4d
Winning Hand Kd, 7s (4 of a kind to my full house, 7's full of 8's)
C'mon now?????????? Can I get a break? Shit luck has forced me to stop playing for money...now I cant even hit big on PokerStars.
13-06-2005 10:23:03
normally i would post something like this just to be antagonistic, but i'm not trying to be a dick here.
what were the bets after both of those flops? in both situations there were very high hands on the table after the flop, a flush for the first hand, and four of a kind/full house for the second one. I'm curious as to whether the guy bluffed with a slow play or whether you just played your hand poorly when there were better hands on the table.
13-06-2005 10:26:12
with the pocket aces I knew someone hit the straight...but i wasn't going to fold to 20, with the second hand the guy slow played the four of a kind and i bet with him because i was willing to bet that he didn't have the fourth 7....which he did.
13-06-2005 10:35:25
lol casino games suck..... I remeber when i did the
golden palace casino offer for bestfreegear.com. I rejected the Offer bonus money cause i didnt like the cash out restrictions so I bet all 50 on one game of roluette and lost it all lol thankfully I was paid 30$ for going green on the offer and the owner of bestfreegear gives 25$ cash back so I still made 5 bucks lol
13-06-2005 11:57:03
[quoted0f6cdd891="FreeOffersNow"]Why must I have such shitty luck at poker? I really used to be pretty damn good...now look at me
FLOP 8d, 5d, 7d
4th, 5th 4h, 5h
Winning hand Kh, 6d (Straight to my pocket aces)
HAND Ah, 8s
FLOP 7d, 7h, 7c
4th, 5th 8c, 4d
Winning Hand Kd, 7s (4 of a kind to my full house, 7's full of 8's)
C'mon now?????????? Can I get a break? Shit luck has forced me to stop playing for money...now I cant even hit big on PokerStars.[/quoted0f6cdd891]
Dont mean to be a dick either but the hands you lost to are pretty crappy and shouldnt have even seen a flop if you bet your hand correctly preflop. never slow play or light play AA preflop unless your convinced someone who has already bet is holding AK or AQ in which case you most likely have him dominated. Otherwise bet it with authority. Best thing to do even earleir is bet on a smal pp ealier in the game and get called on it. If people see you bet large on low pp and you show them, they are more likely to call a similar raise later in the gamee but this time you show them Aces and they are tilting if they called your very large bet. Works like magic for me. Soemtimes you have to take big hits to make big hits. Just set yourself up so towards the end your the one making the hits.
13-06-2005 11:58:47
poker confuses me so much (
13-06-2005 12:07:25
[quoted27d32a57a="FreeOffersNow"]Why must I have such shitty luck at poker? I really used to be pretty damn good...now look at me
FLOP 8d, 5d, 7d
4th, 5th 4h, 5h
Winning hand Kh, 6d (Straight to my pocket aces)
HAND Ah, 8s
FLOP 7d, 7h, 7c
4th, 5th 8c, 4d
Winning Hand Kd, 7s (4 of a kind to my full house, 7's full of 8's)
C'mon now?????????? Can I get a break? Shit luck has forced me to stop playing for money...now I cant even hit big on PokerStars.[/quoted27d32a57a]
Apparently I am a blind ass so if you read what I wrote earlier just disregard it....I can't read.
13-06-2005 12:09:27
[quote3d96b46bed="oddjob1266"][quote3d96b46bed="FreeOffersNow"]Why must I have such shitty luck at poker? I really used to be pretty damn good...now look at me
FLOP 8d, 5d, 7d
4th, 5th 4h, 5h
Winning hand Kh, 6d (Straight to my pocket aces)
HAND Ah, 8s
FLOP 7d, 7h, 7c
4th, 5th 8c, 4d
Winning Hand Kd, 7s (4 of a kind to my full house, 7's full of 8's)
C'mon now?????????? Can I get a break? Shit luck has forced me to stop playing for money...now I cant even hit big on PokerStars.[/quote3d96b46bed]
Not to be a dick, b/c u did lose to a straight, but the winner's high hand in that first one you listed wasn't a straight, it was a flush....At least if you posted that correctly....If you're missing things like that no wonder you are getting rocked in hold 'em lately[/quote3d96b46bed]
Are you drunk you need 5 matching suits to make a flush. Please tell me how someone made a flush. You should stay away from poker. His opponent was actually drawing for a str8 flush but if he begt stronbgly on the flop after his large preflop raise. His opponent wouldve been stupid to chase a draw.
13-06-2005 12:18:56
Answer me
13-06-2005 12:41:45
Yea, I don't see the flush either. The first hand could of been a straight flush if the 4 was diamonds.
13-06-2005 20:32:17
FON, that's a tough break man. I had a similar experience last time i played poker.
13-06-2005 20:37:11
Anyone want to offer me a deal like the Pacific Poker one on another poker site? I spent all my PP money but I have a poker itch.
13-06-2005 20:44:25
[quotefcf18206d6="slease"]Anyone want to offer me a deal like the Pacific Poker one on another poker site? I spent all my PP money but I have a poker itch.[/quotefcf18206d6]
You should probably just do the one that's stickied in the trading forums, it seems to be the least likely way to be scammed.
14-06-2005 09:58:19
[quote033bc82e4d="PumaPride77"][quote033bc82e4d="slease"]Anyone want to offer me a deal like the Pacific Poker one on another poker site? I spent all my PP money but I have a poker itch.[/quote033bc82e4d]
You should probably just do the one that's stickied in the trading forums, it seems to be the least likely way to be scammed.[/quote033bc82e4d]
That's Pacific Poker. Anyhow, I was HOT last night...couldn't stop winning. We played dealer's choice and EVERYTHING (I MEAN EVERYTHING) was going my way. First hand in Omaha I had A,A?? - ended up with Aces full of 8's ) In a game of 5-card I had A,2,3,9,5, dropped the 9 and hit a 4. Next hand I was dealt 8,9,10,J,Q - needless to say I [i033bc82e4d]think[/i033bc82e4d] my streak of bad beats is over.
NOTE I got my first ever four of a kind yesterday too, ACES! )
14-06-2005 13:59:02
[quote2c92c4e1bf="FreeOffersNow"][quote2c92c4e1bf="PumaPride77"][quote2c92c4e1bf="slease"]Anyone want to offer me a deal like the Pacific Poker one on another poker site? I spent all my PP money but I have a poker itch.[/quote2c92c4e1bf]
You should probably just do the one that's stickied in the trading forums, it seems to be the least likely way to be scammed.[/quote2c92c4e1bf]
That's Pacific Poker. Anyhow, I was HOT last night...couldn't stop winning. We played dealer's choice and EVERYTHING (I MEAN EVERYTHING) was going my way. First hand in Omaha I had A,A?? - ended up with Aces full of 8's ) In a game of 5-card I had A,2,3,9,5, dropped the 9 and hit a 4. Next hand I was dealt 8,9,10,J,Q - needless to say I [i2c92c4e1bf]think[/i2c92c4e1bf] my streak of bad beats is over.
NOTE I got my first ever four of a kind yesterday too, ACES! )[/quote2c92c4e1bf]
How much money you won (total)
14-06-2005 14:13:35
$15 - lol....it was just a $5 poker game among 3 friends.
dont depend on whats in ur hand... it doesnt mean shit
2 3 off sutie can beat pocket aces
14-06-2005 14:36:26
This wasn't a post about strategy...it was a post about my being pissed off about all the bad beats I was having. I wasn't being out-played...the cards just weren't falling my way.
14-06-2005 23:26:30
cause you are uber n00ber